The Zodiac Signs Ranked From Nicest To Meanest

While your sun sign can be summed up with a few keywords, what you do with your traits varies from person to person. Each has good and bad aspects. We’re taking a look at each sign from the nicest you’ll encounter to those who people seem to always describe as mean.

1. Virgo

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Not all earth signs are as grounded and balanced as Virgo. As a mutable sign, Virgo is known to go with the flow, which makes them easy-going and down to earth. The ease they exude makes them seem like such friendly people. They tend to get along with everyone they encounter, but they’re also easily taken advantage of.

2. Pisces

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Pisces is represented by two fish, one light and one dark. It’s all about balance for this sign. As a water sign, Pisces rules the emotions. While Cancer is the leader of this element, Pisces are far more kind to strangers than their crab cousins. Pisces will give you the shirt off their back, but if you break their boundaries, they’ll swim away and may never come back.

3. Cancer

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Cancer people are sometimes seen as emotional wrecks because they’re so engrossed in feeling everything. All three water signs are emotional, but Cancer’s emotions focus on family and themselves mostly. If Cancer considers you part of their inner circle, you can always expect them to be there when you’re in need.

4. Sagittarius

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Sagittarians tend to have outgoing personalities that make them liked by many. On the other side of the coin, though, they’re disliked by those who don’t appreciate Sagittarians’ boisterous personalities. Sagittarius is not just the archer; they are the travelers of the zodiac—always on the lookout for a new adventure, and while they don’t mind going it alone, they are the type to take a friend along for the ride with no strings attached.

5. Libra

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Being an air sign, Libra is a chatter. Air signs are the zodiac’s communicators, and some do it better than others. Because of their balanced lives and minds, Libras are the best at communicating with others. Seen as the scales, they can tip either way, but they’re more likely to start nice and adjust depending on how you treat them.

6. Aquarius

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This is the second air sign on our list, and though Aquarius is known to be pretty independent, they are also humanitarians. Aquarius wants to help people, but they must also care for themselves first. If the Aquarian in your life seems a little standoffish, give them time to work through their stuff, and then they’ll be ready to help you.

7. Scorpio

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Scorpio is seen as dark and mysterious, and because of this, some people think they’re mean. While this zodiac sign is often mistaken as a passion-fueled fire sign, they are instead an emotion-fueled water sign. What’s all of that have to do with being nice? Scorpio may have a stinger, but unless you get on their bad side, they’re the type of people who would happily give you the shirt off their backs.

8. Leo

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Much like Scorpio, fiery Leo is seen as someone who only thinks of themselves. However, if you take the time to get to know a few Leos, you’ll find that some out there care as much about the people in their lives as they care about themselves. Like all signs and all people, not all Leos are alike, so some would rather primp in the mirror for hours than help a friend in need.

9. Gemini

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Of all the misunderstood signs, Gemini is likely one of the most hated. They’re seen as flighty and two-faced — they are the Twins, after all, so they’re battling with two personalities in one person. One side of Gemini is all about the outside world, while the other is inward-looking. The outside-facing Gemini wants everyone to be happy, while the inward personality would rather stay in hiding and be alone.

10. Capricorn

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Capricorn is a workaholic, sometimes making them appear slightly less than pleasant. Work comes first for them, and it’s not that they don’t like you; they’re just too busy with their packed schedules. Even at work, Capricorn is less likely to make friends and more likely to keep their noses to the grindstone.

11. Taurus

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The bull can be bull-headed. Taurus is an earth sign, so they love luxury but also like it when they can save money and have someone else do the work for them. It’s a balance thing. While they can seem nice at first glance, beware of Taurians who are only out to use you.

12. Aries

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The leader of the zodiac Aries, is the first sign, and they show their position by being stuck on themselves. Okay, not all Aries are conceited, but they want to be number one, making them seem mean to someone who hasn’t gotten a chance to get to know them. They can also be jealous, especially if they’re getting less than someone they think they’re better than.

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