Which Zodiac Partners Are Most Likely To Fight Dirty

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There’s nothing worse than getting into an explosive fight with your partner. When fired up, the zodiac signs all react differently and some can be meanier and nastier than others. Using astrology as a guide we look at the star signs most likely to play dirty in a fight.

1. Aries

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Aries are well-known for their fiery tempers and competitive nature. When they get pushed to their limits, they can become impulsive and aggressive and resort to harsh words just to win an argument. They cool off as fast as they explode so they usually regret their nasty words later.

2. Taurus

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Taureans value stability and peace. While they’re often described as stubborn and persistent in their viewpoints, they would rather avoid conflict and find a practical solution than fight dirty. That’s not to say they can’t be completely inflexible.

3. Gemini

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Geminis can be sharp-tongued and quick-witted, leaving you in the dust when it comes to heated situations. They’ll also flex all of their communication skills to twist your words until you finally just give in. They may not fight dirty but they will manipulate things.

4. Cancer

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Cancers are highly sensitive and emotional and while you may think they wouldn’t fight dirty, they do. When hurt, Cancers can quickly become passive-aggressive and may even resort to guilt-tripping you or using emotional manipulation tactics to defend themselves and gain sympathy. They may then brood for days.

5. Leo

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It’s no secret that Leo has a strong need for respect and recognition. When it comes to fighting, if they feel threatened or disrespected, prepare for them to warp into the most dramatic and domineering version of themselves to conquer you. They will also never admit they are wrong.

6. Virgo

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The ever-rational Virgos prefer calm logical discussions over dirty tricks. Though they may become critical and nitpicky, they generally avoid outright fighting, focusing instead on practical solutions to resolve the matter. They will stick to the facts and try to find a fault in your argument.

7. Libra

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Libras seek peace, harmony, and balance in their lives and relationships. The diplomat of the zodiac Libra aims to resolve conflicts peacefully and has the ability to see both sides of an argument. Not only do they detest confrontation, but you won’t find them hitting you below the belt to win an argument.

8. Scorpio

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Scorpios are known for their overbearing intensity and desire for control. When provoked, you’ll find that they can be vengeful and secretive, using manipulation and psychological tactics to gain the upper hand in a conflict. They have a silent sting and can hold a grudge forever.

9. Sagittarius

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When it comes to interpersonal matters, Sagittarians are straightforward and value honesty. They prefer to address issues head-on and are less likely to engage in underhanded tactics. That said they are harsh and blunt and can cut you deeply with their words and get fiery. They aren’t trying to be mean, they are just tactless and genuinely want to resolve conflicts as quickly as possible.

10. Capricorn

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As earth signs, Capricorns are disciplined and pragmatic. When you find yourself in a fight with a Capricorn, it’ll at least be fair. Their goal-oriented mindset means that they’re highly unlikely to resort to dirty fighting tactics, preferring to maintain their integrity and focus on constructive solutions instead. If anything they will be cold and analytical.

11. Aquarius

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The free-spirited Aquarians are highly independent and have razor-sharp minds.  In conflicts, they tend to flex their intellectual prowess and unconventional thinking to run rings around their opponent. They will never be explosive but they can be direct, dismissive, and emotionally detached.

12. Pisces

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As gentle water signs, Pisces are hugely sensitive and can quickly become overwhelmed in arguments. If they feel that they’re losing, Pisces may resort to playing the victim or using emotional appeals to sway the argument in their favor, sometimes employing passive-aggressive behavior. Most likely however they will just burst into tears.

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