The Star Signs Most Prone to Self-Sabotage Ranked

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Engaging in self-sabotage can be one of the most damaging and mentally draining things we do to ourselves. We all do it and how prone we are to self-sabotage can come down to our personality traits.  Using astrology as a guide, we examine how likely each star sign is to resort to self-sabotaging behavior.

1. Scorpio

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As a water sign, Scorpios’ deep emotions and fear of betrayal can be so intense that they don’t focus on the task at hand, causing them to self-sabotage. Their redeeming qualities are their passionate nature and determination which often drive them to fearlessly confront their self-destructive tendencies head-on.

2. Leo

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Leos have a strong sense of self, their unbridled confidence usually shields them from self-sabotage. However, they’re not totally immune either. Their need for validation can sometimes hinder them, but their natural resilience and optimism typically help them overcome setbacks quickly.

3. Libra

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While Libras can struggle with decision-making and avoiding conflict, their inherent desire for harmony often drives them to resolve issues rather than let them fester. Whether it’s in their job or their love life, this trait helps them mitigate self-sabotage to some extent.

4. Aries

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Aries are incredibly impulsive and hotheaded, which means that they often make rash decisions, which can result in self-sabotage. However, their bold and courageous nature means that like their fellow fire sign alum, Leo, they can overcome setbacks and bounce back quickly.

5. Taurus

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Taureans’ are prone to stubbornness and resistance to change. This apathy for change often causes them to self-sabotage in different areas of life. On their better days, their determination and practical nature often help them push through challenges and avoid major self-destructive behaviors.

6. Aquarius

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Aquarians’ fierce independence and desire to be unique can sometimes lead them to reject help. Even when they do self-sabotage, their progressive mindset and adaptability usually help them find creative solutions to overcome these tendencies.

7. Sagittarius

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It’s no secret that Sagittarians love their freedom and have an aversion to commitment. Like Aquarians, these traits can see them reject help which can lead to self-sabotaging. However, their optimistic and adventurous spirit often helps them bounce back quickly from setbacks and avoid getting bogged down by their own actions.

8. Gemini

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Geminis’ have a pervasive issue with indecisiveness and fear that they may be making the wrong choice. These traits are a perfect storm that can lead to self-sabotage. They’re saved by their adaptability and quick-thinking nature which can help them navigate out of self-created problems.

9. Capricorn

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Capricorns’ paralyzing fear of failure combined with their obsessive overworking tendencies can lead to burnout and self-sabotage. However, their strong sense of responsibility and ambition usually help them get back on track.

10. Cancer

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Cancer’s have a deep emotional sensitivity as well as fear of rejection which can deter them from giving something their all. Their strong need for security and love often results in withdrawing or acting defensively, which can create significant obstacles in their personal and professional lives.

11. Pisces

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Pisces are highly prone to self-sabotage due to their tendency to escape reality through daydreams. They have a fear of facing harsh realities that can lead them to miss out on great opportunities.

12. Virgo

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Virgos top the list for self-sabotage due to their intense self-criticism and pursuit of perfection. Whilst these traits can push themselves and exude a calm and collected exterior, their tendency to overthink and second-guess themselves often prevails causing paralysis by analysis.

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