The Surprising Ways Each Star Sign Handles a Breakup

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1. Your Horoscope Can Influence Your Breakup Style

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Breakups are a difficult, painful business and the reasons for the end of a relationship can be as different as how people cope in the face of one. How you handle a breakup is not a one-size-fits-all approach and there are no rules when it comes to heartbreak. What you may not realize is that your horoscope traits not only influence your personality but they can define how you feel, act, and recover after a breakup.

2. Aries (March 21 – April 19)

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Aries are the gods of war so they feel intense emotions immediately after a breakup which swings between anger, sadness, and excitement for the new. Rams tend to dive into new activities and adventures head first so that’s probably how they’ll distract themselves. While they can be dramatic and send their friends insane over-sharing every detail, Aries are the children of the zodiac so they bounce back quickly and emerge stronger and more determined.

3. Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

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Taurus is a grounded earth sign so they feel a deep sense of loss, sadness, and instability during a relationship breakup which shatters the comfort they get from familiarity. The bull will retreat into their comfort zones (at home surrounded by close family and friends) and focus on self-care. It takes a little time for a Taurus to recover, heal, and feel secure again but being in nature also helps.

4. Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

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You never quite know where you stand with a Gemini (in and out of a relationship). The twins are chatty, lively, social, and can also be two-faced. Given their outgoing and complex nature, Gemini can experience a rollercoaster of emotions after a breakup from hurt to happiness and genuine curiosity over what went wrong. They’ll seek comfort in new hobbies and experiences, amp up their social life, and probably connect with someone new pretty quickly.

5. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

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Cancers are super sensitive, overly emotional water signs so a breakup to them can feel like a death. They will feel deeply wounded, emotionally drained, and obsess over happy memories, further fueling their pain. The crab will withdraw into their shell to seek solace from their most trusted allies and process their emotions through introspection. A cancer may never truly recover from a breakup but healing will come from nurturing themselves and making new deep emotional connections.

6. Leo (July 23 – August 22)

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Leos love being in love and thrive off the attention partners bring so a breakup can be a big blow to their pride, image, and self-esteem. Lions experience a mix of sadness and determination at the end of a relationship and will focus on activities that boost their confidence and being around people that flatter their ego. Reaffirming their self-worth and surrounding themselves with admiration and support is their breakup cure-all.

7. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

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Virgos are perfectionists so even if they weren’t that happy in a relationship they will feel a deep sense of disappointment and anxiety when it ends. They will also over-analyze every detail of what went wrong and could feel critical about their partner and themselves. Given their practical fastidious nature, they’ll channel their energy into productive tasks, self-improvement projects, and setting new goals to regain control over their lives.

8. Libra (September 23 – October 22)

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Libras exist to be in a happy, harmonious partnership so they feel a deep sense of imbalance when a relationship ends. During this tailspin, they’ll seek comfort in social connections and strive to restore equilibrium through cultural experiences, beautiful objects (Libra’s will hit the stores), and stimulating their big brains. They will probably jump into a new relationship pretty quickly.

9. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

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The sting of a Scorpio can be deadly and they will feel deeply hurt, betrayed, and experience a range of crazy intense emotions when a relationship ends. When they aren’t obsessing over revenge scenarios, the Scorpio will seek healing and transformation from deep introspection, alternative therapies and even engage in unhealthy behaviors.

10. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

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Sagittarians are eternal optimists who live for travel and adventure so they see a breakup as a bummer but also an opportunity. They’ll feel both sad and free and will immediately seek our new experiences and adventures to distract themselves. Don’t be surprised if you see them pop up on Instagram on an African safari.

11. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

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Capricorns will feel a sense of loss and disappointment when a relationship ends but as they can be a little cold emotionally will quickly get back down to business by focusing on work or practical matters. Staying busy, concentrating on their personal ambitions, and setting new goals to move another rung up their ladder is the key to the goat moving on.

12. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

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Aquarians are quirky, borderline psychic, and smart AF so when faced with a breakup they feel a mix of detachment, and empathy and tend to intellectualize their emotions. To help them move on, they will immerse themselves in intellectual pursuits, humanitarian activities, and dreaming up new game-changing ideas for a better world.

13. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

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Pisceans are deep, emotional, and overtly sensitive so breakups for them are very painful and they can become consumed by sadness and nostalgia. To cope, these dreamers retreat into their imaginative worlds to express and slowly process their feelings through art, music, and other creative outlets. They’ll heal and find new love eventually but a slippery fish will never commit until they feel totally safe.

14. The Best Breakup Advice

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Breakups suck and there are no rules around how you should feel, what you should do, and how long it should take to heal and recover. It’s different for everyone and while your star sign might have some influence it’s also deeply personal. It’s OK to want some time out, but surround yourself with supportive friends, indulge in self-care, get therapy, or embrace mindfulness and meditation practices.  They will help you get your mind off things. Resist the urge to seek refuge in drinking or other drugs, they may temporarily block the pain but the after-effects can cause anxiety and depression and make you feel worse.

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