The Most Easygoing and Easily Offended Star Signs

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Every star sign is so different and that comes down to their zodiac’s unique character traits. Leos can be easily offended and tough to get along with, especially if they aren’t the center of attention while Librans might be the most diplomatic people you know. Here’s a breakdown of the most easygoing and easily offended star signs.

1. Sagittarius – Easygoing

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Sagittarians are beloved for their laid-back, adventurous spirit. They’re always up for new experiences and tend to generally just go with the flow, rarely sweating the small stuff.

2. Cancer – Easily Offended

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Like their fellow water sign alum, Cancers are deeply emotional and sensitive. However, unlike Pisces, they can easily get hurt by perceived slights or criticism, often taking things deeply personally.

3. Libra – Easygoing

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Libras, whose symbol is the scales, seek harmony and balance in their lives no matter where they are. As cardinal signs, they’re excellent mediators and often go out of their way to avoid conflict, making them easy to get along with.

4. Virgo – Easily Offended

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Rigid Virgos have impossibly high standards and can be deeply critical, but they’re also very self-critical. Because they’re already so critical of themselves, you’ll find any form of criticism, especially if it feels unjust, can easily offend them.

5. Pisces – Easygoing

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Pisces are compassionate and adaptable. Their empathetic nature as a water sign allows them to understand differing perspectives where other signs would struggle. In turn, this helps them to stay calm and relaxed in most situations.

6. Scorpio – Easily Offended

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Scorpios are another water sign that tends to get easily offended. Scorpios are intense and value loyalty above all else, because of this, they don’t easily forgive or forget when they feel betrayed or disrespected, making them prone to taking offense.

7. Aquarius – Easygoing

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Aquarians are the open-minded, independent spirits of the zodiac. They embrace individuality and diversity in all walks of life, which makes them accepting and easy to be around. Their progressive thinking means they’re usually unfazed by unconventional situations.

8. Leo – Easily Offended

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Leo’s unabashed ego means that they have a strong desire for admiration and respect. When a Leo feels ignored or undervalued, they can quickly become quite offended. Their intense pride makes them sensitive to any form of disrespect or lack of recognition.

9. Gemini – Easygoing

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Like Aquarians, Geminis are adaptable and sociable. Their childlike curiosity and enthusiasm for new experiences make them very flexible and easy-going. Even when they do get into conflict, they’re quick to move on, preferring to keep things light and fun.

10. Capricorn – Easily Offended

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Capricorns are sometimes too ambitious for their own good and can take their responsibilities overly seriously. If they find their efforts are not acknowledged or they perceive a lack of respect for their hard work and dedication, they can become easily offended.

11. Taurus – Easygoing

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While Taureans often get a bad rap for being stubborn. On the positive side, they are also incredibly patient and reliable people. Their deep love for comfort and routine means they rarely seek out conflict, preferring to maintain a peaceful and steady environment.

12. Aries – Easily Offended

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Aries are the most passionate and direct of all the fire signs, and they definitely don’t shy away from confrontation. Their competitive nature means they can be easily offended by criticism or when their abilities are questioned.

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