An Aries Woman Will Never Put Up With These Things in a Relationship

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An Aries woman is strong, independent, and won’t put up with any BS. That’s why there are a few qualities men need to have if they want to be in a relationship with a fiery Ram. Their standards aren’t unrealistic or demanding, but we expect them to be met. You’d better give them lots of attention, bring the passion, and keep things fun and exciting, or they will show you the door fast.

1. Bossy Controlling Men

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Aries are self-absorbed, self-reliant, and independent. If a man dares to order them around, they’ll refuse to do it to spite him. They don’t want anyone ever to assume they’re in charge of them. Aries is their own boss; they will unleash their explosive temper if you try to control them.

2. Being Ignored

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Aries don’t need to be the center of attention constantly, but never ignore or neglect them. If you stare at your phone while we’re trying to you or don’t return our messages promptly, they’ll ghost you. They want to be seen, heard, and adored. At all times.

3. Cry Babies

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Aries don’t mind men who are in touch with their feelings, but they don’t do emotional cry babies. They are good in a crisis and will give you a shoulder to cry on occasionally, but don’t make a habit of it. They want a strong man, and they’ll run you over if you show weakness.

4. Monotomy and Routine

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Aries are nothing if not spontaneous and impulsive. They don’t want to date a dull man who takes them to the same restaurant every weekend. They want someone to surprise them with a trip across the country. The crazier the destination, the better. They are always on the move, so don’t mind watching a bit of Netflix, but you also had better have lots of fun planned. They need constant newness and excitement and deplore routine.

5. Being Told Off

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Tell an Aries woman off at your peril. They don’t put up with disrespectful comments or being told they are wrong. They’re blunt and tell it like it is, so if you try to chastise one, they’ll fight to the death. Then, the relationship is dead in the water.

6. Toxic Negativity

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Aries wants to date a man who enjoys life and is passionate and optimistic. They don’t want to be stuck with a downer or a pessimist. That’s a real downer. They have no time for negative attitudes; life is fun and full of opportunities, and they want to seize them all.

7. Waiting Around

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Aries is not the most patient of the signs. If they are supposed to meet a man for dinner at six, he better arrive at six. They never want to be put out or have to wait around wondering if or when they’ll turn up. That will push them right over the edge, and chaos will ensue.

8. Stubborn Inflexible Types

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Aries love to get their way, so they might throw a fit when that doesn’t happen. They understand that relationships require compromise, but if you are stiff and stubborn and never compromise, they are out the door as fast as they walk through it.

9. Fake People

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Aries are alot but they are as authentic as you’ll get, love or hate them. They can’t understand why anyone would pretend to be someone they’re not. If a man lies to them about his job, relationship status, or hobbies, they won’t want anything to do with him.

10. Not Having Your Sh#t Together

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Aries are go-getters, and they are constantly striving for success. They want a man who will match them at their level and be as ambitious and determined as they are. You won’t last five seconds if you’re wishy-washy, broke, or don’t know who you are.

11. Being Risk Adverse

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Aries live for a thrill and always take a risk. They want a man unafraid to step out of their comfort zone and go along with their crazy ideas and adventures. If you’re too disciplined and rigid, they will bore fast and go off chasing their next conquest.

12. Emotionally Frozen Types

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Aries are warm and passionate, love affection, and lavish it on someone they like. They live for PDAs and are always up for fiery, passionate debates. They are gone if you aren’t in touch with your emotions and can’t show them how you feel or are boring in any way.

13. No Sense of Humor

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Aries are funny and love to provoke. They are natural-born storytellers and love to exaggerate and entertain. Humor is everything to them, so if you’re too straight or can’t take or tell a joke, you have no business being with an Aries.