The Best and Worst Love Matches for Romantic Libra

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Librans are known for their love of romance and next-level flirting skills. Charming, diplomatic, and always striving for harmony and balance, they feel off-kilter when not in a relationship. They are chronically indecisive, so locking one down can be a challenge. These are the signs most likely to complete them and the ones that they will never really be sure about.

1. Taurus

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Although they have different elements, Libra and Taurus make a fantastic couple. They have many similarities, but one of the most important is their love of romance. Both signs are passionate without being overly fiery. Libra loves to pamper their partner, while Taurus loves to be pampered—it’s a win-win. Plus, both signs have a taste for the finer things in life. This couple is destined for many indulgent Valentine’s Day.

2. Gemini

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Gemini is an air sign like Libra, so they make a great couple because they tend to understand what makes each other tick. Both love adventure and changing the routine, so they will likely find happiness in the same places. Gemini usually gets bored in relationships, but with Libra being the Casanova of the zodiac, that won’t be a problem. Libra and Gemini have compatibility in spades.

3. Leo

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Leo and Libra often become a couple that everyone else envies. These two are great at public displays of affection and typically demand the room’s attention. Leo may be a show pony, but beneath that façade, they have a fiercely loyal nature, which Libra tends to look for in a partner.

4. Pisces

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Libra knows how to make their partner feel special. With Pisces’ sensitive nature, they will likely be completely carried away by Libra’s declaration of love and affection. Both of these signs like to take on the role of nurturer in the relationship, so they may have to compromise to share the load. Amazing things can happen when Libra’s wisdom matches Pisces’ creativity. The only downside of this combo is that both signs tend to be procrastinators. Their relationship has potential, but getting off the ground may take a while.

5. Aquarius

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These two air signs often fit together very well despite their differences. Aquarius is more of a free spirit who loves being single, while Libra craves a deep and meaningful relationship. However, Libra is likely to find Aquarius’quirky nature fascinating. Not much impresses Aquarius, but they might find themselves swept up by Libra’s love spell.

6. Virgo

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Virgo makes a pretty good match for Libra. While Virgo can sometimes be too much of a logical earth sign to fit well with the romantic Libra, both signs desire loyalty, stability, and commitment. They can make each other happy if they get over their personality differences. Virgo has to loosen up a bit, while Libra should practice being more practical.

7. Sagittarius

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The relationship is filled with passion and fireworks when Libra and Sagittarius get together. There are differences to overcome since Sagittarius loves to roam free, and Libra craves commitment. But both signs value romance and enjoy charming their partner’s pants off. When they can make it work, it’s usually the stuff of love stories.

8. Aries

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Aries and Libra make an okay couple, but they have to learn to meet each other in the middle. The good news is both signs are faithful and full of energy. The bad news is that Aries can be too fiery for Libra, a natural peace-maker. Libra may find this headstrong sign overbearing, while Aries may take Libra’s passive nature as a sign of disloyalty.

9. Scorpio

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Scorpio and Libra are too different to make a great couple. Although anything is possible, Scorpio tends to be too controlling and possessive of Libra. This sign values commitment, but they also like to be free to look at what’s around. Additionally, Libra is all about fairness, while Scorpio doesn’t mind resorting to any means necessary to get what they want. These two signs are likely to misunderstand each other and aggravate each other.

10. Cancer

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Even though Cancer and Libra both prioritize stability in a relationship, their differences tend to come between them. A water sign, Cancer, is often too emotional for Libra, who can feel overwhelmed by this sign’s mood swings. They may also find Cancer to be too needy. By the same token, Cancer may find Libra dismissive and cold as they operate with logical reasoning rather than emotions.

11. Capricorn

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Capricorn and Libra are stark opposites, not in the “opposites attract” way. This tends to be Libra’s worst match because the differences between these two signs stop them from forming a real connection. Capricorn is all about working hard and tends to have a reserved personality. They’re not likely to appreciate Libra’s romantic gestures and may be annoyed by the air’s indecision. Libra can find Capricorn to be too grumpy and neurotic.

12. Libra + Libra

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When two Libras come together, harmony, balance, and mutual understanding are the foundation of their relationships. Both appreciate beauty, culture, and intellectual stimulation and value fairness and compromise, which helps them navigate conflicts with grace. However, their shared indecisiveness means they will never ever make a decision. But at least they can hang out in peace, enjoying all their beautiful artwork and chatting about all the beautiful new things they want to buy.