15 Things to Know If You’re Dating or in Love With a Leo

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A Leo woman is a natural-born superstar. She’s confident, generous, warm, and loving, and people are drawn to her like flies to honey.  Leos are also fierce, loyal, and complex, so don’t expect to have her figured out overnight. Here’s what you should know about a Leo woman before you date or fall head over heels in love with one.

1. Leos Are Attracted to Strong Partners

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Leo women are among the strongest, most fearless, and dynamic signs in the zodiac. They are lionesses, after all. So naturally, they are attracted to partners who are equally strong and fearless physically and mentally. They will walk all over passive types and people pleasers, so they need a partner who can meet them at their level but also allow them to have the limelight.

2. Leos Are Fiercely Loyal

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While Leo women can be flirtatious, that’s more for attention as in their relationships and friendships they are known for their loyalty. This sign is honest and genuine and her morals are too strong to lead her down the road of infidelity. Not only does she stay faithful to her partner, but she will support and defend her SO and her friendships to the bitter end.

3. Leos Are Super Generous

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With hearts of gold, Leo women are also incredibly generous. She’ll open up her home and her pockets to her loved ones and loves to make showy grand gestures. A Leo won’t think twice about splurging on her significant other and making them feel special and spoiled. Saving money isn’t her top priority, she prefers to live life to the full and in the moment.

4. Leos Are Always Right

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One thing to know about a Leo woman is that she’s always, always right. There’s no point in arguing the contrary because you won’t win. She gets so caught up in her emotions during a debate that she can’t always see reason. She will never admit that she’s wrong, even if she knows she is. She’s known to lose her temper but will feel guilty afterward and make it up by showering you with affection and generosity.

5. Leos Confidence Is Off the Charts

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Leo women are confident to the point of being egotistical. They love to take center stage and as a result, people are drawn to them. Leo is also brimming with charm and charisma making them instantly popular. Even when Leo women have insecurities or don’t feel as hot as usual they still come across as the most confident people in the world.

6. Leos Can Be Pretentious

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Leo women are usually very attractive, deeply concerned about appearances, and can be a little pretentious. Their popularity can go to their heads, and they occasionally cross the line from confidence to cockiness. But they also care deeply for their loved ones and don’t like those around them to feel insecure. In fact, they can be great motivators that inspire the people in their lives to look and achieve their best.

7. Leos Commands the Room

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Leo loves the limelight and when they walk into a room, they own it and everyone stares in awe. They have a star quality and people are intoxicated by their confidence and energy, whether she’s wearing a ball gown or a tracksuit. Some would even describe her as the life of the party. This is why Leo women tend to do well in show business as they are like real-life celebrities and performers.

8. Leos Are Incredible Friends

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While Leo women make great lovers, they also make fantastic friends. Their friendships mean a lot to them, so she’s not the best partner for someone who can’t handle their significant other having a lot of friends. Leo is always making new friends and keeping up with her old ones. Put simply, she needs more in her life than just a relationship, and won’t respond well if you try to interfere with her social life or friendship dynamics.

9. Leos Want to Be Romanced

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Leo women are strong and independent, but they’re also romantic. This is the kind of sign who loves hearing how loved and lovable she is and wants to be wined, dined, and romanced. Buy her gifts, send her flowers, and always fan the flames of passion and desire, no matter how long you’ve been together.  She’ll get bored if not.

10. Leos Need to be Adored

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Along with hearing that she is loved, a Leo woman needs lots of affection and adoration. She puts a lot of effort into her partner and relationship and expects even more in return. She wants to be the center of your world so remember to keep telling her how much you adore her and how amazing she is because if she feels neglected there could be hell to pay.

11. Leos Are Ruthless Ambitious

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Expect your Leo woman to have her own dreams and goals and concrete plans to reach them. They are typically called to the spotlight, whether that’s in show business or through starring roles in other careers, like CEO, head chef, or key speaker. This is not the best sign for people who feel jealous of their partner’s success or need their undivided attention.

12. Leos Have Massive Egos

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A Leo woman’s dynamic personality and strong sense of self can translate to having a big ego. Her confidence and belief that she is always right are fueled by her natural leadership qualities and desire to be in the spotlight. While self-assuredness is one of her greatest strengths, Leo women have a tendency to dominate the conversations and can appear arrogant and self-centered. Thankfully her magnetic charm, charisma and grace soften her egotistical nature.

13. Leos Are Ridiculously Proud

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Leo women exude pride and their enviable sense of self-respect and dignity is rooted in her unwavering confidence. She takes great care in her appearance, achievements and sets high standards for herself and others. At times her pride can get in her way, making her reluctant to accepting help or admit mistakes and if you wound her pride you better run for the hills.

14. Leos Can Be Pretty Selfish

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A Leo woman’s confidence and strong sense of self can border on selfishness especially when she hogs the attention and overshadows the needs and feelings of others. Her need to shine and succeed can also lead her to prioritize her own ambitions. Being admired and appreciated is her mantra in life and her constant craving for validation can see her neglect her partner or other people’s perspectives or contributions.

15. Leos Will Trample A Pushover

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Fair warning: Not everyone can handle a Leo woman’s energy, confidence, and dominating personality. She likes to take the lead but at the same time she wants a strong man who has his own thing going on and will trample over any man she perceives as weak. In her quest to be queen of the jungle, she may inadvertently overshadow or undermine men who don’t match her intensity, passion, fearless nature or who will do anything she says.