How Long You Hold a Grudge According to Your Zodiac

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Why some people can’t let anything go, while others brush off slights like dust off their shoulders could be written in the stars. Your zodiac sign might be the cosmic key to understanding how long you hold on to a grudge. Let’s explore how each sign deals with resentment and how long it will last.

1. Scorpio: Until the End of Time

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When it comes to grudges, Scorpios are the undisputed champions. With their intense, all-or-nothing nature, they can remember a slight for years. Their grudges are like hidden landmines—once you’ve crossed them, don’t expect an easy path back. They nurse their grievances quietly, plotting their next move with a patience that can last a lifetime.

2. Taurus: It’s Going to Take Years

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Taurus, the stubborn bull, is next in line. Once you’ve upset a Taurus, you’re likely to stay on their bad side for a long while. Their need for loyalty and trust drives their grudge-holding. If you’ve broken that bond, it might take years to mend—or maybe never. They’re not quick to forget or forgive.

3. Capricorn: Expect the Silent Treatment for Some Time

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Capricorns are practical and disciplined, and their grudges reflect that. They’re more likely to hold onto a grudge until it’s resolved in a way that aligns with their sense of fairness. This could mean months or even years of silent disapproval until they feel justice has been served or until they decide it’s time to let it go

4. Cancer: It Will Fester on Forever

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Cancer’s deeply emotional nature means they can carry grudges like a heavy emotional burden. Their feelings are intensely personal, so when they’re hurt, they can stew over it for months or even years. They might not always show their pain, but it lingers quietly in the background, coloring their interactions and memories.

5. Virgo: They’ll Get Over It, Eventually

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Virgos’ meticulous and analytical minds mean they can dissect and dwell on a grudge for quite some time. They replay every detail and analyze every angle, which can make their grudges last for months or even years. However, their need for resolution and understanding means they will eventually move on—if they can get their analytical mind to let go.

6. Pisces: It Will Take a Lot of Healing

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Pisces are sensitive and empathetic, so their grudges run deep and are long-lasting. They might hold onto a grudge for several months, mainly because they internalize their feelings and struggle to let go. However, their capacity for forgiveness is also significant, so they might eventually release their grudge if they feel emotional healing is possible.

7. Libra: They Make Peace Quickly

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Libra’s quest for balance and harmony means they don’t like holding grudges. They may keep a grudge for a few months, primarily if they feel the scales of justice haven’t been righted. However, their preference for peace often leads them to seek resolution and move on quicker than most.

8. Leo: They’ll Pout and Sulk for a Bit

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Leos are dramatic and proud, and while they might sulk and make a scene when they’re upset, their grudges typically don’t last forever. They might simmer for a few weeks, but once they’ve made their point and received the attention they crave, they’ll usually move on to their next grand performance.

9. Gemini: They’ll Forgive Fast

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Geminis are known for their fickleness and short attention spans, which extends to their grudges. They might hold onto a grudge for a few days or weeks, but their focus quickly shifts to something else. Their memory of the grudge can be as unreliable as their mood swings, making it less likely for them to dwell on past offenses for long.

10. Sagittarius: They’ve Already Moved On

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Sagittarians are optimistic and freedom-loving, so they don’t let grudges weigh them down. They’re more likely to get over an offense within a few weeks. Their focus on living life to the fullest means they don’t have the patience to stay angry for long.

11. Aquarius: They’re Too Busy to Think About It

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Aquarians are detached and intellectually oriented, so their grudges tend to be short-lived. They might hold onto a grudge for a few weeks while they process it from a rational standpoint, but they don’t have much emotional investment in staying mad. Their next big idea or cause will usually sweep away their lingering resentment.

12. Aries: They’ve Already Forgotten

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Aries is the least likely to hold onto a grudge. Their fiery temperament means they might blow up and get over it almost instantly. Their grudge-holding is brief, often lasting only a few weeks. They’re too busy charging forward with their next adventure to dwell on past grievances.

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