Why Libra Will Never Strike the Balance They Desperately Crave

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Libras are represented by scales and are famously known as a sign of balance and harmony. Despite their best efforts and diplomatic nature, they are often seesawing, weighing up the pros and cons of every situation to strike that elusive equilibrium. Although they deplore conflict, their desperate search for justice and balance often gets them caught up in chaos they try so hard to avoid. If you thought Libra’s were perfectly balanced, you might have been misled. Those scales tip for a reason.

1. They are Chronically Indecisive

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Libras are notorious for being indecisive, which makes it very hard for them to achieve balance. They weigh every option, overthink every choice, and end up in analysis paralysis because of their deep-seated fear of making the wrong decision. This puts them in a constant state of limbo, not balance.

2. They Overextend to People-Please

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Libras love to make others happy, and their desire to keep the peace can lead them to say “yes” when they really mean “no.” Not only does this throw their sense of balance off-kilter, but it also makes them people pleasers. To avoid conflict and maintain harmony, they will follow and prioritize others’ needs over their own.

3. They Have Severe F.O.M.O.

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Librans have a hard time saying no to anyone or anything, which leads to overcommitting and becoming anxious. They take on more than they can handle, leaving little room for self-care and balance. Their fear of disappointing others or missing out also makes these social charmers overpromise and under-deliver.

4. They Fear Conflict Above All Else

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Librans avoid conflict like the plague, but in doing so, they tend to bury their head in the sand and not address important issues. This can lead to frustration and unresolved tensions both internally and externally that disrupt the balance they crave. The very idea of confrontation throws Libran out of sorts.

5. They Have Difficulty Prioritizing

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Libras don’t appear to have the best time management and executive function skills and struggle to prioritize what’s most important. It’s not because they are naturally chaotic; they are just juggling so many interests and obligations that they find it hard to know where to start. Their desire to be fair and just, along with their deep sense of justice, makes it impossible to know who or what deserves their focus and attention

6. They Overthink Everything

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Libras are deep thinkers and tend to spend so much time in their heads overanalyzing everything that it can be their downfall. Constantly weighing up pros and cons and seeing every side of a situation or argument makes it impossible to make a decision. Their analytical nature can keep them in a perpetual state of imbalance.

7. They are Romantic Idealists

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Libras are hopeless romantics and are out there searching for the perfect person and relationship. This idealism sets them up for disappointment when reality doesn’t match their expectations. This causes inner turmoil and emotional imbalance, and they can disconnect and not appreciate the meaningful relationships and people around them. They also feel desperately out of balance when they don’t have a partner; they need their other half to balance them out.

8. They Neglect Self-Care

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Libras are great at taking care of others but tend to neglect their own needs and emotions. As air signs, they can also be erratic. One week, they’ll go all out on self-care, then completely ignore it the next. This leads to a constant cycle of burnout imbalance and emotional dysregulation.

9. They’d Rather Stay Stuck than Be Wrong

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Libras can feel intense and paralyzing pressure to make the “right” decision. Their deep fear of making a mistake or the wrong choice can stop them from taking any action at all. They can come across as lazy when they are really stuck like glue in an unbalanced state. A Libra would rather sit on the fence forever than make a decision they regret.

10. They Seek Approval and Validation from Others

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Libras tend to seek validation and approval from others as a result of their strong desire to be liked and accepted. This constant search for approval means they lack self-esteem and balance and would prefer to compromise their own needs and desires rather than put their foot down.

11. They Can Be Co-Dependent on Others

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Libras thrive in partnerships, which can lead to codependency and an overreliance on other people for stability and balance. When their relationships are shaky, so is their sense of equilibrium. Their deep need for connection and dependency on others for emotional can cause tensions in their relationships and induce anxiety.

12. They Underestimate Themselves

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Libras are so focused on everyone else they downplay their own needs and talents. This can lead to feelings of frustration and imbalance as they don’t feel they are living up to their true potential. Librans are whip-smart and actually have strong opinions under that wishy-washy appearance.  Their strong sense of justice and equality can make them feel guilty for not speaking up or putting their needs first.

13. They Live in the Future

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Libras don’t just live in their heads; they live in the future. They are often so caught up in what could be that they tend to never be fully present at the moment. This future-focused mindset can prevent them from properly connecting with anyone and finding joy and balance in the here and now.

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