The Zodiac Signs Most Likely to Go Broke And Why

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How likely you are to spend or save money and whether or not you will end up broke could be influenced by your star sign traits. Impulsive spending, a taste for luxury, or selfless generosity could leave your bank account lacking and your wallet empty. Using astrology as a guide (not that we consider it our financial advisor) we rank the signs most likely to spend big and go broke.

1. Sagittarius: The Adventurous Spender

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Sagittarians love adventure and live to explore and travel the world. They live in the moment and thrive on new experiences so have no trouble splashing out on plane tickets, dining at a fancy restaurant, or spontaneously signing up for a new club or expensive membership. Their attitude to money can be reckless as they prioritize experiences over investments. To avoid going broke Sagittarians should learn how to create a realistic budget that allows them to indulge their adventurous spirit but leaves some money to eat. Saving or setting aside money for their next trip in advance rather than booking the airfare on the fly will help.

2. Leo: The Lavish Lion

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Leos love to look amazing and be the center of attention so they’ll spend lavishly on designer clothes, extravagant parties, VIP memberships, and expensive skincare and beauty products. They love to keep up appearances and live life to the full but they do need to set limits on spending and learn to prioritize financial planning. Cutting back on daily expenses and modest luxuries like their daily cup of joe, or researching a more affordable lipstick can help them bank a little to fun their indulgent lifestyle and wardrobe.

3. Gemini: The Impulsive Shopper

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Geminis go through life with a childlike curiosity always craving new experiences and the latest, greatest gadgets. Their impulsive and unpredictable nature makes them susceptible to spur-of-the-moment purchases and they can obsessively buy stuff they can’t afford and lose interest in it fast. Geminis need to be more mindful of their spending habits and take a moment before buying something. Creating a wish list and setting a waiting period before pulling the trigger can stop them from constantly depleting their bank accounts.

4. Libra: The Indulgent Overspender

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Libras love beautiful things and culturally stimulating experiences so they can overspend on fashion, expensive art, gifts, chic coffee table books, shows, and exhibitions. They aren’t reckless with cash, in fact, they are rather conservative but when they fall in love with something they have to have it. As people pleasers they will also drain their reserves keeping up with the Jones. Libras do understand the need to budget they just need to learn to say no, prioritize what they can spend money on, and employ their sharp researching skills to find gorgeous, stylish items that are a little more affordable.

5. Pisces: The Generous Spendthrift

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Pisceans are overly idealistic and don’t have a relationship with money. That’s a real-world issue and they live in a fantasy land. They often spend money to escape reality, so they’ll invest in art, rare books, their music collection, or pay for others when they can’t afford it as they love making people happy. Pisces needs to better understand money, set financial boundaries, prioritize their own needs, and save some coin for practical expenses.

6. Aquarius: The Eccentric Investor

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Aquarians are zany, and offbeat and tend to spend their money on unconventional things like cutting-edge technology, funding a new charity they are passionate about, or books and courses that fuel their desire to learn and innovate. They are future-focused so make risky investments and financial decisions without thinking about the here and now. Setting realistic financial goals and consulting with an advisor can help them balance their innovative spirit with practical long-term financial planning.

7. Cancer: The Emotional Spender

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Cancers are sensitive and emotional and their home is their happy and safe place so they will often spend money to create a comfortable, nurturing environment. They are most likely to overspend on home decor, expensive food to cook the family dinner, gifts to make everyone happy, and their creative passions like art. When their emotions get the better of them they also succumb to emotional spending. Cancers should be more discretionary when it comes to spending and focus on more meaningful, low-cost ways to show their love and affection.

8. Taurus: The Luxury Lover

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Tauruses appreciate the finer things in life so they spend big on luxury items like high-end fashion, gourmet food, and designer pieces for their home. Comfort and stability are the key to their happiness and they will spend excessively to create a cozy and secure environment. Taureans need to learn the difference between wants and needs and budget for occasional splurges without compromising their financial stability or depriving their taste for luxury.

9. Aries: The Impulsive Spender

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Aries always act fast and impulsively and are the opposite of risk-averse. They live totally in the moment and love anything shiny and new which can translate into spontaneous spending and endless impulse buys. Rams will literally spend money on anything as long as it gives them a rush and their competitive nature means they may overspend to outdo others. Aries should practice restraint when it comes to spending money and not always jump in head first, especially as they get bored as soon as the thrill passes. They also need to think more long-term when it comes to their finances and grow up a little.

10. Virgo: The Perfectionist Purchaser

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Virgos are grounded and pragmatic so they are more conservative with their money and will save for the future. The problem is their perfectionist nature can make them over-critical of themselves so they’ll happily fork out on anything that looks like self-improvement like an expensive gym membership, a healthy meal subscription, or a decadent facial. Virgos should exert their attention to detail to set more realistic financial goals and prioritize savings over spending to be so damn perfect, although a therapist might be a good investment.

11. Scorpio: The Secretive Spender

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Scorpios are intense, secretive, and low-key obsessed with mysterious otherworldly hobbies and activities. This may influence them to secretly spend money on tarot card readers, philosophy books, transformative courses, or unhealthy behaviors like gambling. Even if they are spending practically, you will never quite know what they are up to financially. Scorpios need to be more transparent and accountable with their finances and track their spending to see where they may be throwing money away unnecessarily.

12. Capricorn: The Financial Realist

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Capricorns are responsible and disciplined with their finances as they value security and are excellent at planning and saving for the future. They prefer to spend money on practical necessities, though they will happily invest in anything that could benefit their professional goals, like an executive course, a new suit for work, or a state-of-the-art phone and laptop. If anything Capricorns should learn to live a little by allowing themselves the occasional indulgences, after all balancing career and playtime is not their forte.

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