12 Manifestations to Help You Become a Morning Person

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Becoming a morning person can feel like mission impossible if you were born a night owl. But with the right mindset and a few powerful affirmations, you can transform your attitude toward mornings—and maybe even learn to love them. Ready to embrace the dawn? These manifestations might help.

1. “Morning Is My Favorite Time of Day”

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Even if you don’t mean it, and the sound of the alarm clock sends your anxiety skyrocketing, say this every day. Research shows our thoughts and words can influence our behavior, so commit to believing the morning is your favorite time of day. Also, as soon as your eyes open, do a full-body stretch and take some deep breaths. This will invigorate you and mentally prepare you for the fact you actually have to get up.

2. “I’m Excited for Today”

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Change your perspective about the morning and you may even grow to like it. Even if you have a million things to do, there is always something to be grateful for and look forward to every day. Create a morning ritual you enjoy and want to get out of bed for. Factor in a little extra time for a long shower, or soak, or do some pampering self-care.

3. “I Am Grateful For the Quiet Moments”

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If there is one good thing about mornings they are the most peaceful time of day. Learn to appreciate these quiet moments and use them to calm yourself and get organized before everyone starts blowing up your phone or inbox. Sit in a cozy chair phone-free to savor your morning coffee or tea, meditate, or spend a few minutes writing in your gratitude diary. Expressing gratitude also creates a more positive mindset and there’s always something to be grateful for. Like the fact, you are alive and woke up when some people didn’t.

4. “I Love My Morning Routine”

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To love your morning routine you have to have one. If you don’t, start implementing one now. Once you have developed a routine that is easy to stick to, consistency is key to maintaining it. And to become a morning person. Write down your routine and follow it to the letter for 21 days to cement it as a habit.

5. “I Feel Empowered by Rising Early”

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There’s the birds and the owls in this world and we promise those early birds are onto something. Becoming an early riser makes you feel more confident and empowered and gives you more control over your day. When you don’t waste it sleeping in, you have more time to devote to the things you enjoy or to tick off those annoying tasks you’ve been putting off. Before you go to sleep remind yourself of the benefits of waking up early. And, set a few goals of the things you want to get done to keep you inspired.

6. “I Am a Morning Person”

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Again if you say it, you may just become it. By declaring you’re a morning person (tell yourself and everyone around you) you may just adopt the habits and behaviors of a morning person. And before you know it, you’ve shape-shifted into one.  Say it with us, “I am a morning person. I am, I promise, really.”

7. “Each Day Is A Blank Slate”

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Instead of dreading waking up, flip the script. Consider mornings a blank page filled with endless possibilities to write whatever story you want. Use the morning to set intentions for the day and embrace it as a new opportunity to achieve them.

8. “I Am More Productive In the Morning”

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To walk your talk set the intention of using your morning hours to do your most productive work. This will also set the tone for the rest of your day. Create a to-do list the night before so you can dive straight in when you wake up. Make sure you go to bed early, without enough sleep the wheels will fall off.

9. “I Wake Up Rejuvenated”

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Being a morning person has a lot to do with your bedtime routine. So, again if you don’t have one change that now. We need 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep to maintain our physical and mental health and wake up refreshed and rejuvenated. The body repairs itself at night, so turn the screens off and go to bed early. If you struggle, try some sleep music or white noise.

10. “I Nourish My Body In The Morning”

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There’s a good reason people tell you breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It gives your mind and body the fuel, vital nutrients, and energy they need to sustain you throughout the day. Prepare a nutritious breakfast or smoothie and read something inspiring or motivational to start off on a positive note. Knowing you are waking up to yummy food could also inspire you to become a morning person.

11. “I Am More Motivated In the Morning”

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If you love to workout, doing your fitness regime in the morning will give you the serotonin boost you need to start your day.  If you can’t stand working out, or the mornings, make this a goal. Once you have the getting up down pat, start with a short walk or some gentle yoga each morning. And wait until you see and feel the difference. Exercising early also gets it out of the way and can be a major motivator.

12. “I Am Calm and Composed in the Morning”

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If your mornings have always been chaotic, establishing a morning routine and waking up early can restore calm. A calm morning sets the tone for a calm day. Practice deep breathing or try some yoga, prayer, or gentle stretching to keep you zen and centered.

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