15 Reasons Virgos Are Actually Unhinged Under That Orderly Facade

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Virgos are earth signs so they are grounded, stoic logical and appear to have it all together. However, if you look past that orderly, perfectionist facade, you’ll find that Virgos are actually unhinged and a little crazier than you think.

1. Hidden Anxiety

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Beneath their stony exterior, you’ll often find that Virgos struggle deeply with high levels of anxiety, worrying about everything from small everyday matters to existential crises.

2. Perfectionism Overload

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Virgos strive for perfection in everything they do which is why they’re often labeled as rigid and orderly, but in actuality, this relentless pursuit can drive them (and in turn, everyone else around them) a bit mad.

3. Chronic Overthinking

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Virgos might appear calm and collected on the surface, but they’re chronic overthinkers. They can turn even the most simple decision into a complex problem, overanalyzing every tiny detail and you may never even notice.

4. Secret Control Freaks

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Virgos are a polarizing sign, a big reason for this is because they’re secret control freaks. Their intense desire to be in charge can lead to moments of tension, particularly with more free-spirited signs like Sagittarius or lone wolves like Leo.

5. Highly Critical

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Virgo’s perfectionist tendencies also make them critical by nature. Whilst they’re usually their own biggest critic, their neurotic judgment also extends to others. This tends to come across as nitpicky and harsh, causing tension in relationships.

6. Obsessive Compulsive

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It’s no secret that Virgos are orderly and organized. But their love for order and structure can border on obsession, with their day feeling ruined if something is out of place or not absolutely perfect.

7. Repressed Emotions

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Virgos are deep feelers and thinkers, however, they tend to bottle up their feelings to maintain their orderly facade, leading to a rare occasional emotional outburst when they can’t hold it in any longer.

8. Serious Hypochondriacs

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As we said before, Virgos are chronic overthinkers. One of the most pervasive things you’ll find them ruminating over is their health. Virgos are often overly concerned about their well-being, constantly researching symptoms and convincing themselves they have rare diseases.

9. Refusal to Delegate

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Virgos’ control freak tendencies mean that they often find it hard to trust others with tasks. Their downfall is believing they are the only ones who can do it right, leading to burnout from taking on too much.

10. Faked Aloofness

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Being an earth sign, Virgo’s tendency to focus on details can make them seem detached and unapproachable. However, when they let you in, you’ll learn that this is just them masking their deep sensitivity.

11. Surprisingly Indecisive

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Despite their organized nature, Virgos can overthink a task which means that when it comes to crunch time they struggle to make a decision.  They can be paralyzed by the fear of making the wrong choice because they will beat themselves up forever.

12. Workaholic Tendencies

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They throw themselves into their work to the point of exhaustion, often neglecting their personal lives, relationships health. They are very detail-oriented and success-driven and work to them is a way to appear grounded, in control, and hide their emotions.

13. Harsh Self-Critics

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Whilst Virgos can accidentally be critical of their friends, family and colleagues, they’re generally their own biggest critic. Virgo’s inner critic is relentless, causing them to doubt their abilities and accomplishments, no matter how impressive they are.

14. Fear of Failure

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Because perfectionism is in their DNA, to Virgos, the idea of failing is terrifying and unacceptable. This drives them to work excessively hard to try to live up to their ridiculous high stands which causes them undue stress and anxiety.

15. Inner Conflict

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Though they play it cool on the surface, you’ll find underneath, that Virgos have deep internal conflicts about letting things go. Whether it’s a past mistake or a grudge, Virgos will ruminate over a perceived mistake or flaw forever.

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