The Best and Worst Romantic Matches For Capricorns

Capricorns are strong-willed, ambitious, and have a reputation for being workaholics. They are so focused on their professional goals that they can often put their personal relationships and hobbies on the back burner. On the positive side, these earth signs are grounded and patient and thrive on security and stability. While they may not be everyone’s cup of tea, some zodiac signs are great love matches for Capricorns, while others will just butt heads with them (we’re looking at you, Aries).

1. Capricorn + Taurus (Best Match)

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Given that they are fellow earth signs, Taurus is an extremely compatible match for Capricorn. Both are logical thinkers and communicate with honesty. Taurus has a reputation for being stubborn, which is not a bad thing when faced with Capricorn’s domineering nature. Capricorn is a hard worker who loves to make money, and Taurus loves to spend it. They are also the only sign in the zodiac with a work ethic that could can meet a Capricorn at their level.

2. Capricorn + Virgo

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In the work ethic competition, Virgo would come in at a close second. It’s no coincidence that Virgo is another earth sign—these reasonable and consistent signs will value each other’s reliability and common sense. It takes a tough character like Capricorn to withstand Virgo’s demand for perfection. Virgo also puts a high value on structure and stability like Capricorn but is independent enough to deal with them being all consumed by their other goal-smashing ambitions.

3. Capricorn + Aquarius

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Capricorn isn’t the most nurturing or affectionate sign, even when they’re in love. That’s why an aloof sign like Aquarius usually makes a great match for them. Aquarius rarely takes things personally and gives their lovers the freedom and space to live their own lives. While the rational Capricorn might not always understand the abstract ideas of Aquarius, the differences between these two signs may bring a balance to the relationship, and both stand to learn something.

4. Capricorn + Capricorn

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When two Capricorns join forces in a romantic relationship, their partnership will be built on mutual respect and shared goals. Both are driven, disciplined, and hardworking, so they have the potential to become the ultimate power couple. They approach their relationship with the same commitment they devote to their careers so they will form a stable and enduring bond. Trouble may brew, given their shared tendency to prioritize work and long-term planning over spontaneity and emotion. So, their relationship could begin to feel more like a business partnership than a passionate love affair. This dynamic duo needs to make a concerted effort to inject warmth and fun into their connection to keep the romance alive.

6. Capricorn + Leo

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As a fire sign, Leo may experience some frustrating and exploding moments when in a relationship with Capricorn. That’s what happens when two strong personalities come together, especially when one is cold and calculated and the other thrives on passion and spontaneity. Leo could be the answer to Capricorn’s prayers since this sign brings all the fun that the super-serious Capricorn is lacking. Although Capricorn may get annoyed with Leo’s craving for the spotlight, Leo could also be just what Capricorn needs to loosen up and enjoy life.

7. Capricorn + Libra

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On one hand, a relationship between Libra and Capricorn can be a good thing. These two signs are both intelligent, polite, and agreeable. On the surface, they share many of the same values. However, with Libra being a true romantic at heart and Capricorn being more of a workaholic, this relationship could also lead to some resentment. Libra may be able to romance Capricorn and steal their heart away, or they may get bored with the earth sign’s serious approach to life and decide (assuming they can make a decision) to move on.

8. Capricorn + Gemini

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Air and earth signs in a relationship tend to run into problems. Capricorns (earth) thrive when they are grounded in a routine. Meanwhile, air signs (Gemini) hate any form of restriction or monotony. A relationship between Capricorn and Gemini may burn out quickly as Gemini gets stir-crazy when stuck in Capricorn’s structured, stable lifestyle. Capricorn may also get fed up with Gemini’s need to bounce from place to place, activity to activity, and person to person. In rare cases, though, Capricorn may be able to bring the focus that Gemini needs to stick it out and found comfort in security.

9. Capricorn + Pisces


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Generally, Pisces is much too sensitive to last with a Capricorn. Known for their honesty and slightly harsh demeanor, Capricorn could easily leave this emotional water sign in tears. Pisces, on the flip side, is known for their compassion and expressing their love, which might come across as needy to Capricorn. Plus, Capricorn would likely get sick of Pisces’ tendency to dream rather than act.

10. Capricorn + Cancer

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If Pisces is too sensitive for Capricorn, Cancer is way too sensitive for Capricorn. As a water sign, Cancer turns to emotion the same way that Capricorn turns to logic. While Cancer will likely find Capricorn to be cold, brutal, and neglectful, given their work obsession, Capricorn might find Cancer’s mood swings and clingy nature hard to take. That said, these two could also fill each other’s needs, as Cancer loves to nurture and create a cozy, beautiful home. Meanwhile, Capricorn prefers to go out to work but would be happy to be looked after at home.

11. Capricorn + Sagittarius

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Although Sagittarius and Capricorn are both strong-willed, there are too many differences between them for a relationship to succeed. Sagittarius loves to roam free, and Capricorn loves to set boundaries. Capricorn sees black and white, and Sagittarius sees technicolor. Capricorn is cool and collected, and Sagittarius is as fiery as they come. A relationship between these two would feature clash after clash after clash.

12. Capricorn + Scorpio

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If there’s one sign that Capricorn should try and avoid, it’s Scorpio. This intense water sign approaches love in a completely different way from Capricorn. While the latter prefers to keep work and home separate, Scorpio allows love to consume them. Scorpios can also be jealous and possessive, so they won’t take well to an overly independent and career-obsessed partner so this will become a bone of contention.

13. Capricorn + Aries (Worst Match)

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The fact that both like to wear pants puts Aries and Capricorn in jeopardy. These two signs may initially bond over their strong opinions and ambition, but that’s where the similarities end. Capricorn is practical, disciplined, and focused on long-term goals. They value stability, structure, and responsibility, which Aries will find incredibly boring. Ram’s are impulsive, adventurous, thrive on spontaneity, and live totally in the moment. Aries also love to to take risks, which will rattle a Capricorn who considers this behavior reckless. Aries also need lots of passion, affection, and attention, and Capricorns just can’t bring it, no matter how hard they try.