16 Affirmations to Stop Feeling Like An Anxious Wreck

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Living with anxiety is no joke. There’s a lot of talk about the crippling effects of depression, but anxiety can be paralyzing and make you feel like a nervous wreck. Research shows adopting a positive, grateful mindset can change our thoughts and behavior. Affirmations are a powerful tool to help you achieve a heightened state of awareness and happiness and keep anxiety at bay when it starts creeping in. Say these daily positive affirmations every day to boost your mood and overall sense of emotional well-being.

1. “I See You, I Love You “

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The key to feeling strong and confident is practicing self-love. It’s important to prioritize your own needs, emotions, and mental health, and that starts with loving and accepting yourself for who you are—flaws and all. Start each day with a declaration of love for yourself, and watch for the shift to feeling happier and more resilient.

2. “I Control My Thoughts, They Don’t Control Me”

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Negative thinking is a vicious cycle and very anxiety-inducing. Remind yourself you have the power to control them and steer them in a positive direction. Anxiety can make us feel like we’re spiraling during those times; stop what you’re doing and focus on something else. Even focusing on something insignificant, like a tree, can snap you back into focus.

3. “I Breathe in Calm and Exhale Stress”

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Breathing is one of the easiest and fastest ways to calm anxiety. This affirmation reminds you to stop and breathe. Take a few deep breaths to induce relaxation and repeat this mantra as you breathe in and out, and you will immediately notice the shift. Sit in your favorite chair or lie down with your eyes closed and deep breath for a few minutes.

4. “I Am Safe”


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Anxiety has a nasty habit of tricking us into feeling like we’re in danger or the world is closing in when it’s not. Reassuring yourself and your inner child that you are safe and your fears are irrational. Most of what you are worrying about is in your head and never actually happens.

5. “I Am Stronger Than I Appear”

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Anxiety feeds off self-doubt and insecurity. While we may not always be as strong as we appear, we are a lot stronger than they think. This affirmation builds confidence and resilience and reinforces the idea that you are strong enough to handle any curve balls life throws at you.

6. “I Let Go of Control”

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When life feels out of control, we can feel anxious. Many things are out of our control, so clinging to the idea that you are responsible for or can influence every outcome fuels more anxiety. This affirmation encourages you to let go, focus on what you can control, and accept the things you can’t.

7. “My Anxiety Doesn’t Define Me”

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When you live with crippling anxiety, it can become a familiar but frustrating constant companion. While it can make you feel powerless at times, it is not who you are. Write a list of all the things you have achieved and want to achieve, no matter how small, and in times of severe anxiety, try to step outside your mental prison to remind yourself of all the unique character traits, values, and strengths that make you, you.

8. “I Am Happy and Grateful”

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Anxiety and a negative mindset go hand in hand. When you’re feeling stressed or anxious, an automatic response is to feel like everything is wrong. Start a daily gratitude diary, as science has proven being more grateful and mindful can create a more positive mindset and make you feel happier and more fulfilled.

9. “I Am Present and Mindful”

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Anxiety can keep you either stuck in the past or living in the future when your life is happening right now. Mindfulness is all about being grounded and calm in the present moment. Repeat this mantra to be more self-aware and, most importantly, more aware of all the wonderful things happening around you. Daily meditation is also the key to achieving mindfulness.

10. “I Deserve Peace and Calm”

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High anxiety can begin to feel like a normal state of being, and you don’t deserve to feel calm and relaxed. relax. This affirmation reminds you that you deserve inner peace and tranquility as much as everyone else. It’s also an invitation to break the cycle and embrace calm without guilt.

11. “I Trust the Process”

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Anxiety often stems from a fear of the unknown, so it’s important to take a step back and trust in the process and the journey. If you are healing from a difficult situation or traumatic childhood, recovery doesn’t happen overnight. Have faith that you are being supported by the universe, and this, too, shall pass. Remember, healing is feeling.

12. “I Am Surrounded by Love and Support”

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Feeling lonely or isolated can amplify anxiety. Remind yourself that you are not alone and you are loved and supported by friends and family. If you aren’t, join a support group and reach out to people to build a strong support network. Connection is a powerful antidote against isolation.

13. “There’s Power in Vulnerability”

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Feeling vulnerable and being able to express it isn’t weak; it’s empowering. When you can identify your fears, pain, and triggers and seek support for them, you are on the road to recovery and slaying your anxiety. Open up; a problem shared is a problem halved.

14. “I Will Overcome”

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Nothing lasts forever, even anxiety. Even when your anxiety is so bad, it makes obstacles seem insurmountable, remind yourself you have faced and overcome challenges before and will do so again. Say this affirmation every day and believe it.

15. “It’s OK to Feel All My Feels”

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It’s easy to judge yourself or become overly self-critical when you feel low and anxious. This is a vicious cycle that will also make you more stressed. This affirmation encourages acceptance and self-compassion and allows you to feel all your “feels” without harshly judging yourself.

16. “I Am at Peace with Who I Am”


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Anxiety is often caused by a lack of self-acceptance. If you haven’t yet mastered self-love, try liking yourself first. When you accept yourself for who you are and realize you are unique, beautiful, and more than enough, you can remove the pressure to be anything other than yourself.

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