Here are the Red Flags for Each Star Sign If You’re Considering Dating Them

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Dating can be a thrilling adventure, but often those early warning signs are written in the stars. By understanding a potential partner’s zodiac sign you can gain a deeper understanding of their character traits and identify any red flags before diving in headfirst and suffering later.

1. Aries: Bored Easily

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Aries are impulsive and tend to rush into relationships head-first. This can make them very fun in the beginning, however, this impulsivity can lead to recklessness and impatience. Their need for constant excitement might leave you feeling exhausted or overlooked when they move on to the next thrill.

2. Taurus: Sticklers for Routine

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Taurueans are well known to be very stubborn and totally resistant to change. Their deep desire for stability and comfort makes them inflexible, so they have a hard time compromising in a relationship. They also crave structure and routine which can make them a little on the boring side.

3. Gemini: Commitment Phobes

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Geminis are symbolized by the twins in the zodiac so they have a dual nature. This can make them seem unpredictable and two-faced. Their indecisiveness and tendency to get bored quickly can make them unreliable and hard to pin down so they tend to be commitment phobes.

4. Cancer: Overly Clingy

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Cancers are always all up in their feelings. Their emotional depth and overly sensitive nature can sometimes turn into moodiness and clinginess. They also have a hard time letting go of past hurts, leading to excessive sensitivity and neediness which will make them retreat into their shells for safety.

5. Leo: Too Dominant

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It’s hardly a secret that Leos loves to be in the spotlight and can be very self-centered. Though they’re fun to be around, their need for constant adoration and admiration tends to overshadow their loved one’s needs. They will also dominate the conversation and always need to be right.

6. Virgo: Harsh Critics

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Virgos are renowned perfectionists which can make them overly critical of themselves and others. They have impossibly high standards so you can feel nitpicked, inadequate, or judged. They can also be a little cold and take a long time to commit as they are looking for the perfect unicorn in a partner, which we all know doesn’t exist.

7. Libra: Conflict Avoidant

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Libras are the diplomats of the zodiac, which can make them very attractive to a potential partner. However, you’ll soon find that they actually avoid conflict at all costs, which can lead to passive-aggressive behavior. Their indecisiveness and desire to people-please might leave you feeling frustrated and unheard.

8. Scorpio: Intensely Possessive

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Scorpios are intensely passionate which makes them excellent partners but their red flag is that they can also be secretive and possessive. Their tendency to be untrusting, hold grudges, and seek revenge when wronged can make for a turbulent and mistrustful relationship.

9. Sagittarius: Fiercely Independent

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Sagittarians are free-spirited and value their independence above all else so they have an intense fear of commitment. They also have a tendency to be brutally honest and will cut you in half with their sharp tongue. This can make them seem insensitive and unreliable in relationships.

10. Capricorn: Ruthlessly Ambitious

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Capricorns are hardworking and ambitious which is a trait they are admired for. However, their obsession with their career and personal goals means they often prioritize work over relationships. This can make them seem emotionally distant and leave you feeling neglected.

11. Aquarius: Emotionally Detached

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Aquarians are free spirits which is tantalizing for prospective partners. However, they tend to value intellect over emotion which can make them appear aloof and uninterested. They spend so much time in their heads dreaming up big ideas that as a partner they can be unsupportive and disconnected on an emotional level.

12. Pisces: Cry Babies

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Pisces are dreamers who tend to retreat into an imaginary world. They are very emotional and empathetic being water signs but at times this can all become too much for them and their partner. Their biggest red flag is their tendency to avoid confrontation which might lead to unresolved issues and communication problems which will then cause them to have a teary emotional meltdown.

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