15 Reasons Why Cancer Zodiac Signs Can Be a Killjoy

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1. They are Super, Super Sensitive

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Cancers are deep and overly sensitive and they take everything really personally. Even lighthearted jokes or comments can upset and dampen their mood and when they go dark everyone feels it.

2. Moody AF

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Cancer is ruled by the moon and like the tides, their moods can go in and out and up and down. They are also characterized by the crab so are “crabby” by nature and when they are feeling down or annoyed they’ll bring the entire mood down with them.

3. Negative Mindset

Cancers are pessimistic by nature and tend to focus (obsess even) on the negative aspects of a situation. Their doom and gloom outlook can make it hard for others to stay positive.

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4. Over Protective

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Cancers retreat into their shell when they feel sensitive or insecure. Their tendency to protect themselves also extends to others and they can be overprotective of their partner, family, and friends which can make them feel stifled to the point of suffocation.

5. Too Clingy

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Cancers are needy, clingy people and need (demand) lots of attention and affection. Their constant need for reassurance can be draining for their partners and those closest to them.

6. Internal Torment

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Cancers are over-the-top sentimental and love reminiscing over the past, which is all they will do after a breakup. This deep-seated nostalgia can make them seem stuck and uninterested in the present or the future.

7. Emotionally Draining

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Cancers are sensitive and emotional souls who require a lot of emotional support. They can become upset at the drop of a hat and the need to soothe and support them can feel heavy and overwhelming for their family and friends.

8. Stuck in Their Comfort Zone

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Cancers thrive in the comfort and safety of familiarity and are resistant to change and new experiences. Their reluctance to try new things, join in the fun, or ever take a risk can feel restrictive and burdensome.

9. Easily Wounded

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Cancers are easily hurt and can take major offense to what others consider banter or some playful teasing. Their tendency to be overly sentimental, and extra sensitive can make them dwell on things others find trivial or irrelevant.

10. Never Want to Leave the House

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Cancer is happiest at home surrounded by their closest loved ones, almost to a fault. They rarely want to leave the comfort of their shell and would rather be alone with their partner or family which can feel stifling for others.

11. Anti-Social

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Cancer’s preference for staying home can also make them a little anti-social. They’d rather stay in than hang out and prefer deep and meaningful conversations over superficial ones. Their cautious nature can make them come off as conservative and unwilling to take part in adventurous or spontaneous activities, especially in a group setting.

12. Grudge Holders

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You might think Scorpio has a sting but Cancers can hold onto past slights like nobody’s business. It’s not because they want revenge it’s just that they are so deeply hurt they will bring up how they were wronged in social situations causing major tension.

13. Obsessive Over Thinkers

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Not only do cancer have negative thinking they are also chronic overthinkers. This, in addition to their habit of worrying about worst-case scenarios, can not only be a major downer it can add unnecessary stress to any dynamic.

14. Victim Mentality

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Cancers often indulge in self-pity, as they ruminate over the idea that somehow they have been wronged. Their “poor-me” victim-like mentality can be off-putting to others trying to have a good time.

15. Self-Sabotaging Behavior

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Cancers have many wonderful traits, like creativity, empathy, and a deep love of family. But their sensitivity and emotions can be a lot so they can be prone to seeking refuge in toxic behaviors like drinking, doing drugs, or being critical or hostile toward others.

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