Everything You Need to Know About Your Kid’s Star Sign Traits

If you’re into astrology it can provide valuable insights into your child’s personality and traits. Using their zodiac sign as a guide you can better understand some of their behaviors as well as their strengths and challenges so you can nuture their unique talents and guide them in their growth and development.

1. Leo: The Confident Performer

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You’ll know you’re alive if you have a Leo child. Lion cubs are confident (almost overly so), charismatic, and love being the center of attention. They are natural performers so expect them to put on plenty of shows and pay attention as they need to be admired and adored. These kids are warm-hearted but they can also be demanding, dominating, and a little on the dramatic side. Encourage their creativity, give them a platform to shine but also impart the importance of being humble and sharing the limelight with others.

2. Aries: The Energetic Trailblazer

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Aries kids are little dynamos and can be dramatic and explosive. Natural-born leaders, they’re full of passion, fire, and zest for life. The firstborn of the zodiac, it’s their first time on this planet so they are eager to explore everything which they do with bold confidence. They are nothing if not brave, but they can also be headstrong. Energetic and active they dive into everything head first but become bored just as quickly. Keep them engaged with physical activity, encourage their leadership skills, teach them the art of patience, and how to keep that temper in check.

3. Taurus: The Stubborn Sweetheart

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Taurus children have a sweet, loving nature and a fiercely stubborn streak. They thrive on comfort and stability and will find joy in simple pleasures like their favorite toy or a cozy blanket. Determined little creatures they are reliable but also very resistant to change and think their way is the right way. Give them a stable consistent routine but encourage them to be more flexible by slowly introducing them to gradual change.

4. Gemini: The Curious Communicator

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Gemini children are chatty little cats so they will probably talk early and in a rapid-fire way. Curious and lively they are eager to learn and will ask a million questions to stimulate and appease their sharp minds.  Symbolized by the twins Geminis have a dual personality so they can switch interests quickly making them seem a little unpredictable. Foster their love of learning by introducing them to diverse activities, especially anything where they can express their creativity and flex their communication skills. Oh and encourage them to stay the course and finish what they start.

5. Cancer: The Sensitive Nurturer

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Cancer children are deeply sensitive, very emotional and highly intuitive to others and their surroundings. These little crabs thrive in cozy, nurturing environments so love being at home and spending time with their family. They can be shy, need plenty of positive reassurance and compliments and can get their feelings hurt very easily. Give them plenty of warm affection but also encourage their independence as they can be clingy and rather moody.

6. Virgo: The Little Perfectionist

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Virgo children are meticulous, analytical detail-oriented, and have a strong sense of responsibility. They are also perfectionists so they’ll want their clothes clean and perfectly ironed and their rooms tidy. Their obsession for everything to be perfect can stem from a need for control and when things feel chaotic they can be overly critical of themselves and others. Encourage their self-esteem while helping them learn to relax and put less pressure on themselves.

7. Libra: The Harmonious Peacemaker

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Libra kids are charming, social and rather lovely to be around. They love beautiful things and looking good and they are nothing if not diplomatic, so they’ll never be a bully (plus they can’t stand conflict). Librans are born under the scales so they always striving for balance and harmony and love to keep the peace and make everyone happy. Which can show up as people-pleasing. Given they are busy weighing up every option before making a decision they can appear wishy-washy and a little distant (they aren’t they are just busy in their heads). Give them lots of mental and intellectual stimulation (they are whip-smart) and stress the importance of putting their needs above others.

8. Scorpio: The Intense Investigator

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Scorpio children are intense, passionate, and even a little mysterious and guarded so they can be hard to read. They have a strong desire and determination to understand the world around them and can sniff out BS a mile off. They are at once loyal and protective at at the same time secretive, controlling and even a little manipulative at times. Scorpions do have a sting and can be easily hurt and if they feel slighted they will sulk and hold a grudge. Challenge them with engaging activities, they love anything with a mystical undertone and instill in them the need to be more open and trusting.

9. Sagittarius: The Adventurous Explorer

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Sagittarians are optimistic and highly adventurous so they love nothing more than to explore. They have boundless curiosity and a thirst for knowledge and learning about new ideas and places, which explains why they become addicted to traveling when they grow up. Fiercely independent and freedom-loving, they hate being restricted and stuck indoors. As a fire sign, they have a bit of a temper, not to mention a sharp tongue so they can cut you with their little words. Let them roam freely, read to them, and help them understand the importance of patience and being more sensitive to other’s feelings.

10. Capricorn: The Responsible Achiever

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Capricorn kids are responsible, disciplined, and have a strong sense of ambition from an early age. Often mature beyond their years they can be a little on the serious side and too focused on achieving. This can make them appear a little cold and emotionless so help them be more playful and in touch with their emotions. Play with them, encourage their imagination and creativity, and set up play dates to hone their social skills and have more fun.

11. Aquarius: The Independent Thinker

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Aquarians are independent, clever, innovative, and have an unconventional way of thinking and perceiving the world. They are deep thinkers who thrive on intellectual stimulation and exploring new ideas and concepts which can make them seem one step ahead of the game. Because they spend so much time in their heads dreaming of creating a better future they can seem aloof and detached when at the heart of it they are warm, friendly and open-minded. They also care passionately about animals and humanitarian causes. Encourage their independent thinking and creativity, allow them to be who they are while also helping them develop strong emotional connections.

12. Pisces: The Dreamy Idealist

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Pisces children have big imaginations and are extremely creative and deeply emotional. The world can seem like a harsh and overwhelming place for these dreamy sensitive souls so they tend to escape and get lost in a fantasy land. They are also highly intuitive, and compassionate and absorb the feelings of others so they can be prone to emotional dysregulation. Nurture their creative talents, support their emotional needs, and be careful about hurting their feelings. It’s also important to teach them how the importance of boundaries and be more practical.

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