14 Affirmations For Getting Off Dating Apps and Finding Love IRL

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Modern dating can be a daunting, disappointing and disillusioning game. Thanks to the rise and explosion of online dating, we’ve almost forgotten that love happens every day and always has long before an app or an algorithm. If you’re jaded from doom-swiping and dating disasters log off, go out and you just never know what might happen.

1. Modern Dating Is A Dumpster Fire

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Modern dating is a dumpster fire according to the relationship and dating experts at Sweetn. They aren’t wrong. The pressure to constantly be online,  swipe right, and ensure your profile is cute/clever/stands out can make your head spin. Add in superficial interactions, endless messaging, and dating disasters and you can end up disillusioned and with a serious case of dating fatigue. Say this mantra every day to remind yourself it’s not you, modern dating is psychological warfare.

2. My Single Status Doesn’t Define Me

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Being single is a relationship status it is not a reflection of your identity or worth. Embrace and enjoy this precious time as an opportunity for self-discovery, personal growth, and complete freedom to do what you want when you want. You may never have it again.

3. I Will Meet The Right One At The Right Time

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Love happens every day so trust that the universe has a plan and the right person will enter your life at the right time. Instead of obsessing over your love life or obsessively checking your Bumble profile, go out and enjoy yourself and who knows you may even meet someone. Your life is happening right now, do not put it on hold waiting for a relationship.

4. I Am A Total Catch

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Again if you haven’t yet found love it is no reflection on you. Remind yourself you are lovable and anyone would be lucky to date you and even luckier to have you as their partner. When you have a strong sense of self, you exude confidence, and that attracts people to you. Don’t just say it though, believe it. You are unique, you are beautiful, you are clever and you are a total catch.

5. Love Won’t Just Walk Into My Living Room

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Online dating has made it easy to be lazy when it comes to finding love. Instead of sitting at home on the couch doom-swiping, step out of your living room and out of your comfort zone and engage with the world around you. Whether it’s joining clubs, attending events, or being more open to conversations with new people you are opening up the possibilities of meeting someone IRL. Your future partner is not just going to walk into your living room.

6. I Will Never Settle

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Having standards and being selective when it comes to dating shows you have a strong sense of self-worth. You are also self-aware enough to know you’d rather be single than with the wrong person. Never compromise your standards or the qualities that are important to you in a partner by settling.

7. I’d Rather Be Single Than With The Wrong One

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A happy, healthy, loving relationship is something most of us want, but it’s important to remember that a relationship should enhance your life, not make it worse. This is why you should never settle for someone who doesn’t align with your values or make you happy just to be in a relationship. You want the right one or no one, not the wrong one.

8. I Want A Man Who Meets Me At My Level


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It’s no longer the 1950s and we women are confident, powerful, successful, and are seeking a partnership that is equal in every way. Remember your ideal person should be someone who matches your energy, ambition, and values and will take care of his side of the street. It’s hard to gauge all that online so attend some social or networking events to meet like-minded people and be discerning on who you give your time to.

9. I Want A Relationship I Don’t Need One

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Another reason to get off the apps and go out and live your life is you don’t actually need a relationship. Desiring a relationship rather than needing one (which you don’t) ensures you won’t become dependent on someone else for your happiness, fulfillment, or financial reasons. This perspective reinforces your independence and takes the pressure off the whole idea of dating.

10. There Are Plenty Of Datable Men Out There

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There really are plenty of fish in the sea. If you’re jaded from seeing the same faces pop up on Tinder get off and go out. Adopting a mindset of abundance and opening up your options beyond an app and algorithm could lead you onto the path toward the right one. Staying optimistic without being obsessive also lowers the stakes and when you step outside your search criteria you may just find you are attracted to all sorts of people.

11. People Fall In Love Every Day

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Your grandparents and parents managed to do it without an app, so remind yourself people fall in love every day and you will too. Dating apps add unnecessary pressure, not to mention take up a lot of your time and headspace. Stay confident and positive and tell yourself that love does happen and sometimes it just shows unexpectedly and your turn is coming.

12. It’s OK To Be Selective

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Being selective is a sign of self-respect and affirms you know what you want and need in a partner and are not willing to compromise. It’s perfectly okay to have high standards and perfectly okay to take your time to find someone who truly complements and elevates your life. Dating is a marathon, not a sprint which is why you also need to take an online break regularly to reset and refuel.

13. I Am Busy Enjoying My Life Right Now

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People met and fell in love in real life long before dating apps and they weren’t sitting around obsessively swiping. Stop focusing on dating and your relationship and focus on living a happy fulfilling life. Again, it’s happening right now so you don’t want to miss it. Engage in activities that bring you joy, surround yourself with people you love, and continue to strive toward your personal goals.

14. I Am Smart, Sexy and Confident

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Online dating can really mess with your head and self-esteem so tell yourself this every day. And believe it. Know your worth, be selective, maintain your standards, and most importantly remind yourself that the problem is modern dating, not you.  You are smart, sexy, confident, and deserving of love.

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