15 Reasons You Always Need an Aries at a Dinner Party

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1. They Exude Confidence

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If you want to liven up your dinner party list, always invite an Aries. Ram’s are like fireworks; fun, fiery, the center of attention, and a little on the loud side. They exude confidence and charm and will captivate the entire table either in a good or a bad way, but it’s sure to be interesting and unforgettable.

2. Their Energy is a Total Vibe

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Aries’s high energy and excitable personality (they are the babies of the zodiac) is a vibe and can be contagious. They will keep the conversation and party lively and given their impulsive nature they could keep the surprises coming too. Aries love to overshare, dominate the conversation, express their opinions (in a blunt and tactless way), and live to spar over a topic.

3. Their Natural Born Storytellers

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Aries have a talent for drawing everyone’s attention so they can regale some exciting, shocking or captivating story (especially about themselves), often talking in a loud animated way and using plenty of hand gestures. It can be hard for anyone else to get a word in but these natural storytellers can really bring it. You may find yourself on the edge of your seat in suspense, laughing out loud, or shaking your head over how brutally honest they are.

4. They’ll Make a Bold Fashion Statement

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Aries are also natural-born leaders; they don’t follow trends they set them. As they love attention and always want to be the center of it, they will use fashion to make a bold and daring style statement to ensure they stand out and add a little flair to the party. As if their big personality wasn’t enough.

5. They Are Killer Conversationalists

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Aries are Lit. Their love for adventure, travel, and new experiences can make for interesting and diverse topics of conversation. Even if they don’t know what they are talking about, they are so confident in what they are saying you’ll be mesmerized and take them at their word.

6. They are Generous Enthusiastic Hosts

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Aries are like kids, they are always so excited for a party. As hosts, they are warm and generous and will go all out to create a next-level experience for their guests from the food to the wine and the entertainment (which usually is them).

7. They are Brutally Honest

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Aries are nothing if not brutally honest. They don’t know any other way and this can come across as blunt, tactless, and even offensive. You either fall completely in love with an Aries or they totally rub you up the wrong way. At a dinner party, their straightforwardness will lead to refreshing and genuine conversations and maybe a few ruffled feathers.

8. They’ll Start the Party

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It’s not so much about inviting Aries to the party, they are the party.  During dinner, they’ll keep the laughs and conversation flowing and when its time to get the after party started, their on it. They might suggest a joint sharing session, a game, or even bring out the fireworks. You can never really know what to expect but you’ll likely never forget the evening.

9. They’ll Push the Boundaries (and a few buttons)

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As the gods and goddesses of war, a passionate conversation or heated debate is second nature for Aries. What they see as connection, you may consider aggression. They love to make bold daring statements with words as much as clothes, often to provoke a reaction and flame the fire a little bit. It’s part of the fun and they don’t at all mean to insult or offend you, maybe challenge a little and make sure you remember them (doubtful you’ll forget).

10. They Have a Fun, Youthful Vibe

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As mentioned Aries is the firstborn of the zodiac, so they haven’t lived as long as the old soul Pisces (last on the zodiac). This makes them playful, childlike, and kinda immature but in a fun way. They look and act much younger than they are and that youthful energy can really invigorate the room.

11.  The Are Hilarious

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The combination of their youthful energy, provocative nature, bluntness and love of storytelling makes Aries wickedly funny. Nothing is off limits, especially themselves, and given their sharp wit and how much they get off being the center of attention, they will have you in stitches laughing out loud all evening. Humor and anger are both their love language.

12. They are Attention-Seeking

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Aries are dynamos so they don’t really need to seek out extra attention but they do. Once they have worked the crowd and have them eating out of the palm of their hands, they’ll pull something new out of their bag of tricks. Don’t be shocked if they start dancing on the table, flashing their underwear or going to any crazy length to own the spotlight.

13. They Boost Everyone’s Mood

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Aries does everything with intensity. They play hard and they love hard and so they make it a mission to ensure everyone is having an amazing time (not just any old time) . They’ll also make it their job to uplift the spirits of those around them and will go to the ends of the earth to support, encourage and elevate the lives of those they love, especially if anyone is suffering. Aries will always fight for the underdog.

14. They Could Start an Argument

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Speaking of fighting as we said Aries loves an argument. And they are quick to offend people with their strong opinions and provocative conversation. They aren’t afraid to get into it with anyone, in fact they prefer it, it gives them life and will also liven up the party. So if all hell breaks loose or someone leaves early, that’s Aries for you.

15. They’ll Stay to the End

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It won’t of course be Aries that leaves early. They don’t want to miss a thing. They’ll dance all night and ensure they have the last word and if you’re lucky they might even help you clean up.

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