The Star Signs Most Likely to Get Divorced, Ranked

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Astrology can offer some fun insights into our personalities and relationships. When it comes to marriage, some zodiac signs may have a tendency to seek freedom, change, or independence more than others—traits that can sometimes lead to splitsville. Let’s take a look at which star signs are most likely to get divorced, ranked from most to least likely.

1. Sagittarius 

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Sagittarius loves freedom and adventure more than most, and the idea of being tied down forever might make them a little nervous. They can get bored easily and tend to crave new experiences. This can be challenging in a long-term relationship if things start to feel routine or limiting. They need a partner who can keep up with their adventurous spirit.

2. Aquarius

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Aquarians value independence and individuality above all else. While they love deeply, they often struggle with the idea of “settling down” or compromising on their personal space. If their partner tries to restrict their freedom or doesn’t understand their need for alone time, it could spell trouble. Aquarians want someone who respects their unique perspective and gives them room to be themselves.

3. Aries

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Aries is all about excitement and passion, but when the flame starts to dim, they can become restless. They tend to act impulsively, both in love and out of it, which can lead to quick decisions about marriage and divorce. If an Aries feels like their relationship is holding them back or losing its spark, they’re not afraid to move on in search of new thrills.

4. Gemini

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Known for their dual nature, Geminis are fun and spontaneous, but they can also be a bit unpredictable. This sign craves variety and may struggle with commitment if they feel like their partner can’t keep up with their ever-changing interests. Gemini needs mental stimulation and a partner who can engage in deep, meaningful conversations—or else they might wander.

5. Libra 

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Libras are all about harmony and balance, but they also have a bit of a romantic idealist streak. They often dream of the “perfect” relationship, and when reality falls short, they may find themselves contemplating whether they’ve made the right choice. Libras hate conflict, but if their relationship becomes too unbalanced, they won’t hesitate to bow out gracefully.

6. Leo 

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Leos love to be adored, and they thrive in relationships where they are cherished and admired. However, if they feel under appreciated or taken for granted, they might begin to wonder if their partner truly values them. Leos can be fiercely loyal, but if they feel like the relationship is no longer serving their need for attention and admiration, they may move on.

7. Pisces 

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Pisces is a sensitive, emotional sign that loves deeply. However, they can sometimes fall into relationships with unrealistic expectations. They’re dreamers, and when their partner doesn’t live up to their idealized vision of romance, disappointment can set in. While Pisces is one of the more compassionate signs, if they feel unfulfilled, they may quietly drift away.

8. Scorpio 

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Scorpios are intense and passionate, and they take relationships seriously. While they aren’t quick to call it quits, they can be very all-or-nothing. If they feel betrayed or like their partner isn’t being completely honest, they might cut ties without looking back. Trust is everything for a Scorpio, and once it’s broken, reconciliation can be difficult.

9. Cancer 

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Cancers are the ultimate homebodies. They value security and emotional connection in their relationships. They don’t easily let go, but if their trust is shattered or their emotional needs aren’t being met, a Cancer might decide it’s time to walk away. They’ll do everything they can to make a relationship work, but when it’s time to move on, they’ll retreat to protect their heart.

10. Capricorn 

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Capricorns are known for their dedication and commitment, especially in relationships. They’re practical and tend to stick things out, even when times get tough. Divorce isn’t something a Capricorn takes lightly. They’ll do their best to work through issues, but if they feel like their partner isn’t meeting them halfway or respecting their goals, they might eventually call it quits.

11. Taurus 

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Taurus is one of the most loyal and steadfast signs. They value stability and are unlikely to rush into marriage or divorce. Taurus people crave consistency and are willing to put in the effort to make a relationship last. However, if a partner betrays their trust or disrupts their sense of security, Taurus will likely make the tough decision to leave.

12. Virgo 

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Virgos are analytical and tend to approach relationships with a level head. They believe in working through problems and will usually put a lot of effort into making things work. Virgo is the sign least likely to jump into a marriage or rush into a divorce. They’ll carefully weigh their options, and if they do decide to end a marriage, you can bet it wasn’t a decision they made lightly.


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