The Biggest Turn Off Quality of Every Star Sign

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Every zodiac sign has its strengths and weaknesses; some are admirable, while others are not so much. Understanding the best and least attractive and virtuous traits of each sign can help you navigate your relationship with them and even make you a little more empathetic and understanding. Here are the traits most likely to press your buttons and turn you off about each star sign.

1. Aries: Impulsive Immaturity

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Aries might be full of energy, but their impulsiveness can be a double-edged sword. These fireballs act before they think, which can lead to rash decisions, unnecessary conflicts, and plenty of blunt foot-in-mouth moments. On the flip side, this impulsive nature is fueled by courage. They aren’t afraid to take risks, face challenges head-on, and blaze a trail wherever they go. This can inspire less courageous types.

2. Taurus: Stubborn as a Rock

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Tauruses might be stable and reliable, but their stubborn nature can be a major turn-off. Once they’ve made up their mind (and they tend to always think they are right), they won’t budge an inch budge, which can be infuriating. It’s worth remembering this stubbornness is tied to their strong sense of loyalty. When Taurus commits to someone or something, their loyalty is unshakeable, so you can trust them with your life.

3. Gemini: Never Stop talking

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Geminis are ruled by Mercury, the planet of rapid-fire communication. While this makes them great conversationalists who are full of ideas and energy, they can be exhausting to be around. As the twins of the zodiac, they have dual personalities, so not only do they not understand silence, but they are easily distracted. Geminis can be hot one minute and cold the next, which can madden those around them. On the plus side, Geminis are highly adaptable, quick thinkers, and can navigate any social situation like a pro.  They just won’t let you get a word in.

4. Cancer: Emotionally Suffocating

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Cancers are deeply emotional and empathetic, which makes them great nurturers. The problem is their emotions rule their behavior, and they tend to be overly sensitive, insecure, and very clingy. They can suffocate the people they love and be possessive. They are also super moody, and their feelings get hurt so easily that they retreat into their shell to sulk. You can always count on a Cancer to lend a listening ear or comforting shoulder; they just won’t let you go.

5. Leo: Attention Stealing

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Leos are natural-born leaders with confidence and charisma to spare. This confidence, however, can spill over into tip into arrogance, especially as they love the spotlight. They are also fiercely proud and self-absorbed, and their dominating nature tends to run people over and rub them up the wrong way. While they might be a lot, Leos are also incredibly warm and generous and love to make those around them feel happy and special. Just be prepared to have to play second fiddle.

6. Virgo: Judgy Perfectionists

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Virgos are known for being meticulous and detail-oriented, but their insistence that everything and everyone be perfect can make them seem judgy and arrogant. They also have a habit of nitpicking and focusing on flaws and worse-case scenarios. On the other hand, Virgos’ critical eye can make them great at identifying issues and solving problems, so they are the perfect backbone of any operation or family.

7. Libra: Chronic People Pleaser

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Libras are the peacemakers of the zodiac, but their desire to keep everyone happy can make them indecisive, and they tend to follow the crowd. They are very internal and always in their head, weighing all sides and avoiding conflict, which can be frustrating and make them come across as distant and too people-pleasing. Despite their inability to make a decision, Libras are charming, diplomatic, and deeply committed to justice, so they will always see your point of view.

8. Scorpio: Intensely Secretive

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Scorpios are passionate and intense, but their intensity can manifest as jealousy, possessiveness and a total lack of trust. They have a tendency to be overly suspicious and can hold onto grudges until the end of time. This can put a deep strain on their relationships. Scorpios’ intensity also makes them fiercely loyal. When they commit to someone or something, they are the most devoted friends and partners you could ask for.

9. Sagittarius: Selfishly Free-Spirited

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Sagittarians are known for their brutal honesty, so they can speak without empathy, which can hurt others’ feelings. They are also a little all about themselves. Their love of exploration and adventure means they are always taking off somewhere, happily solo, so this can make them commitment-phobic and inconsiderate of other’s needs. On the bright side, Sagittarius is fun, and their optimism is infectious. They spread energy, enthusiasm, and positivity wherever they go.

10. Capricorn: Cold Hearted


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Capricorns are regimented and ambitious, and they prioritize work and success above their own happiness and everyone else’s. This doesn’t just make them appear cold and distant; they actually are at their core. They can also be overly pessimistic, a little serious, and critical, so they aren’t always the most fun to be around. On a positive note, Capricorns’ self-discipline, determination, and leadership qualities inspire others.

11. Aquarius: Weirdly Eccentric

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Aquarians are independent, unconventional, and forward-thinking. They live in their heads, innovating visions for a better future, which makes them detached and aloof or uninterested in not all that interested in the here and now and others’ feelings. They value their freedom so strongly that they can struggle with connection and emotional intimacy. The beauty of Aquarians is their out-of-the-box thinking, so they are pioneers in whatever field they choose and personally will always find a solution no one else thought of.

12. Pisces: Unrealistic Dreamers

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Pisceans are imaginative, emotional, and very dreamy, so they can be prone to escapism. They don’t tend to want to live in or face reality, which can be annoying for those of us in the real world. When life gets too much, as it often does for these super-sensitive fish, they’ll retreat into their fantasies, and it’s hard to bring them back to earth. This escapism is also linked to deep empathy and creativity. Pisceans are so attuned to the emotions of others that they make incredibly understanding and compassionate friends and partners.

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