15 Reasons A Sagittarius Will Never Commit

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Dating a Sagittarius can feel like a wild ride full of excitement and adventure. But if you’re looking for a long-term commitment, you might get your feelings hurt because Sagittarians can’t be tied down easily. Here’s why the free-spirited Sagittarius often struggles with settling down.

1. They Need Their Freedom

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If there’s one thing to know about Sagittarius, it’s that they are fiercely independent and value their freedom above all else. The thought of being tied down feels like a cage to them and makes commitment a daunting prospect. They want to travel and explore the world and this is more important to them than a relationship.

2. They Have An Adventurous Spirit

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Sagittarius’ adventurous nature means they’re always looking for the next thrill which usually means they are jetting off to some remote location in search of exploration. Getting into a relationship would tie them down and can seem boring compared to the endless possibilities out there.

3. They Fear Routine


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Sagittarians dread routine and predictability. They deeply crave spontaneity and adventure, something they feel long-term relationships lack so they will become bored. Even if they do commit their constant need for excitement could be exhausting and make you feel neglected.

4. They Are Brutally Honest

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Known for their brutal honesty, Sagittarians never shy away from expressing their doubts about commitment. They’re so straightforward and renowned for their bluntness that they can sometimes come off as heartless and insensitive. This makes it hard for them to develop deep connections and their partners feel like they are walking on eggshells.

5. They Are Restless Souls

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Sag’s are inherently restless and always on the move searching for their next adventure. Because of this, it’s just not in their DNA to stay in one place or with one person for too long. Don’t take it personally, it’s just them.

6. They Are Commitment-Phobic


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Out of all the Zodiac signs, Sagittarians have the most deep-seated fear of commitment. The idea of forever can be overwhelming and makes them shy away from serious relationships. They prefer to keep things light and have casual flings and can jump from one short-lived relationship to the next.

7. They Prioritize Intellectual Pursuits

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A Sagittarius is a sucker for intellectual and philosophical pursuits. This means they often prioritize their own personal growth and thirst for knowledge over relationships. They need a partner who can keep up with their mental agility, which isn’t easy to find.

8. They Are Non-Conformist


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Sagittarians are nonconformists who despise societal expectations, especially around love. They don’t want to follow the traditional path, so the idea of marriage isn’t really their thing. They want to feel free to do their own thing, when they want to, without being tied down.

9. They Crave Variety

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Whether they are hopping on a plane or quitting their job, Sagittarians have a deep desire for variety and new experiences. The thought of being in the same job or with one person forever seems limiting and unappealing and really freaks them out.

10. They Have Severe FOMO


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Sagittarians suffer from a perpetual fear of missing out (FOMO). They always want to be at the center of the action, so if you find yourself in a relationship with one, they’ll always have one foot out the door. This will make you feel neglected and unimportant.

11. They Live To Travel

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It’s no secret that Sagittarians have a love for travel and exploration. Just about everything in life, including relationships, plays second fiddle to their obsession with jet-setting around the globe in search of new experiences.  They’d rather be exploring new destinations and entertaining new people than settling down in one place.

12. They Have Unrealistic Expectations


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Despite being commitment-phobes, Sagittarians are utter romantics and can have unrealistic expectations about relationships. They often seek the perfect partner who will be as adventurous and want to travel as much as they do.  When reality falls short, they’re quick to move on, especially if you prefer structure and stability over spontaneity.

13. They Are Emotionally Detached

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Sag may be brutally honest but they can also be emotionally detached as they prefer to keep relationships fun, light, and breezy. Don’t be surprised if a Sagittarius not-so-subtly puts you in the friend zone, even if you think you are in a relationship with one or working toward that.

14. They Chase Their Dreams

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Sagittarians are eternal optimists and dreamers of the zodiac. They’re always chasing their next big goal and adventure even if it’s not realistic or unattainable. They can consider relationships to be a distraction from their personal ambitions and something that can hinder their need for freedom.

15. They Are Inconsistent


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Finally, Sagittarieans are unreliable and inconsistent by nature, which means they can be hot and cold in relationships. One minute they’re all in, and the next, they’re distant and withdrawn, making it hard to forge a stable, committed bond. As we said, they always have one foot out the door.

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