The Most Vain and Self-Absorbed Traits of Each Star Sign, Ranked

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1. Leo Wants the Spotlight For Themselves

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Leos have a reputation for being the vainest of the star signs because they love being in the spotlight and feed off admiration from others. They take great pride in their appearance and accomplishments and this can make them appear self-absorbed and egotistical. Leos are also domineering and attention-seeking and will overshadow others to become the center of attention.

2. Aries are Over Confident

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Aries are known for their strong sense of self and overconfidence which can come off as vain and egotistical.  They take pride in their achievements and can become so focused on their goals and ambitions that they can overlook the needs and feelings of others. Their competitive nature means they always want to win whether at work or in the game of love.

3. Gemini are Out for Themselves

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Geminis are charming and witty, but as the twins of the zodiac, they can also be erratic and two-faced. They will love to draw you in with their intelligence and great communication skills but will soon become flippant and inconsistent. Geminis can get caught up in the novelty of new experiences and people rather than forming deep connections and their need for constant stimulation makes them a little self-absorbed.

4. Virgos Have Superior Complexes

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Virgos take great pride in their meticulous nature but they tend to believe their way is best. As a result, they can be overly critical and judgmental and expect others to meet their high expectations. Their perfectionism can make them seem more concerned with being right than being aware and considerate.

5. Taurus Want To Be Admired

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Taureans put a high value on luxury and comfort and love to indulge in the finer things in life. They take great care of their appearance and strive to be admired for their taste and style. These materialistic tendencies combined with their stubbornness and resistance to change means they can sometimes focus on possessions over people.

6. Librans are Obsessed with Their Image

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Libras are known for their charm, appreciation of beauty, social grace, and diplomatic skills. They are also indecisive and overly concerned with their image which can make them seem vain, insincere, self-serving, and even a little wishy-washy.

7. Cancers Want to Smother You

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Cancers live for home and family and they take great pride in their nurturing nature. They’d happily be locked in their house with their loved ones for the rest of their lives which can feel stifling. They are also deep, moody, sensitive, and overly emotional and their clingy and needy nature can be burdensome.

8. Scorpio Wants to Secretly Control You

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Scorpios take pride in their intensity and depth portraying themselves as sexy, mysterious, and powerful. They are also very secretive and can be manipulative even using emotional insight to exert and maintain control over others. This can make them seem self-centered and untrustworthy.

9. Sagittarius is Self-Focused

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Sagittarians pride themselves on their adventurous spirit and being seen as wise and worldly. Also known for being blunt and tactless they often prioritize their need for freedom and adventure over others which makes them seem self-centered and unreliable.

10. Capricorns are Obsessed with Their Success

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Capricorns get off on being recognized for their hard work and discipline and equate success with self-worth. Overly focused on their career and goals they’ll neglect their personal relationships if it gets in the way of their ambition.

11. Aquarius Thinks They Have the Gift

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Aquarians take pride in their individuality and intellectual prowess and love being seen as progressive and unconventional. They are so in their heads that they can come off as emotionally detached and aloof, and will prioritize principles over people and their need to be eccentric makes them self-absorbed.

12. Pisces are Lost in Their Own World

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Pisces takes pride in their creativity and empathy and seek validation through their artistic projects and compassionate caring nature. Their sensitivity and escapist tendencies can make them seem self-involved, as they are usually lost in their own emotional world.

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