The Most Attractive Physical Feature of Each Star Sign

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It’s not just your personality traits that define your star sign your physical attributes may also be influenced by your zodiac. So we consulted the celestial powers to determine the most attractive feature of each sign and what it may symbolize in astrology.

1. Aries: Alluring Eyes

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Aries usually have beautiful, striking, and intensely fiery eyes regardless of color. Like a mirror to their passionate, adventurous, confident nature, Aries’s eyes hold their gaze. The alluring eyes of Aries also draw people in like magnets making them their most captivating feature.

2. Taurus: Sensual Neck and Shoulders

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Taurus is influenced by Venus the planet of beauty and the sign is known for having a strong, graceful neck and well-defined shoulders. Their elegant and alluring neckline is offset against their strong physique which combined with their natural poise exudes an air of sensuality.

3. Gemini: Nice Hands

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Geminis use their hands and arms to assist in their rapid-fire communication style. Often beautiful and delicate, Gemini’s hands are adept at intricate gestures that enhance their conversations. This fluidity and dexterity (many Geminis are left-handed) reflect their lively and engaging personality.

4. Cancer: Defined Chest

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Cancer’s best physical trait, a smooth well-defined décolletage, is reflective of the sign’s deeply caring, open yet protective nature. Their chest is not only beautiful and alluring it is said to symbolize Cancers’ profound emotional depth and empathy and their comforting inviting presence.

5. Leo: Fabulous Hair

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Leos are the lionesses’ of the zodiac so naturally, they’ve been graced with a thick, luxurious mane. Like Leo’s very presence, their full and fabulous hair commands attention and admiration. Whether wild and curly or sleek and shiny Leo’s hair serves as a striking symbol of their vibrant dynamic personality and unwavering confidence.

6. Virgo: Perfect Skin

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Virgos are perfectionists which could explain why they were blessed with clear, radiant, perfect skin. Their flawless complexion is also a testament to the attention they devote to their beauty routine. Virgos are also extremely health-conscious so their luminous skin reflects their commitment to eating a well-balanced diet and getting that blood pumping through exercise.

7. Libra: Captivating Smile

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Libras are warm and charming so they have a smile that captivates and lights up the room. Their most endearing feature, that big beautiful smile, mirrors their outgoing, sociable, and harmonious nature. It also has the ability to instantly put others at ease and serves as an invitation to approach and hang out.

8. Scorpio: Full Lips

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Scorpios might have a sharp sting but they also have the most beautiful, full, sensuous lips. Their pout, paired with their intense and enigmatic aura, is one of their most irresistible features and a defining trait that draws people in, in an almost hypnotic way.

9. Sagittarius: Toned Legs

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Sagittarius often have long, well-toned legs that embody their active, adventurous lifestyle. These killer legs also symbolize their passion for travel and exploration whether scaling a mountain or burning up the dance floor. Standing out as their most alluring and attractive physical feature, suffice to say; Sagitarrius looks great in a mini-dress.

10. Capricorn: Bone Structure

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Capricorns tend to have strong well-defined bone structures, most notably their sharp sculptured cheekbones and jawline. Their striking well-sculpted facial contours exude a sense of authority and sophistication mirroring their strong, determined, and disciplined nature.

11. Aquarius: Great Calves

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Aquarius often have nice ankles, well-shaped calves, and rather nice legs. Astrologers believe this reflects their distinctive and unconventional style and symbolizes movement. This sign is forward-thinking, free-spirited, and totally original.

12. Pisces: Elegant Feet

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Weirdly, considering they live in the clouds Pisceans have beautifully shaped elegant feet. This enchanting feature could be a reflection of the fish’s deep connection with the water element and their gentle dreamy nature. Their delicate feet could also symbolize their ethereal and artistic spirit.

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