Zodiac Signs that Crave Attention and Who Couldn’t Care Less

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In relationships, we all want to feel loved and appreciated by our partners. Some people need to be shown constant affection through hand-holding, cuddling, forehead kisses, kind acts, and adoring loving words. While some would rather die than kiss or hold hands in public, the very thought of a PDA makes their blood run cold. As it turns out, your zodiac determines which side of the affection scale you fall under.

1. Pisces: “Hold Me Tight”

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Pisces loves hard and deeply and loves to give and receive plenty of love and compassion. They won’t let anything get in the way of spending quality time with the person they love and expect the same from their partners. If they don’t get enough affection, it affects their emotions and can dictate how their day goes. They need their lovers to be generous with emotions and unselfish when showing how much they care. Being showered with warmth, kindness, and romance is important to them, so if you’re in a relationship with a fish, you better be ready to come through.

2. Taurus: “Show Me You Mean It”

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Taurus isn’t shy about letting you know how much they care and want to be cared for deeply in return. Their favorite pastime is being wrapped in the arms of their partner. Physical touch is one of the best ways to express love for them. They love being touched and connecting through all four senses. They crave little gifts that let them know you were thinking about them. They want to watch you pour them champagne while they lie on a bed sprinkled with roses and wait for you to come and hold them like you’ll never let go. Public or private, big or small, they expect affection daily.

3. Cancer: “Tell Me You Love Me, Again”

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Cancers have difficulty letting their walls down and deciding to give in to love. So when they do, they expect it to be worth the trouble and risk. Their heart is very vulnerable, so getting affection from their partner is their lifeline. These guys love to be held, kissed, and consoled. You can count on them to always nurture and comfort you, and you’d better do the same. Cancers are happiest when they know they are loved and need you to tell them often. This can make them insecure and suffocating, but if you love them, they will return the favor in spades.

4. Leo: “Love and Adore Me, in Public”

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If you’re dating a Leo, give them all the attention they crave, which is a lot. They want to bask in your adoration and love. Leos strongly believes in PDA. They don’t mind the time or place; they want the whole world to know you love them. Love is their most important thing; they’re not afraid to show you plenty of love. Leos love being adored and cherished and respond well to grand gestures of love, praise, and physical touch. They want to be the center of attention and your world and flourish in relationships where affection is always lavished on them.

5. Virgo: “Give Me Support, Not Affection”

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A little support can go a long way when dating a Virgo. To them, affection doesn’t always have to be physical. They’re satisfied with being shown warmth and kindness. Help them out whenever you can, whether by sending motivating texts when life gets too much for them or organizing their schedule so they can take a day off from trying to be perfect. It’s the thought that counts for Virgos. They understand that affection comes in all shapes and sizes. You can be loving in your own way, but reminding them you’re there for them is how they feel loved.

6. Libra: “Romance Me Decadently”

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Libras are hopeless romantics. Their day is never complete without a healthy dose of affection, but it doesn’t always have to be physical. Libras want you to tell them how badly you miss them when they are at work or away. They thrive on flirting, romantic kisses, and hand-holding. It doesn’t matter if the relationship is one month or five years old; they still want you to keep the romance burning bright. They want love letters, sappy poetry, flowers, massages, and gifts to be pampered and included in the things or activities you love.

7. Scorpio: “Save it for the Bedroom”

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Scorpios crave deep, intense, and passionate affection, but not necessarily in public. As a water sign, Scorpio is all about emotional depth and connection. They need a lot of affection, but it must be meaningful and sincere and ideally happen in the bedroom. Scorpios aren’t interested in surface-level interactions; they seek profound emotional bonds where affection expresses trust, loyalty, and intimacy. Physical touch, deep conversations, and acts of loyalty are the affection Scorpio craves.

8. Gemini: “Talk to Me More”

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Gemini, an air sign ruled by the communication planet Mercury, is more cerebral and less dependent on constant affection. While they enjoy affection, talking and having stimulating conversations is their love language. Geminis crave engaging conversations, flirtatious banter, and verbal affirmations. They value flexibility and variety in their relationships, and given their dual personality, their need for affection can be pretty changeable. Sometimes, they crave it; other times, they are too busy to care.

9. Aries: “Shower Me with Passion”

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Aries, ruled by fiery Mars, is bold, energetic, and passionate in love. They need lots of affection, though it tends to be dynamic and spontaneous rather than overly sentimental or needy. Aries crave affection that mirrors their fiery nature—passionate, adventurous, playful, and even a little risky. They appreciate physical touch, words of affirmation, and actions that show their partner is as enthusiastic and committed as they are. Aries enjoys being pursued and thrives in a relationship where affection feels exciting and challenging, keeping the flame of passion alive. They’ll get bored quickly otherwise.

10. Sagittarius: “Give Me Freedom Over Affection”

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Sagittarius is independent and freedom-loving, and while they enjoy affection, they don’t require it constantly. Sagittarians focus more on intellectual and adventurous connections and crave light-hearted, fun, and non-restrictive affection. They appreciate physical touch and verbal affection, but it should come with spontaneity and freedom. Never go at them clingy or smothering—adventure, shared experiences, and witty banter are often how they express and receive love.

11. Capricorn: “Support My Goals”

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Capricorn, an earth sign, is the group’s most reserved and self-reliant regarding affection. They don’t crave constant affection and may even appear stoic or distant. This doesn’t mean they don’t value love; they express and experience it differently. Capricorns prefer practical, steady, and reliable forms of affection. They appreciate actions over words—gestures that show loyalty, commitment, and support resonate with them more than overt displays of affection. Capricorns need affection that is consistent, trustworthy, and aligned with their goals and ambitions. You don’t need to lay on the PDAs with these serious types.

12. Aquarius: “Intellectual Connection is Affection”

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Aquarians have a unique and often misunderstood approach to affection. They are known for their independent, intellectual, and unconventional nature, influencing how they need affection to be expressed. Unlike more emotionally driven signs, Aquarians do not crave constant or traditional affection. Instead, they value mental stimulation and a deep, intellectual connection with their partner. For them, the most meaningful form of affection is to respect their need for freedom and individuality. They prefer acts that acknowledge their big, zany ideas and support their personal goals, and if you share their humanitarian interests, that is everything.