The Least Emotionally Aware Star Signs Ranked

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Stress, ups and downs, and emotional upsets are part of life. How aware we are of our emotions and the feelings of others comes down to our personality and unique character traits. Astrology enthusiasts will testify that your zodiac defines how emotionally aware you are; so ranked teach sign here from the least in touch to the more tuned in.

1. Aquarius

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Aquarius is an independent, innovative, and unconventional sign who approaches problems with a unique perspective. When stressed or faced with an emotionally charged situation, they may detach and analyze the situation from a distance. This can make them appear aloof or uncaring. Aquarius can become more emotionally aware by staying connected with friends and loved ones during stressful times and balancing their need for independence with providing emotional support.

2. Capricorn

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Capricorns are disciplined, and ambitious, and can be so focused on success that they prioritize it over relationships and feelings. They tend to cope with stress or emotional turmoil by doubling down on their responsibilities and working even harder. This approach can lead to burnout and make them appear cold and unemotional. Capricorns can benefit from setting boundaries between work and personal, learning to delegate tasks and making time for self-care and relaxation techniques such as meditation and mindfulness.

3. Gemini

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Geminis are quick-witted and adaptable, but they are also prone to overthinking which can increase stress.  When faced with stress or emotional situations, Gemini struggles with racing thoughts and anxiety as they try to analyze every possible scenario. To cope distract themselves with social interactions, hobbies, and mental stimulation. This can make them seem heartless and avoidant and Gemini should work on grounding techniques and mindfulness practices to calm their minds and be more aware of others and their own needs.

4. Virgo

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Virgos are known for their meticulous, detail-oriented nature and the high expectations they place on themselves and others. This can make them prone to stress and disappointment. When they feel off-kilter they attempt to control their environment by obsessing over details and trying to be perfect. Virgos can be workaholics and use their job to distract from their feelings and worries. To become more emotionally aware Virgos should focus on relaxing self-care practices such as yoga, meditation, or spending more time in nature. Learning to let go of their need for perfectionism can help them feel more aware of their emotions and bodies.

5. Sagittarius

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Sagittarius is the sign of the adventurer and they are always seeking new experiences, and knowledge and travel to far-flung places. When faced with stress or emotional upset they will feel the urge to escape even more whether that’s by distancing them from the problem or booking that plane ticket. This can provide temporary relief but ultimately Sagittarius will benefit from identifying and confronting stressors and finding constructive ways to deal with them. Adding more physical activity and outdoor adventures to their routine will bring more balance and awareness.

6. Taurus

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Taurus is an earth sign and they place a high value on stability and comfort. When stressed or emotionally rattled Taurus seeks solace in routines and the familiar comforts of home. They may indulge (or overindulge) in good food, and good wine, creating a cozy environment, or take a relaxing bath. Their resistance to change and inflexibility can make it difficult for them to adapt to stressful, emotional situations. Taurus needs to learn to go with the flow a little more and find healthy outlets for stress like physical exercise or creative pursuits.

7. Leo

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Leos are confident, charismatic, and natural-born leaders. They project a strong in-control image and never want to appear vulnerable. The pressure to uphold appearance and always be the center of attention can increase stress levels. Lions find relief through creative pursuits like art and music and should surround themselves by benefit supportive friends and loved ones. They also need to learn to ask for help, no one is judging and we are all human, even dynamic Leos.

8. Aries

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Aries are known for their fiery, energetic, and impulsive nature. They are always racing around with a sense of urgency and when stress or emotional situations arise they tackle them head-on. The downside is their impulsiveness can cause them to react too quickly without thinking and may exacerbate the problem. Aries needs to try to slow down, breathe, and learn to assess a situation calmly before springing action. They can also be a little self-centered and not aware of the feelings of others but when someone is in trouble or a crisis ensues they will jump in to help.

9. Libra

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Libras value peace, harmony, and balance, so in times of stress or emotional turmoil they can feel out of alignment. The scales also struggle with indecision in stressful situations and as they are busy weighing all possible options to avoid conflict or disruption, they can seem avoidant. Libras can benefit from learning assertiveness skills, putting themselves first, and finding healthy ways to address stressors and provide emotional support head-on.

10. Scorpio

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Scorpios are intense, passionate, and a little mysterious tending to keep their emotions close to the chest. When stressed or emotional they can become even more secretive and withdrawn. Scorpios cope by delving deep into their interests, taking control of a situation, or engaging in unhealthy behaviors. To become more calm and emotionally aware Scorpios need to learn to share their emotions and engage in healthy practices like exercise and creative outlets.

11. Cancer

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Cancer is a deeply emotional and sensitive sign, and being stressed or upset can take a huge toll on their mental well-being. The crab may retreat into their shell, seeking comfort in solitude as they often internalize their feelings, which can cause them to feel overwhelmed and even lead to physical ailments. Cancers can benefit from expressing their emotions more openly and finding healthy ways to lower stress like journaling, yoga, and creative activities.

12. Pisces

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Pisces are compassionate, empathetic, quite emotionally aware, and even absorb the emotions of those around them. In times of stress or emotional duress, they can become overwhelmed by their feelings and retreat into their fantasy world. Pisces can benefit from grounding practices that help them stay in reality and the present moment like mindfulness meditation or spending time near water. They should also support from a trusted friend or therapist to help identify and process all those big emotions.

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