Celia Francon

A girl preoccupied with living her best life even when it's uncomfortable to do so. She spends a lot of time with her thoughts. She hopes you enjoy reading the results of those thoughts.

The Zodiac’s Biggest Flirts and How They Lead You On

For some people, flirting comes as naturally as breathing. They know how to turn on the smoothness and charm and send sparks flying when they meet someone they’re attracted to. While some of us have difficulty maintaining eye contact with someone we like, some zodiac signs are the biggest flirts you’ll ever meet. 1. Scorpio:…

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The Worst Zodiac Signs at Setting Boundaries in Relationships

Setting healthy boundaries is an important element in any relationship. It helps you stay in control of your life and reduces your chance of getting manipulated, hurt, or harmed by the actions of others. Astrology tells us that certain zodiac signs find it difficult to establish boundaries because they’re more concerned with pleasing people than…

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