How Mercury Retrograde Will Affect Every Star Sign’s Career and Money

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Mercury retrograde is the astrological event that has the power to turn your life upside down. We know that communication, technology, and even love can go awry, but what about your career and money? Let’s dive into how Mercury retrograde is going to shake things up professionally for each star sign.

1. Aries

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Aries, you’re known for your go-getter attitude and relentless drive, but Mercury retrograde will annoyingly slow you down more than you’d like. During this confusing time, you can expect work to go awry with delays in projects, missed deadlines, and a general sense of frustration as things don’t move as quickly as you want them to.

2. Taurus

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Taurus, this retrograde is all about taking stock of what really matters to you in your career. If you’ve been second-guessing your direction, you may feel it’s time to move on from your current gig. When it comes to money, watch out for unexpected expenses and financial curveballs.

3. Gemini

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Geminis are ruled by Mercury, and so you’re going to feel this retrograde intensely, especially in your professional life. During the retrograde, miscommunications at work could lead to misunderstandings with colleagues or clients. It’s also a time to be cautious with financial decisions—read the fine print and avoid signing contracts if possible.

4. Cancer

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Cancer’s emotional nature could lead to some impulsive financial decisions during this Mercury retrograde. We know retail therapy cures all ills, but buying that expensive gadget or splurging on a vacation will surely lead to immense regret later.

5. Leo

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Leo, your confidence will get you in trouble during this Mercury retrograde. You might overestimate your abilities or take on more than you can handle at work, leading to potential mistakes or missed deadlines. You’ll also need to rein in the overconfidence when it comes to high-risk investments and splurges this month.

6. Virgo

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Virgos are already prone to overthinking, and Mercury retrograde will only amplify this. Your boss may make an off-hand comment that might cause you to spiral for days, over-analyzing its meaning. Make sure to take a step back, breathe, and wait until the retrograde passes before overthinking things.

7. Libra

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Libra, it’s time to put your natural inclination toward balance to the test. During Mercury retrograde, you might find it difficult to keep work and personal life in perfect harmony. Financially, you’ll also want to avoid lending money or getting involved in financial deals with friends, as your typical diplomatic tendencies will be skewed during this time.

8. Scorpio

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Scorpios, expect Mercury retrograde to bring some unexpected surprises to your career, such as hidden opportunities or challenges. You’ll need to roll with the punches when sudden changes at work and keep an eye out for office politics or secrets coming to light. As for money, it’s a time to be cautious—trust your intuition, but don’t act on impulse.

9. Sagittarius


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Sagittarians are going to feel the pinch of Mercury retrograde when their adventurous spirit is momentarily stifled. You could experience setbacks in your career plans or feel like you’re stuck in a rut. This is not the best time to make big career changes or take on new projects.

10. Capricorn

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Capricorn, we all know that you’re all about long-term goals and strategic planning, but Mercury retrograde will put a haze on your judgment and could make you question your path. You might feel a bit lost or unsure about your next steps in your career. Though it’s tempting to make decisions when you feel this strongly, hunker down and re-evaluate when Mercury retrograde is over.

11. Aquarius


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Aquarians, you are brimming with innovative ideas, but you might hit a roadblock during Mercury retrograde. Because of communication issues, you could find it challenging to get others on board with your vision. This isn’t the time to push for radical changes at work—instead, focus on refining your ideas and wait for a better time to implement them.

12. Pisces

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Pisces, Mercury retrograde might make it hard for you to stay focused on work. We know that daydreaming is already a tendency of yours, but you’ll find yourself indulging in it more than usual, which could affect your work ethic. Also, be mindful of your spending during this time—impulse buys or financial decisions made on a whim are bound to come back to haunt you.“`

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