The Best Stress Busting Ideas for Each Star Sign

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Stress affects everyone but we all handle it completely differently. While not science, astrology offers insights into the character and personality traits of each star sign and these can impact what stresses us and better still how to manage and kick it to the curb when it happens.

1. Aries

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Aries is a dynamic, energetic sign that thrives on action so they tend to run themselves ragged leading to anxiety, stress, and burnout. The best way for Aries (who never sits still) to banish stress and tension is through intense, high-energy exercise like running, kickboxing, or a dance class. Given how much they love a challenge and winning, they also thrive in competitive and team sports like tennis, soccer, and basketball.

2. Taurus

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Taurus is an earth sign that needs stability so when stress creeps in they can find relief by indulging their senses. The best way for a Taurus to restore their inner zen is to engage in grounding calming self-care practices like taking a long bath with scented oils, enjoying a healthy homecooked meal, or lounging in their cozy aesthetically pleasing space. Connecting with nature also rejuvenates them so they should go for a long walk outside or take up gardening.

3. Gemini

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Gemini is ruled by Mercury the planet of rapid-fire communication and mental agility so they often become stressed and overwhelmed by their own thoughts. The best way for a Gemini to reduce stress and settle their mind, believe it or not, is through more mental stimulation, especially social interactions. Have a coffee and chat with a friend, read a book, explore a new hobby, or express your thoughts and emotions by journaling.

4. Cancer

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Cancers are deeply sensitive, emotional signs that can find the real world harsh and stressful. This explains why they feel safest at home. When stress strikes Cancer should do what they do best, retreat into their inner sanctuary. This might involve cuddling up with a loved one on the couch, watching their favorite movie, cooking a nutritious meal for the family, or doing a creative activity.

5. Leo

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Leo is a dynamic confident sign that thrives on social connection and being in the spotlight which can be exhausting even for them. When stress takes its toll, the best way for a Leo to banish it is to engage in activities where they can express their creativity and shine. Creative outlets like painting, dancing, performing, or socializing are therapeutic for Leo, as they allow them to channel their emotions and regain their sense of joy.

6. Virgo

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Virgos are diehard perfectionists and as an analytical, detail-oriented sign they can become stressed out messes constantly trying to control their environment. The best way for Virgos to lower stress and stop overthinking is through mindfulness and relaxation practices such as yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises. This can calm their nervous system and help them organize their thoughts to reduce mental chaos.

7. Libra

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Libra is constantly striving for balance, harmony, and peace and when they are off-kilter (which is most of the time) it disrupts their sense of equilibrium and causes stress. The best way for Libra to lower stress and restore balance is to create a peaceful, aesthetically pleasing space where they can relax and unwind. This might involve decluttering a wardrobe, redecorating a room, or simply lighting beautiful scented candles and listening to chilled soothing music.

8. Scorpio

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Scorpio is an intense sign that tends to internalize their emotions and stress. The best way for a Scorpio to reduce stress is to release their pent-up emotions through deep, transformative activities. Good outlets for this include writing, journaling, therapy, or engaging in low-key physical activities that involve a touch of spirituality. Like martial arts, meditation, yoga, breath work and prayer.

9. Sagittarius

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Sagittarius is an adventurous and optimistic sign that loves to travel and explore the world. When stress hits the best way for a Sagittarius to lower it is to seek out new experiences and activities. This usually involves traveling to a new destination, even just for a day trip, joining a fun new exercise class, or challenging their physical and mental fitness by hiking. Sag also loves knowledge and learning so reading a great book, attending a lecture, or exploring philosophy are perfect stress busters.

10. Capricorn

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Capricorn is a responsible, disciplined, and ambitious sign who often takes on too much responsibility and prioritizes career over personal time. This makes them prone to stress and burnout and they need to learn to counteract this by scheduling relaxation time and self-care like they would a work commitment. Grounding, calming activities that make you feel productive like gardening, reading, watching a documentary, or just taking a long walk will help you unplug and clear your head.

11. Aquarius

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Aquarius is an intellectually driven sign that tends to live in their head and deals with stress by detaching from their emotions. The best way for Aquarius to lower stress is to engage in activities that stimulate their mind and allow them to express their unique and innovative ideas. Aquarians benefit from spending time alone to gather their thoughts and recharge. Activities like reading, exploring new technologies, socializing with like-minded people, or rallying behind causes they feel passionate about can also help Aquarius feel more connected and less stressed.

12. Pisces

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Pisces is a compassionate dreamy sign that absorbs the emotions of those around them which can be stressful and emotionally draining. The best way for Pisces to lower stress is to escape through creative expression. Pisces love activities that allow them to retreat into their imagination such as painting, writing, listening to music, daydreaming, or reading obscure books, like sci-fi. Spending time near water is also incredibly soothing for the fish.

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