These Star Signs are the Biggest People Pleasers

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Astrology, while not an actual science, can offer insights into the personality and character traits of the people you love. While some zodiac signs will go out of their way to make you happy, others can be more guarded and self-centered. Ahead we delved into each star sign’s behavior when their friends or partner needs support to discover who are the biggest people pleasers, and why they often put others before themselves.

1. Libra

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Libras are the ultimate diplomats of the zodiac. Because they have a deep desire for harmony and balance in all of their relationships, they often go to great lengths to avoid conflict and to keep people happy. This can mean they come off as the biggest people pleasers of all star signs.

2. Pisces

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Pisces are dreamy, sensitive, emotional, and deeply empathetic water signs. They are so in tune with the emotions of others they tend to absorb them. They want everyone around them to be happy so they’ll go out of their way to help and support those around them, but this often comes at the cost of their own happiness.

3. Cancer

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Like Pisces, Cancers are an emotional, sensitive water sign. They are deeply connected to their close-knit friends (they keep their circle tight) and make their family their world. Very nurturing and protective by nature Cancers are always looking out for the well-being of their loved ones but they generally overextend themselves and ignore their own needs.

4. Virgo

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Virgo is methodical and practical and excels at solving problems and providing practical support at work and in their personal relationships. This can translate into people-pleasing behavior, although they do tend to stick to the facts rather than feelings. This can a have negative effect on their relationships and cause them stress and anxiety as they have a strong desire for everything and everyone to be perfect.

5. Taurus

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Taurueans are loyal and reliable to a fault. When no one else steps forward, a Taurean is always willing to lend a hand or offer a shoulder to lean on. They aren’t overly emotional, but as they value comfort and stability they will do everything in their power to restore harmony and balance often at the risk of their own wellbeing.

6. Sagittarius

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Sagittarians have big hearts and they secretly love making others happy. Their optimistic and cheerful nature makes them eager to please and spread positivity which can make them come off as incessant people pleasers. At the heart of it however, they value their own freedom and don’t suffer fools easily so they can be tactless and blunt if they feel slighted.

7. Aquarius

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Aquarians are altruistic, they often think about collective needs before their own. They have a strong natural desire to make the world a better place which is admirable but can also lead to people-pleasing tendencies. On the other hand, their obsession with creating a better future can make them seem a little cold and aloof.

8. Leo

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Even Leos have people-pleasing tendencies. Despite their love for the spotlight, Leos are secretly incredibly generous and warm-hearted. When a Leo cares about you, they often go out of their way to please and entertain their loved ones. They won’t take it well however if all the attention is taken away from them.

9. Gemini

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Geminis are total social butterflies who thrive on interaction and communication. In a group setting, you’ll find Gemini people pleasing by extending themselves to create social cohesion. They are a little on the surface however so don’t expect them to go too deep.

10. Capricorn

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Capricorns are responsible and dependable. They’re a grounded earth sign which means they’re always ready to support and assist those they care about. They take their commitments super seriously and will go to great lengths to ensure the satisfaction and stability of others. They will take a very cool and calculated approach however which can rub people the wrong way.

11. Aries

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Aries are deeply passionate enthusiastic balls of fire and energy who love to uplift and motivate others. They will loyally support and defend their friends and the underdog. Even when they don’t feel up to it, Aries will step up to the challenge of offering support and advice, especially in a crisis. They aren’t people pleasers by nature but if they love you, they will always have your back.

12. Scorpio

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Scorpios are known for their intensity and can be secretive and even a little untrusting. But when they love someone they are deeply loyal and very protective. They will go to the ends of the earth to make you feel happy and supported, even if it’s at the expense of their own sanity.

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