The Most Attentive and Affectionate Husbands Based On Their Zodiac

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It’s important to do your homework on your crush as it can save you a lot of heartache down the road. If you believe in astrology, the star gazing practice can offer great insight into your potential partner’s character traits and tendencies so you can see if they are marriage and husband material.

1. Pisces

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Pisces are dreamy, romantic, and in love with the idea of love (they are also pretty great in bed). Their vision of connection is full of fantasy, affection, and going out of their way to make their partner happy. The fish will never shy away from PDA in fact it’s second nature to them. They will shower you with the kind of attention and affection you see from Hollywood rom-coms.

2. Taurus

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Taurueans are all about touch as physical contact is important to them in a relationship and they value this over small talk or communicating their emotions. They prefer to show affection in private but as they are a little possessive they may engage in PDA to mark their territory and ward off any unwanted attention. This is likely to be an arm around you or a hand on your back to guide you.

3. Capricorn

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Capricorns are loyal and attentive but mostly show affection in the bedroom. They may not initiate affection but if they know it will make you happy, they will go along with it in public (to an extent). If they do this remember it doesn’t come naturally and is a reflection of their genuine interest and commitment. Caps are more likely to show love and affection through acts of service like planning a trip, taking care of the finances, or keeping the house in order.

4. Cancer

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Cancer is a water sign (like Pisces) so they too are sensitive, emotional and hopeless romantics. They thrive on nurturing their partner and relationship so you can expect candlelit dinners, romantic gifts and plenty of attention and affection in and out of the bedroom. On the downside they are strongly guided by their emotions and can get hurt easily, so are prone to mood swings and withholding affection if they feel neglected.

5. Scorpio

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Scorpios are serious, intense, and fiercely private so don’t expect too much PDA. On the other hand, physical contact is a priority for them so you can anticipate them to unleash their deepest most passionate desires in the bedroom. They are attentive in their own way but they are more passionate and intense rather than openly affectionate.

6. Virgo

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Virgos are methodical and express their love and affection in more practical ways. As perfectionists, they are good lovers because they put pressure on themselves to excel in all areas of their lives. What’s missing a little is attentiveness as they tend to prioritize work and practical matters over relationships and emotions. They are highly self-critical so may also struggle to verbalize affection for fear of being vulnerable.

7. Gemini

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Geminis are the twins of the zodiac so their dual personality can make them flighty and inconsistent. They’re super flirty but a little on the surface so this can make them seem inattentive. They are naturally warm so showing affection isn’t a problem, but showing up every time you need them can be. They’re also capable of being two-faced so they can be warm and affectionate one moment and cold and combative the next.

8. Aries

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Aries are fiery and passionate and will have no trouble showing warm affection. The trouble is their impulsive nature can mean they fall out of love as fast as they fall into it. Attention can also be an issue as they can be self-absorbed and rush around jumping into anything and everything head first leaving little energy left for themselves let alone anyone else. They are also impatient so although they love and fight hard, they don’t have time to go too deep into conversations or issues.

9. Sagittarius

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Sagittarius are a fire sign so they are warm and passionate and tend to show affection through exciting adventures and planning fun trips. They will support and encourage their partners to pursue their dreams and ambitions and they need you to give them the freedom to go after theirs. Keeping the relationship lively and dynamic is important to them, so if it becomes boring or monotonous they may not be overly attentive or affectionate.

10. Leo

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Leos are a proud, fiery, passionate fire sign and love being in love. They are warm, generous, and affectionate to their partners provided they feel adored and are the center of their world. Attention can be an issue as they are a little self-centered and if they feel neglected or overshadowed don’t expect to receive too much attention or affection.

11. Libra

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Libra is an air sign that is ruled by Venus the planet of love and beauty. They are romantic at heart and feel balanced when in a happy, peaceful relationship. They won’t go overboard on PDAs as they are a little shy and their attention can drift as they are often in their head. Provided the relationship is harmonious and there is plenty of mental stimulation they will engage in passionate conversations and show you warm, genuine affection (in private).

12. Aquarius

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Aquarians are also air signs and they are the most innovative and unconventional of the zodiac. They value their independence and thrive on intellectual stimulation so like Libran, they can be too in their heads and come off as distant and aloof. If a partner can match their smarts and is passionate about the causes they are (like saving the animals and the planet) they will be more attentive and affectionate.