The Best Mercury Retrograde News for Each Star Sign

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Mercury retrograde usually gets a bad rap, with people blaming it for everything from missed texts to travel delays. Though it does cause a lot of strife, it’s not all doom and gloom. This astrological event can bring about many good changes depending on your star sign. So, instead of dreading Mercury retrograde, let’s flip the script and see how it might actually work in your favor. Here’s the best news each star sign can look forward to during Mercury retrograde.

1. Aries: You Complete that Task

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As an Aries, you’re all about charging ahead and leaving a trail of destruction and half-finished projects behind. Mercury retrograde might give you a rare opportunity to revisit a project or an idea you had to abandon. That unstoppable energy you have? Use it to make something great out of what might have been left unfinished before.

2. Taurus: You Build Bridges

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Taurus, you value your relationships deeply, and during Mercury retrograde, you might find old friends or acquaintances will come out of the woodwork. While for others, this period causes strife in the social realm, for you,it’ss perfect for rebuilding bridges and strengthening bonds that might have frayed over time.

3. Gemini: You have a Lightbulb Moment


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Gemini, as a rambunctious air sign, your mind is always buzzing with ideas, but your downfall is that they always end up slipping through the cracks somehow. The good news? Mercury retrograde gives you the ability to dig through old notes, revisit past conversations, and unearth the brilliant ideas that might have been overlooked in your whirlwind of thoughts.

4. Cancer: You Forgive the Past

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Cancer, you’re deeply emotional, and Mercury retrograde will definitely bring up a lot of feelings that you’ve pushed away. But here is the silver lining: this is now the perfect time for emotional healing. Use this period to reflect on your past and forgive yourself and others.You’ll come out of Mercury retrograde feeling lighter and more stable.

5. Leo: You Reignite a Creative Project


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Leos are not just confident; they’re also highly creative, making for a potent mix. If you’re a Leo who’ss been in a creative rut, you’ll find that Mercury retrograde can actually help reignite your creative flame. That painting you started or the story you began writing? Now is the time to dust them off and finish them with a newfound passion.

6. Virgo: You Perfect that Plan

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Virgo, you are a meticulous planner at heart, and Mercury retrograde gives you the perfect excuse to go back and perfect your plans. Rather than act impulsively, take this as a time to review, revise, and refine any project you’ve been working on.

7. Libra: You Resolve a Conflict

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Libra, even though you hate conflict, that doesn’t mean you can avoid it entirely. During Mercury retrograde, old lingering tensions may crop out, and while this may seem adverse, this is actually a good thing. Take the time to reach out, have those tough conversations, and restore harmony in your relationships. It’s all about bringing balance back into your life.

8. Scorpio: You Uncover a Good Secret

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Scorpio, you’re all about depth and truth, and Mercury retrograde will uncover a range of big and small secrets. Whether it’s in your personal life or career, strap in for a wild ride this Mercury retrograde. Don’t sweat it, though; these revelations will actually help you see things more clearly. This is your time to dig deep, embrace the truth, and use it to your advantage.

9. Sagittarius: You Revisit a Favorite Place


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Sagittarius, we know that you’re always on the hunt for new experiences, but Mercury Retrograde has other plans for you in mind. If you feel a random urge to look back at old passions that once made you happy, just know that this is the work of Mercury retrograde. Whether it’s a hobby, a place you used to love visiting, or even an old flame, this is a time to revisit what once brought you joy and see if it still lights a fire in you.

10. Capricorn: You Get Your Finances Back on Track

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Capricorn, you’re all about ambition and long-term planning, and Mercury retrograde will present a great time for clarity in revisiting your financial goals. Maybe a few months back, you started a savings plan or an investment strategy that you didn’t get off the ground, but now’s the perfect time to loop back and ensure your financial future is on the right track.

11. Aquarius: You Reconnect with Old Friends

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Aquarius, even though you appear aloof, you value your friendships and community connections. Mercury retrograde will be sure to bring some old friends back into your life. Though it’s confronting, this is the perfect time for rekindling those relationships that may have been fractured.

12. Pisces: You go Even Deeper

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Pisces, as a water sign, you’re naturally intuitive. During Mercury retrograde, this gift might become even more pronounced than usual. If you find you have the space to go emotionally deep, follow that feeling. Allow yourself to go inward, meditate, and trust your gut feelings. This is your moment to deepen your connection with your inner self and harness that intuition for guidance.

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