The Fakest and Most Authentic Star Signs Ranked

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According to astrology, each zodiac sign brings unique traits and characteristics to the table. Some are known for being genuine and straightforward and others have a reputation for being a bit more elusive or, dare we say, fake. Understanding the traits of each sign can help you navigate relationships and work out who is the real deal.

1. Gemini: Chameleon

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Geminis are the social butterflies of the zodiac and the twins so they have a dual personality that can make them appear two-faced. Their adaptable nature and fast lively communication style mean they can blend into any crowd. However, their versatility can come off as insincere, especially as they tend to keep things on the surface. Geminis also have a knack for saying what others want to hear and aren’t great at going deep or committing so you can wonder who you are dealing with.

2. Libra: People Pleaser

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Libras strive for harmony and balance so they will use their natural-born charm to engage you but they aren’t always the most sincere and authentic. They don’t mean it, they are just flighty and indecisive and as they hate conflict they will go to great lengths to avoid it often resorting to white lies or agreeing with you to keep the peace. This desire to be liked and get along with everyone makes them people pleasers and a little phony.

3. Pisces: Dreamy

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Pisces have a dreamy and imaginative nature and live in a fantasy world so they are often out of touch with reality. This detachment is a way of protecting their feelings as they are scared of getting hurt or offending anyone so they aren’t always entirely honest with themselves or others. Pisces may even bend the truth to escape from uncomfortable situations which can make them seem less authentic.

4. Leo: Performer

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Leos love the spotlight and to them, life is one big performance. This can make them seem insincere and their love of drama and embellishing stories can rub people off the wrong way. They’d rather be the life of the party than invest in deep conversations and that can come off as fake. Leos crave admiration and admiration so they are often too caught up in their own life and appearance to consider the needs and feelings of others.

5. Sagittarius: Exaggerator

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Sagittarians are passionate and live for excitement so they are always on the hunt for the next big adventure. This can make them apppear disinterested in others and noncommittal and they can exaggerate the truth to make things seem bigger or better than they are. They don’t intend to deceive but their tendency to stretch the truth can come off as arrogant, egotistical, and less authentic. Sagittarians are natural storytellers and can be blunt and tactless which can hurt feelings.

6. Aquarius: Eccentric

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Aquarians march to their own beat and their eccentricity and unconventional approach to life can be hard to get your head around. They pride themselves on being different and because they put a high value on their individualism and independence they can appear aloof and insincere.  Aquarians are just being their true, quirky selves and that’s more important than people pleasing.

7. Cancer: Protector

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Cancers are deeply emotional, sensitive, and protective of their loved ones and themselves. They can hide their true feelings until they feel safe and because they don’t want to burden others. This protective nature can make them seem guarded, secretive, and a little hard to get to know at first. It’s not their intention to be cold, but they don’t do superficial they need deep, meaningful connections or they won’t bother.

8. Taurus: Solid

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Tauruses are grounded, practical, reliable, and straightforward. They value honesty and consistency, making them one of the more authentic and solid signs. You can count on them but they can be stubborn and inflexible so that can be tough to deal with. They won’t put on a show as they are very genuine but they will dig their heels in if they think their way is the best way, which is usually the case.

9. Scorpio: Intense

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Scorpios are intense, and passionate, and can be a little mysterious and hard to read. They despise superficiality and can see through fake people and behavior instantly. Scorpios are brutally honest, sometimes to a fault, and expect the same from others. They also tend to have trust issues so until you have earned their trust you can’t expect to be on the receiving end of the loyalty and depth they are famous for.

10. Capricorn: Realist

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Capricorns are grounded, practical earth signs and have a strong sense of duty and responsibility. They don’t have time for games or pretense as they value honesty and integrity. This makes them one of the more solid and genuine signs and they can be a rock in their relationships. Their tendency to prioritize work and their professional ambitions over personal relationships however can leave you out in the cold.

11. Virgo: Perfectionist

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Virgos are meticulous, and detail-oriented and expect perfection from themselves and others. They are honest and authentic but their perfectionist nature can make them highly critical so they can come off as judgy. Virgos have a strong sense of self so they won’t sugarcoat things and while you always know where you stand you may also find them a little harsh and serious.

12. Aries: Straight Shooter

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Aries are passionate, opinionated, and direct, and they don’t beat around the bush if they want to get something off their chests. They say what they mean and can be mean when they say it. They truly don’t mean to offend, their straightforward brutally honest nature means they know no other way. You can always count on an Aries and they will loyally support and defend their partner and friends to the end of time.  They value authenticity and despise fake or pretentious people so remember that when they are harsh with you.

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