The Worst Thing You Can Say To Each Star Sign

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When it comes to astrology, every sign has its strengths, weaknesses, and things that get under their skin. No matter how confident they think they are (we’re looking at you, Leo) some things are better left unsaid. Consider this your guide to what not to say when trying to keep the celestial peace.

1. Aries – “Calm Down”

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Aries are the hotheads of the zodiac. They’re bold, passionate, and full of fire. But if you ever tell an Aries to “calm down”, you’ll get a front-row seat to see them really lose their cool. Expect fireworks and a sharp tongue-lashing.

2. Taurus – “You’re So Stubborn”

Unhappy,And,Grudging,Woman,In,A,White,Sleeveless,Top,And grudge

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Taureans are bulls, so they are stubborn. While that’s hardly a secret, it’s still no reason to rub it in. Yes, they’re known for their persistence and inflexible nature, but what you see as stubbornness, they consider determination.

3. Gemini – “You Never Shut Up”


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Geminis are known for having the gift of the gab. Ruled by Mercury, the planet of fast communication, these social butterflies are constantly buzzing with new ideas and conversation. Sure, they can be chatty, but telling a Gemini to pipe down is a surefire way to get on their bad side. And considering they have two faces, you can never know what to expect.

4. Cancer – “Stop Being So Emotional”

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No one likes being told to stop being so emotional, but the star sign that will take deep offense to this remark is Cancer. Ruled by the Moon, which governs emotions, telling a Cancer to stop being so emotional is like telling the tide to stop coming in. When faced with criticism these sensitive crabs retreat into their shell and may never come out.

5. Leo – “You’re Not That Special”


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One way to annoy a Leo is to take a shot at their egos. Leos are confident and charismatic which can manifest as being conceited. They live for the spotlight, love admiration, and have a strong sense of self-worth. If you tell a Leo they’re not that special, they’ll see red and these lions have a fierce roar.

6. Virgo – “You’re Too Picky”


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A surefire way to get on a Virgo’s nerves is to tell them they’re being too picky. Virgos are detail-oriented perfectionists, but they take pride in their meticulous nature. Calling them picky or critical is an invitation to receive a serious dressing down. Or worse, be frozen out forever.

7. Libra – “Make Up Your Mind Already”


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Represented by the scales, Libras are the diplomats of the zodiac, always weighing every option to maintain harmony. While this may feel tedious to a hot-headed Aries or impatient Sagittarius, rushing a Libra to make a decision could prevent them from ever making one at all.

8. Scorpio – “You’re Overreacting”


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Like all other sensitive water signs, you can always hurt a Scorpio by questioning their emotional reactions. Scorpios feel everything with intensity so telling one they’re overreacting is like lighting the fuse on a bomb. These guys have a sting and while they may forgive they will hold onto a grudge forever.

9. Sagittarius – “You’re So Irresponsible”


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Sagittarians are the adventurers of the zodiac, always seeking new experiences and pushing boundaries. While they seem confident in their rambunctious traits, deep down they’re emotional.  So, being told “You’re so irresponsible” can really hurt their feelings and they will be quick to put you in your place with their brutal honesty.

10. Capricorn – “You Work Too Much”

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Capricorns are driven, ambitious, and always focused on their goals, which can be confronting to other people. But for a Capricorn, work is where they find their sense of purpose. You might mean well when you tell a Capricorn “You work too much” but they’ll take it as criticism. And promptly open their laptop.

11. Aquarius – “You’re So Weird”


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Aquarians are the eccentrics of the zodiac, they take pride in their individuality and don’t mind being the odd one out. But that doesn’t mean that calling them ‘weird’ isn’t going to warrant a fiery reaction. They are innovative and unconventional thank you very much.

12. Pisces – “Get Your Head Out of the Clouds”

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Pisces are dreamers and idealists, so they’re often lost in their thoughts and imagination. Telling Pisces to “Get your head out of the clouds” will not only upset and insult them, it will force them back into their fantasy world. It may also cause an epic emotional meltdown.

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