The Most Emotionally Unstable and Addiction-Prone Star Signs, Ranked

1. Emotional Turmoil Can Lead to Addiction

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Astrology isn’t a definitive science but astrologers and believers will testify it can offer some insights into the personality traits and tendencies of each zodiac. Again we’re not suggesting every (or any) sign is an emotional train wreck or prone to addiction, but stress, anxiety, and instability can manifest differently in different people and maybe, just maybe, your astrological traits are influencing your emotions and behavior.

2. Aries (March 21 – April 19)

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Aries impulsiveness and fiery temper can lead to emotional outbursts, instability, and anger (which generally dies as fast as it ignites). The ram’s need for constant excitement and new experiences can cause restlessness, frustration and boredom so they tend to go looking for the next thrill. Their competitive, childlike, spur-of-the-moment nature may also make them more susceptible to addictive behaviors that bring immediate gratification.

3. Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

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Taurus can feel emotionally unstable when their routine is disrupted or their sense of security is threatened. Their stubborn and inflexible nature can also cause inner emotional struggles. Bulls’ love of comfort and indulgence could cause them to overindulge in food, alcohol, or guilty pleasures for their wardrobe and home when feeling off kilter.

4. Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

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Given Gemini are zodiac twins with dual personalities that’s enough to make them emotionally unstable right there. Add in their constant need for mental stimulation, and socializing, their unpredictability, and mood swings and this can make them seem a little unhinged. Geminis could be prone to addictive behaviors that stimulate their mind, such as social media, gambling, or group activities that provide constant connection and excitement.

5. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

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Cancers are overly sensitive and deeply affected by their emotions which change with the moon and are generally all over the place. The crab’s tendency to dwell on past hurts and their ever-changing moods can lead to emotional instability. Water signs, generally, are more prone to addiction, and Cancerians could turn to alcohol or food to numb or cope with their emotional pain.

6. Leo (July 23 – August 22)

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Leos, at their extreme, can be egomaniacs and drama queens so they can become emotionally unstable when their ego is bruised or they don’t get enough attention. This can cause them to boost their self-esteem and social status via gambling, excessive social media posts, or other attention-seeking behaviors.

7. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

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Virgos are perfectionists to a fault and this can make them critical of themselves and others. Nothing will rattle Virgo’s sense of emotional stability more than things going wrong, and perceived chaos which fuels anxiety, self-doubt, and tendency to over-analyze. When things feel out of control, they will escape through workaholism, substance abuse, or obsessive behaviors (like cleaning their homes top to bottom at midnight).

8. Libra (September 23 – October 22)

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Libras crave balance and hate conflict so they can become emotionally unstable when their life, jobs, and relationships are unbalanced or tense. Their desperate need for harmony can lead to internal stress and anxiety and given they are people pleasers they may turn to addictive behaviors like drinking, drugs, or partying, particularly in social settings.

9. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

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Scorpios are deep, mysterious, and prone to intense emotions and have a tendency to hold onto a grudge forever. Their secretive, untrusting nature can cause a sense of emotional instability and turmoil. As a water sign, Scorpios typically are more prone to addiction and may try to numb their extreme emotions through drugs, alcohol, sleeping around, or engaging in obsessive behaviors related to their interests (again, like sex).

10. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

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Sagittarians desire for freedom and thrilling new adventures, especially anything travel-related can create a sense of restlessness and fear of commitment. This can lead to frustration, impulsive decisions, and feelings of instability. This in turn will make them want to run more, so they may quit their job and go traveling for a year, or indulge in high-thrill addictions like gambling and sky-diving.

11. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

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Capricorns can be emotionally cold and hyper-focused on their goals, ambitions, and career success. They can feel emotionally unstable and stressed because of the high expectations and pressure they put on themselves and their ability to suppress emotions. The ambitious goats are most susceptible to workaholism, overspending to show status, gambling, and obsessively investing or trading money.

12. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

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Aquarians are zany, and offbeat and crave independence and constant escape from reality to nurture their need for intellectual stimulation. This can lead to detachment, unpredictability, isolation, and emotional disconnection which is emotionally destabilizing. The water bearers may become addicted to technology, gaming, or mind-altering substances in their bid to view life through a new perception.

13. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

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Pisceans are highly sensitive and empathetic and can absorb the emotions of others which might explain why they cry a lot. This also explains their incessant need to escape reality and get out of their “feels” which then triggers emotional instability. The fish, generally, have a reputation for drinking too much alcohol and may also turn to drugs to numb emotional pain.

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