15 Things You Should Never Say To A Sensitive Pisces

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If there is a single star sign that exudes sensitivity, it’s the fish. I ought to know — I’m a Pisces myself. We’re known for being empathetic and sensitive, and for those who are around us, it can be somewhat difficult to understand why we are the way we are. Though we are pretty easy to please, we also can be pretty easy to offend or hurt. If you want to keep the Pisceans in your life happy avoid saying these things to them at all costs.

1. “You’re way too sensitive.”

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Yes, we Pisceans know we’re sensitive. Saying this just makes you sound like a jerk, and you’re not helping us feel better. Love us for who we are, emotional breakdowns and all.

2. “If you don’t come then I don’t know if…”

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Emotionally blackmailing anyone is never OK, regardless of what it’s for. When you do this to a fish, though, it’s just plain cruel. Pisceans don’t stand up to bullies very well, and their empathic nature makes this form of bullying particularly vicious. If you don’t want to traumatize a Pisces, avoid this at all costs.

3. “You could lose some weight.”

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Saying this to anyone is asking for a fight, but it’s especially bad with Pisceans. Fish need to have a lot of reassurance, and this can easily wreck their entire week.

4. “I don’t want to go to that art gallery/concert/poetry slam…”

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Anything that involves art is a favorite of the fish, and they’ll be pretty disappointed if you don’t come with them. After all, art, music, poetry readings, and anything of a creative nature is best when shared with friends according to the fish.

5. “Why do you wear all those weird clothes?”

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Pisces girls have a tendency to show how they feel through their clothing choices, and trying to stifle that tendency will make them pretty upset. With Pisces, if you want to love them, love their style.

6. “Passive-aggressive, much?”

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Passive-aggressive behavior is a very Piscean trait, sadly. Unfortunately, telling a fish to be more direct will usually backfire. They aren’t aggressive by nature so it can be hard to express their anger or disappointment.

7. “You’re nuts.”

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Guys love to invalidate women with this line, and it’s a serious peeve for Pisces girls. We can’t help how emotional we get at times. Calling us nuts when what we are is artistic, imaginative, and a little off with the fairies, isn’t helping us get a better grip on whatever situation it is that’s making us mad.

6. “I don’t want to look at your art, sorry.”

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This is hurtful to any artist, and Pisceans are definitely not the exception. The fish may be the rule. Most Pisces favor creative careers; many of them are talented artists, painters, and poets, and given their highly-sensitive nature if you criticize them or don’t take an interest, it will hurt deeply.

7. “Cheer up, buttercup.”

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Pisceans who are dealing with something heavy do not want to hear someone telling them to cheer up. If anything, this might actually cause them to get angry at you. A better option would be to be there for them, offer any help needed, and let them cry it out.

8. “Why do you always need to be with someone?”

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Pisceans are hyper-affectionate, and go a little bit nuts if there’s no one to receive all that love. Saying this not only can be hurtful to the Piscean in question but also can be a good way to alienate yourself from them.

9. “I don’t believe in the paranormal.”

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The fish is the most spiritual sign in the zodiac, and it shouldn’t be a shocker that many Pisceans believe in paranormal things. Saying this won’t necessarily offend them, but it will make them feel like you’re narrow-minded.

10. “Did I tell you about the time I….”

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If there’s one thing Pisceans truly despise, it’s a bully. Any form of violent behavior or cruelty is a quick way to get them to back away from you. So never tell a story where you acted aggressively to anyone as it’s a total turn-off.

11. “I’m not a fan of animals.”

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Saying this to a Pisces girl will likely weird her out, or just plain turn her off from you. What kind of person doesn’t like kittens or dogs or any cute animal for that matter?

12. “Get your head out of the clouds.”

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Pisces are dreamers. Dreamers gonna dream, and haters gonna hate. The fish love to escape reality by creating, they are usually very talented artists, writers, poets, and musicians. They are also great lovers, it’s like an art form to them.