14 Reasons Never to Believe Your Daily Horoscope

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Daily horoscopes are like the fortune cookies of the cosmos—fun to crack open but not worth taking seriously. If you’re one to check your horoscope every morning to discover if your day will be a disaster or if you’ll strike it rich and can throw in your job, you’ll be disappointed to learn relying on your horoscope is about as useful as asking your dog what you should wear. Here are 15 reasons you should take that daily dose of astrology with a big fat grain of salt.

1. They’re Way Too Vague

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You’ve probably noticed daily horoscopes are often written in a way that could apply to anyone. “You might meet someone new today” or “Expect changes at work” are classic examples of their one-size-fits-all approach. The vagueness is intentional so punters can feel like we relate to it, even if it’s a stretch.

2. They’re Written for Millions

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Daily horoscopes usually appear in the newspaper and media, so they go out to millions.  They are also based on your Sun sign, so suggesting everyone born under the same sign will have the same kind of day is ridiculous. Everyone has different lives, jobs, and relationships, so lumping them all under a general prediction is impossible. It’s like saying every Leo in the world will land a new job — not going to happen.

3. Astrologers Aren’t Mindreaders

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Astrologers don’t have a crystal ball, nor do they know you personally or can tap into your thoughts and subconscious. Instead, they use the position of the planets and stars to craft their predictions, but even the most seasoned astrologer is making broad strokes assumptions. They aren’t mind readers, so they can’t possibly know the inner details of your life; daily horoscopes are more of a general mood setter.

4. The Stars Can’t Control Your Life

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Astrology can be fun and intriguing, but the idea that the alignment of planets millions of miles away can dictate your daily mood, the outcome of a job interview, or whether you’ll blow up with your partner tonight is a little far-fetched. Life is full of complexities, and your choices and actions dictate your path, not the stars.

5. People Make Them Up

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Horoscopes are often churned out by writers with no actual knowledge of astrology. It’s often someone’s job in publications to handle the horoscope page. It’s mass-produced content designed to keep you entertained and generate clicks, not to provide genuine insight into your life. It’s like fast food for the soul—easy, tasty, but not exactly nutritious.

6. They Don’t Consider Your Full Chart

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If you know anything about astrology, you’ll know your traits and personality are defined by more than just your Sun sign. Your full birth chart includes your Moon and Rising sign and the other planets positions at the time you were born. That’s why you can meet two Aries, and they can be completely different. A daily horoscope doesn’t consider any of that, which is like trying to understand a book by reading one sentence.

7. They’re Positive on Purpose

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Most horoscopes are written to be uplifting or at least neutral. No one wants to read that their day will be a disaster or their partner is cheating. This focus on positivity means they often gloss over the tough stuff or avoid making concrete predictions. This can leave you feeling misled when things don’t go as rosy as your horoscope suggests—here you were, thinking you were about to win the lottery.

8. They Can’t Predict the Unpredictable

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Daily horoscopes can’t predict life’s unexpected twists and turns. Whether it’s a surprise promotion, a sudden breakup, or a job loss, real life doesn’t follow the neat patterns that horoscopes laid out. When was the last time your horoscope accurately predicted that you’d lose your phone (or where you’d find it) or if you’d get into an unfortunate car accident? There’s no crystal ball involved.

9. They Create “Confirmation Bias”

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It’s common to read your horoscope and focus on the parts that seem to fit your day or relationship status and ignore the rest. This is called confirmation bias, and it’s a big reason why horoscopes can feel eerily accurate—you’re subconsciously making them fit. This can cause you to act a certain way, falling into the trap of believing your actions are written in the stars.  It isn’t.

10. They Influence Your Mood

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If you’re in a good mood, you’re more likely to read your horoscope in a positive light. A negative horoscope can feel like a prophecy of doom if you’re not feeling so great. Your emotional state can heavily influence how you interpret vague statements in a daily horoscope, which is not good.

11. They’re Not Backed by Science

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Astrology is an ancient practice, but it’s not a proven science. There’s no scientific evidence that your Sun sign influences your daily life or your future. Sure, it’s fun to think the stars have a say in your destiny and when you’ll meet the love of your life, but when it comes down to it, there’s nothing scientific about horoscopes.

12. They Can Be Manipulative

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Some horoscopes are intentionally written to keep you hooked. They may suggest that tomorrow or next week will bring the answers you want; remember, people, this is clickbait. It’s like a Netflix series that ends on a cliffhanger, leaving you desperate for the next season. Take it with a big, fat grain of salt.

13. They’re Not Personal

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Your horoscope is not personally tailored to you specifically. It’s a one-size-fits-all prediction based on each sign’s typical traits and characteristics. They are meant to be relatable to as many people as possible, and that personal touch you feel is just good marketing.

14. You’re in Charge of Your Destiny

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At the end of the day, it’s you who has the power to shape your own life. Relying on horoscopes can take away your sense of responsibility or even cause you to make the wrong decisions. Think about it:  are you going to let the stars or a random internet writer tell you how your day will go? Read them if you must, but then have a laugh, take control, make your own decisions, and let the chips fall where they may.

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