The Worst Zodiac Signs at Setting Boundaries in Relationships

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Setting healthy boundaries is an important element in any relationship. It helps you stay in control of your life and reduces your chance of getting manipulated, hurt, or harmed by the actions of others. Astrology tells us that certain zodiac signs find it difficult to establish boundaries because they’re more concerned with pleasing people than doing what’s best for them.

1. Aquarius

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Aquarians have trouble with boundaries because of their unconventional attitudes and way of life.  They live mostly in their head so aren’t routine followers nor do they subscribe to rigid ways of thinking. Once they have their minds set on something, it can be very difficult to get them to change it. When they’re in love, they can let their partner dominate but that’s mainly because they then feel free to focus on innovating (again in their minds).

2. Pisces

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Pisces has a fear of abandonment and rejection so that makes setting and enforcing boundaries very difficult. They tend to put the needs of others above their own and will do everything in their power to continue being loved by their partner. They’re terrified of saying no and would rather put up with things they don’t like than run the risk of their partner getting angry or breaking up with them. Plus they are total daydreamers who live in their imagination and there aren’t any rules or boundaries there.

3. Taurus

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Taurus can struggle with setting boundaries because their sense of self-worth is shaky and they tend to get their security from their relationship. That said they hate when their routine or stability is threatened so they will voice their needs calmly and rationally and expect them to be respected. They aren’t overly emotional so their boundaries are more around home, practical, or work matters. When it comes to feelings or affection they’ll let things slide or overgive rather than rock the boat.

4. Gemini

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Geminis can be a little unpredictable and on the surface so even if they have boundaries you may not be aware of them. They may not either as they can find it hard to make up their mind about what they want and what they don’t. This explains why they are non-committal in relationships. Their biggest, often unspoken, boundary is to let them have their freedom and allow them to explore. Oh and accept their two-faced personality.

5. Cancer

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Cancers are super sensitive and hate being responsible for anyone’s disappointment or pain. They are afraid to set boundaries (even though they really want to and need them) so they end up agreeing to a lot of things they don’t want to do. They’d rather be disappointed in themselves than watch their partner be unhappy but this can fuel resentment and cause them to retreat into their shell feeling neglected. When it comes to Cancers’ boundaries, never yell at, criticize, or hurt their feelings.

6. Leo

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Leos are strong self-confident leaders so they aren’t afraid to set boundaries. That said they are constantly trying to keep up the appearance of having it all together which leaves them little time to check in with themselves and work out whether they are overloaded and overwhelmed. When they do set boundaries you better believe you should never cross or disrespect them as Leos will give you 50 shades of drama. The biggest one is you must adore them, make them the center of your world, and never steal their limelight.

7. Scorpio

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Scorpios are intense and tend to behave in extremes. They’re either dominating and in control of their relationships or submissive, both of which are because they trust no one so they tend to their walls up. They can have a hard time identifying and maintaining boundaries and balance because they are all-or-nothing people, especially in relationships. One minute they’re guarding their boundaries fiercely, the next they’re completely ignoring them.

8. Sagittarius

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Sagittarius has no problem setting boundaries as they have a strong sense of self and will protect their freedom and independence at all costs. If they feel restricted or you disrespect their boundaries except to be cut in half with a quick slip of the tongue. Sag’s are tactless and blunt and have a Master’s degree in oversharing. This is where boundaries can become a problem for them, as they blur their own lines of what should or shouldn’t be divulged in a relationship.

9. Aries

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Aries are direct, assertive, and straightforward, which makes them queens at setting boundaries. They are not afraid to speak up for themselves and are clear about what they want and what they don’t want. They may have a little trouble honoring their own boundaries as they are impulsive and don’t love structure and routine. Don’t ever cross their boundaries as Aries are feisty little creatures who will say things they later regret.

10. Libra

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Libras strive for harmony and balance in their relationships so setting firm boundaries can be challenging. Especially as their indecisive nature means they can never make up their mind about what their boundaries are. The scales prefer to avoid conflict and as they can be people pleasures have trouble saying no or asserting their needs. They are smart however and recognize the importance of having boundaries so everyone can maintain a sense of inner peace. Being rude or unkind to a Libra or anyone in their presence is the worst way to cross their invisible boundaries.

11. Virgo

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Virgos are practical, methodical, and detail-oriented so they can set clear, concise boundaries. These signs value order and structure and because they are perfectionists they will communicate their desires and limits so everything runs smoothly. Virgos also have an analytical mind so they are good at assessing situations logically and working out any red flags. They aren’t quite so good at identifying and expressing their emotions so their boundaries are often around work and professional goals.

12. Capricorn

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Capricorns are masters are setting boundaries at work and in their relationships. They are structured, responsible, and disciplined (to the point of being emotionally cold) so they take a clear, practical, and direct approach to implementing and maintaining boundaries. Consistency is key for Capricorns; once they set a boundary, they strictly adhere to it and you better do the same as their partner. Capricorns have high standards for themselves, especially around career so their boundaries are often about not interfering with their goals for long-term success and stability.