15 Reasons Aquarius Are So Damn Aloof

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Aquarians are the enigmas of the zodiac. They’re never wrapped up in drama and you never quite know what they’re thinking. If you’ve ever wondered why your Aquarius friend, partner, or co-worker seems so distant, here are 15 reasons that explain their aloof persona.

1. Born Free

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As an air sign, Aquarians value their freedom above all else and love to go wherever the wind takes them. Like Sagittarius, they don’t like to be tied down by rules, expectations, or obligations. Not because they are commitment-phobic but because they are unconventional and will buck every societal norm.

2. Deep Thinkers

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Aquarians are known for their sharp intellect, wit, and out-of-the-box thinking. They spend a lot of time in their head making them seem a million miles away. Which they are. But not in a Pisces dreamy way, they are busy innovating and creating visions for a better future.

3. Unconventional Mindset


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Aquarians are wired a little differently and love to march to the beat of their own drum. They don’t get hung up on what others think about them, not because they are arrogant or disinterested, they are just unconventional. This can make them seem detached, but they are just busy processing all their big quirky thoughts.

4. Emotional Detachment

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It’s not that Aquarians don’t have emotions—they simply process them differently than other signs. Where a hotheaded Aries would flip out and react instantly, an Aquarian would analyze and intellectualize their feelings. To do that they need a little distance which can come off as cold and detached to those around them. Give them a moment and they’ll come back with something so insightful all will be forgiven.

5. Humanitarians at Heart


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Though this may surprise you, Aquarians care deeply about the world so they often focus their energy on humanitarian causes instead of the mundane of day-to-day life. They also have one foot firmly in the future, so while this may seem aloof they’re just committed to making a difference.

6. Guarded Nature

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It’s not easy to earn the trust of an Aquarius. They’re incredibly cautious about who they let into their lives, and this guarded nature can come off as aloofness. Once you get to know them, you’ll learn they’re highly emotional and deep creatures. They just don’t suffer fools and you better come at them with lots of intellectual stimulation.

7. Innovators and Visionaries

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Aquarians are always looking to the future to see where they can innovate. These pioneering visionaries are out to change the world and always leave their mark on it. As a result, Aquarius is busy thinking about what’s next, rather than focusing on the here and now which makes them seem distant. Or on another planet. Because they are.

8. Need for Alone Time

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Aquarians need their space and alone time to recharge their social batteries. Not that they are overly social. Their conversations happen in their head which can make them seem awkward. It’s also exhausting so they need to recharge away from the hustle and bustle of daily life. This need for solitude can make them seem aloof, but it’s simply their way of preserving their sanity. Or trying anyway.

9. Tight Social Circles

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Aquarians aren’t ones for having enormous social circles, and can even come off as socially awkward. They’d rather have a few friends who they can have meaningful connections and conversations with over a whole network of people and skim the surface. And forget the small talk, they want to understand the meaning of life and how we can revolutionize airline travel.

10. Strong Sense of Self

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They know a lot, but if they know one thing Aquarians know who they are and what they stand for. Though their outwardly aloof nature can be mistaken for being vague or flighty, these zany oddballs have a very strong sense of self. They just don’t need to blast it to the world, they’d rather prove it with their intellectual chops.

11. Non-Confrontational


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Aquarians loathe confrontation and drama. When it comes to getting into arguments, an Aquarius will emotionally detach and probably just walk away. This might make them seem cold and emotionless but it’s more about keeping the peace. They also don’t have time for energy-sucking drama, the future is coming fast.

12. Intellectual Over Emotional

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Aquarians prioritize intellect over emotion. They might be unconventional but they are logical, not emotional beings which can make them seem unfeeling or distant. Show them proof of a situation and they will take it, analyze it, and then give you their thoughts and feedback. Which may blow you away.

13. Adventurous Spirit

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Aquarians are an honorary fire sign because they seek out and thrive on new experiences and adventures. Like Sagittarius, they love to travel and their constant quest for novelty can make them seem restless and detached. For them going to far-flung places is less about exploration and adventure than gaining valuable insights into humanity so they can work out how to save it.

14. Detached Observers


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Aquarians would rather observe social situations than take part in them. While this may make them appear mysterious or anti-social, they are just taking it all in before deciding how to engage. When they do step forward, don’t expect them to come with rapid-fire communication like their fellow air sign Gemini. But what they will say will have you thinking.

15. Air of Mystery

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There’s an air of mystery that surrounds Aquarians. They keep their cards close to their chest which is part of their allure and magic. Though this enigmatic quality can make them seem aloof, it’s what makes an Aquarius an Aquarius. Don’t try to get in their heads, it’s like a giant computer server in there, accept them for who they are and give them a wide berth.

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