How Serious Each Zodiac Sign Takes Dating

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When it comes to dating, some people are just better at the process and more committed. This can make it feel like finding someone who wants the same things you do is an impossible task. If you want to avoid getting your heart broken or spending time in relationships that never go anywhere, we’ve examined the character traits of each zodiac sign to see how serious they take dating.

1. Pisces

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These guys are big on romance, so when they find a true and deep connection with someone, they take it very seriously. Pisces are attuned to the needs of their partners and will do their best to make them feel happy, supported, and special. The fish might take their time getting to know you and giving their emotions a chance to grow but once they’re sure you’re both on the same page and they feel secure they will make their partner their world.

2. Taurus

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The whole point of dating for a Taurus is to find someone they can settle down with and create beautiful memories. Taureans are more than capable of going the distance when they find someone they like. They have high standards for what they want in a partner and won’t just fall for anyone. Taurus is an earth sign so they can be very grounded and practical when it comes to dating and may take things slow in the beginning. The bull doesn’t joke around when it comes to stability and consistency.

3. Gemini

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Yes, they love to flirt and they’re a flight risk, but if a Gemini finds someone they connect with, especially on an intellectual and adventurous level all of that changes. In the beginning, they will prefer to keep it lighthearted and fun but if they can get past their fear of commitment they will do everything within their power to make sure you’re happy. Dating a Gemini is one of the most exciting and unpredictable experiences you’ll ever have and as long as you can keep them interested with rapid-fire conversation and mental stimulation (and can handle their dual personality) they’ll maintain the relationship.

4. Cancer

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It can take a while for Cancers to open themselves up to intimacy but as long as they feel safe and seen they put all their emotions into it. Cancers want a love that feels epic, so they seek out partners who can provide them with security, and stability for life and never hurt their feelings. They are the most committed and loyal zodiac sign and they bring this energy to their romantic relationships often to the point of smothering. Nurturing you with good food, back rubs and plenty of snuggles on the couch (home is their happy place) is their idea of dating.

5. Leo

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Leos are known for their passion, loyalty, and love of love and romance. If they can find a partner that meets them at their level and lets them have the limelight they take their commitments very seriously. They will date pretty hot and heavy in the beginning and provided you are adoring while also independent they will see a future with you. When things go wrong, you can count on them to look on the bright side and you also need to bring a positive vibe, they hate Debbie Downers.

6. Scorpio

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The problem with dating Scorpios is that many of them have trust issues and find it hard to be vulnerable in relationships, which can fuel a fear of commitment. They enjoy casual flings because they come with limited emotional attachment (and they love sex). They also crave intimacy and a deep connection, so if they feel they can get that with you, Scorpios are all in and they actually thrive once in a serious relationship.

7. Capricorn

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On the outside, Capricorns may seem hardhearted, but they’re actually tender and sweet on the inside. Dating this sign makes you feel protected. They value long-term relationships and structure but they won’t rush in. If these guys tell you they’re serious about you, believe them. They’ll be sure to stick around as long as you’re both interested in the relationship and you won’t get in the way of their personal and professional ambitions. They don’t date to find a casual fling, they’re on the lookout for a partner they can build something real with and when they do they’ll do whatever it takes to keep the flames of romance burning.

8. Libra

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Libra feels unbalanced when they don’t have a partner. The trouble is they are also very indecisive so they can keep their options open and take a minute to commit. Dating a Libra will be rather lovely though as they value beautiful things (they’ll take you shopping) and thrive on culture activities and intellectual conversation. They can be a little wishy-washy and hot and cold, that’s their indecision kicking in and also the fact they tend to live in their heads. If they do decide you are the one, they will commit and devote their life to ensuring peace, harmony and balance in the relationship.

9. Aries

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Aries approaches dating with enthusiasm and intensity and have a tendency to dive in head first. The ram is known for their passionate and adventurous nature which is driven by excitement and impulsivity. They get off on the thrill of the chase and the rush of new experiences however in the cold heart light of day reality doesn’t always match up and they can fall out of love fast, Aries seek partners who can keep up with their dynamic lifestyle and share their zest for life and if they are smitten will commit wholeheartedly. That’s not to say it will be a smooth ride, this fiery sign needs constant stimulation and challenges (or rather arguments) to maintain their interest.

10. Sagittarius

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Sagittarius put a high value on their independence so they’ll keep things casual in the early stages of dating or a relationship. Adventure and freedom are their life mantra so committing doesn’t come easy as they fear being tied down. If they do fall in love with someone who shares their thirst for travel and exploration and respects their need for space, they will settle down, but again that’s different from being tied down.

11. Virgo

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Virgos are selective and take their time (like, a long time) to get to know someone when dating before even considering the next step. Their partner and the relationship need to align with their values and long-term goals, and ideally, everything needs to be perfect. dating seriously, approaching it with their characteristic practicality and meticulousness. They are serious about dating as commitment is not something they take lightly but if they find stability and reliability, and someone who lives up to their high standards they will be a loyal, committed partner who will work hard to maintain the relationship.

12. Aquarius

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Aquarius is one of the most unconventional signs so naturally, they take a unique approach to dating, prioritizing intellectual connection and shared ideals over romantic meals and gestures. When it comes to commitment, Acquarians are very wary of losing their individuality and independence in a relationship so they will play it cool to the point of seeming detached or aloof. If they find someone who respects their quirky ways, need for space, and shares their vision for creating a better future Aquarius is capable of a deep and lasting commitment. Particularly if the relationship allows for freedom and personal growth and freedom.