Men Most Likely to Commit and Not Cheat According to Their Zodiac

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Commitment and fidelity are top of the list when it comes to choosing a partner. According to astrology, each star sign has different personality traits and these can influence how likely a man is to commit and stay faithful in a relationship.

1. Aries

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Aries men are known for their passion, confidence, and energetic nature and can be fiercely loyal when truly committed. Their impulsive and adventurous nature may make them susceptible to temptation, especially if the relationship becomes routine, or boring or their partner is a pushover. Aries needs a partner who matches their energy and lets them have the spotlight but is also fun, up for anything, and a constant source of excitement and stimulation.

2. Taurus

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Taurus men are among the most loyal and dependable as they value stability, security, and long-term commitment. Once a Taurus man commits, he is unlikely to stray, as he prefers the comfort and security of a relationship over casual flings. Bulls are also stubborn which can be a good thing when it comes to commitment, as they aren’t easily swayed once they’ve made up their minds. As long as you give them loyalty, consistency, and stability Taurus men will commit and stay faithful.

3. Gemini

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Gemini men are curious, social, and thrive on variety, which can make them unpredictable and non-committal in relationships. Their dual nature, or rather two-faced personality can mean they are loving and distant, depending on their mood. As they crave new experiences and fear monotony commitment and fidelity can be a challenge for Geminis.  While they may struggle with the idea of settling down, a Gemini man can stay faithful to a partner who keeps him mentally stimulated and keeps the relationship adventurous and fun.

4. Cancer

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Cancer men are sensitive, deeply emotional, and nurturing to their partner, home, and family.  They are generally very committed and loyal in relationships provided they have a deep connection with their partner and feel emotionally secure. A Cancer man is unlikely to cheat provided he is loved and appreciated but he may look for comfort elsewhere if he feels neglected. Once committed a Cancer man will go all in to the point of suffocation.

5. Leo

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Leo men are confident, charismatic, and want to be the center of their partner’s universe.  A Leo man is likely to commit if he feels adored and respected by his partner and in return he will be generous, affectionate, and deeply loyal. This is a guy who requires a lot of attention and admiration so if his partner doesn’t adore him or point him on a pedestal he may seek validation elsewhere.

6. Virgo

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Virgo men are analytical detail-oriented perfectionists, and highly selective when it comes to relationships. They are not ones to rush into commitment, they are pretty damn slow in fact, but once they do commit, they take it very seriously. A Virgo man values loyalty and expects the same from his partner and given their analytical nature will carefully consider the pros and cons of cheating, often concluding that it’s not worth the risk. Provided the relationship is based on mutual respect, trust and intellectual compatibility Virgos will stay faithful.

7. Libra

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Libra men are diplomatic, and charming, and strive for peace and harmony in their relationships as they really dislike conflict. They feel out of balance when not in a relationship so Librans are generally good at commitment and loyal to their partners. On the downside, Libras can be very indecisive and may struggle with temptation, especially if they feel unfulfilled or not valued in their relationship. Ensuring that a Libra feels emotionally and intellectually connected and that the relationship is based on mutual respect will increase his likelihood of commitment and fidelity.

8. Scorpio

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Scorpio men are intense, passionate, and fiercely loyal in a committed relationship and expect the same level of dedication from their partner. A Scorpio man is unlikely to cheat provided there is a high level of trust and loyalty. That said Scorpios are also known for their jealousy and possessiveness and for having sex on the brain. As long as a Scorpio man feels secure and emotionally connected and you keep it steamy in the bedroom he will stay faithful and committed.

9. Sagittarius

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Sagittarius men are adventurous, freedom-loving, and struggle with the idea of commitment and settling down. When a Sagittarius man finds a partner who shares his love of travel and adventure but respects his need for space, he will commit and be surprisingly loyal. Infidelity is more likely to happen if a Sagittarius feels trapped or restricted. A partner who can keep up with his adventurous spirit and allow room for growth and exploration in the relationship has a fighting chance.

10. Capricorn

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Capricorn men are responsible, and disciplined and approach relationships with a serious and practical mindset. They value long-term commitment often viewing relationships as an investment in the future so once a Capricorn finds a compatible partner he is unlikely to cheat. Capricorns are also very ambitious and goal-driven so they will stay faithful to a partner who shares his values and supports his ambitions.

11. Aquarius

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Aquarius men are independent, and unconventional and value their freedom so commitment can be tough, especially as they don’t approach relationships with the usual societal norms in mind. Losing their individuality is a very real fear but when they find a partner who respects this and shares their quirky intellectual interests, they can be loyal and committed. Infidelity is more likely if an Aquarian feels stifled or lacks stimulation in a relationship.

12. Pisces

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Pisces men are sensitive, empathetic, and deeply romantic and seek a soulful connection in relationships. They are generally committed and loyal partners but can be prone to escapism (including seeking comfort in another woman) if they feel emotionally neglected or misunderstood. To keep a slippery fish happy, committed and faithful forever maintain an emotional connection and ensure that he feels loved, appreciated and secure.

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