These Star Signs Are the Worst Communicators in Relationships

Communication is arguably one of the most important parts of any relationship, but some star signs just don’t seem to get the memo. Here’s what makes the zodiac signs bad communicators when it comes to being in love.

1. Aries

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While Aries are well-known for being direct and assertive, they often speak before thinking. In a relationship, Aries’ bluntness can come off as insensitive, leading to misunderstandings and hurt feelings. They don’t mean to be mean they are just brutally honest and a little aggressive in their approach.

2. Taurus

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Taureans are the most stubborn of all the zodiacs. Because a Taurus tends to bottle up their feelings, they often stonewall their partner leaving them guessing what they did wrong. Being an earth sign, they prefer peace over confrontation, but this can lead to unresolved issues and frustration.

3. Gemini

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Geminis are blabber mouths but not-so-great listeners. As an air sign, Geminis have ever-changing interests which can make their communication scattered and inconsistent, leaving their partners struggling to keep up. Their dual personality also makes them hard to read.

4. Cancer

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Cancers are emotional and intuitive, sometimes they can be effective communicators but ultimately they’re too sensitive and will retreat into their shells when they can’t find the right words. They tend to expect their partners to be mind readers and intuitively know how they’re feeling.

5. Leo

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It’s no secret that Leos loves to be the center of attention. Because of this, they tend to dominate conversations and make everything about them. Their desperate need for admiration can also overshadow their ability to listen, making their partners feel unheard and unimportant.

6. Virgo


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Virgos are obsessively analytical and detail-oriented as well as being overly critical. If your partner is a Virgo, you’ll probably find that their perfectionist nature can make their communication feel more like a critique session. They will always be calm and rational but they will focus on finding flaws in your argument.

7. Libra


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Libras are the diplomats of the zodiac. Represented by the scales symbol, they strive for harmony and avoid conflict, often sugar-coating their words. However, their utter desire to please their loved ones can manifest as passive-aggressiveness and a lack of clear, direct genuine communication.

8. Scorpio


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As a water sign, Scorpios are deeply passionate but they’re also highly secretive. Like Cancers, they often expect their partners to read their minds. When they feel threatened or disrespected they have an off-putting tendency to hold grudges and brood in silence which can make open communication even more difficult.

9. Sagittarius

Upset,Girlfriend,Wearing,A,Devil,Horned,Hat,Looking,Displeased.,Woman, upset, passive aggressive

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Sagittarians are blunt and straightforward, sometimes to a fault. Their honest, no-nonsense approach can come across as tactless, leading to hurt feelings and misunderstandings. Their brutal honesty can also make their partners walk on eggshells and not feel confident to air their true feelings.

10. Capricorn


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Capricorns are pragmatic but when it comes to emotions they really struggle and can often come across as cold. They’re focused so heavily on their goals that they neglect the emotional side of relationships, making their partners feel like they are distant, disinterested and a million miles away.

11. Aquarius

Depressed young Asian woman with mental health problem in mind need uttermost treatment from overthinking fatigue, disruptive thought, dissocial, anxiety and other mental health disorders .

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Aquarians are hugely emotionally intelligent but their detached disposition can be off-putting to their partners. They also have a tendency to analyze rather than express their feelings, leaving their partners craving more warmth and intimacy.

12. Pisces

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Pisces are total empaths but can be overly passive. Their passiveness means they tend to avoid conflict and confrontation at costs, which can result in passive-aggressive communication or them totally shutting down to protect themselves. They may also have an epic emotional meltdown.

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