How Will Mercury Retrograde Affect Each Star Signs’ Love Lives?

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Mercury retrograde, two words that can make even the most skeptical person wince. If you’ve ever had your phone mysteriously stop working, emails vanish into thin air, or arguments spring out of nowhere, you might already be familiar with this astrological phenomenon. During a Mercury Retrograde all kinds of crazy can happen, here’s how it may impact your love life.

1. Aries: Fighting Fires in Love

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Aries, you’re all about the head-on action, but during Mercury retrograde, your fiery nature might just mean that you’ll get burned. It’s common for communication mix-ups to happen during Mercury retrograde, and your usual straightforward approach might work in your favor usually but right now, it’ll come across as too blunt or even aggressive. Take a step back before you speak and try keeping the peace during this time.

2. Taurus: Second-Guessing Commitment

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Taurus, we all know that you love stability, but Mercury retrograde might throw a spanner in the works for you. Suddenly, a relationship that you might have felt so sure of won’t seem so solid anymore. Doubts about your partner’s intentions or your own feelings could surface, making you wonder if you’re really on the same page. Take stock of all of your relationships and weather the storm until Mercury retrograde is over.

3. Gemini: Communication Breakdown

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Gemini, we know that you are the sign of communication, but you’ll be feeling the effects of Mercury retrograde the hardest. Your usual razor-sharp wit might turn into a double-edged sword, and misunderstandings could crop up everywhere. Whether it’s sending a text to the wrong person or saying something that gets totally misinterpreted, be ultra careful of what you say this month, Geminis.

4. Cancer: Emotional Turbulence

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Cancer, you’re no stranger to emotions; in fact, of all the water signs, you may be the one to go to the depth of feeling, but Mercury retrograde could amplify your sensitivity. Old wounds are bound to reopen, and you could find yourself dwelling on past relationship hurts. Be mindful of what emotions you express this month and keep an open mind when it comes to other people’s projections of their own feelings.

5. Leo: Misplaced Pride

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Leos, watch your pride during Mercury retrograde; it might be your downfall. Mercury retrograde infamously leads to miscommunication, and as a Leo, you could end up with a severely bruised ego. Though you tend not to care all that much, during this time you might feel more defensive than usual. Be careful not to let your need for validation get in the way of resolving conflicts. It’s okay to be vulnerable and admit when you’re wrong, even if it’s not your favorite thing to do.

6. Virgo: Overthinking Overload

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Virgo, you’re already prone to overthinking, and Mercury retrograde is about to take that into overdrive. If you find yourself over-analyzing every word your partner says and looking for hidden meanings that aren’t really there, don’t freak out. Though this can lead to unnecessary stress and conflict, tensions are running high thanks to Mercury retrograde, so be sure to let your mind rest during this time.

7. Libra: Relationship Recalibration

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Libra, your desire for harmony in relationships is going to be put to the absolute test this month. Mercury retrograde will bring up unresolved issues for you, forcing you to confront them head-on. As a Libra, this is bound to be uncomfortable for you, but it’s also an opportunity to recalibrate your relationship and find a new balance.

8. Scorpio: Secrets Revealed

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Scorpios, watch out. Mercury retrograde is going to throw some unexpected curveballs your way. Secrets you’ve been keeping—or ones kept from you—are going to come to light, stirring the pot in your love life. Whether it’s uncovering hidden feelings or confronting past betrayals, this is a time for truth. Being a water sign, we know you’re well-prepared for whatever emotional toil comes your way.

9. Sagittarius: Freedom Frustrations


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Sagittarius, we know that your love of freedom has been feeling a little stifled lately. Unfortunately, Mercury retrograde is only going to amplify this. You might feel like your independence is being challenged, which can make you more irritable than usual. Try to take a step back during this confusing time in order to avoid coming to blows with the ones you love most.

10. Capricorn: Reassessing Priorities

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As a Capricorn, you’re usually all about the long game, but Mercury retrograde has other plans for you. This confusing time will have you questioning things like, ‘Am I too focused on work?’ and ‘Am I neglecting this relationship?’. This is a good time to reassess where you’re putting your energy. Don’t be surprised if your partner brings up concerns about feeling second place—use this time to make adjustments that benefit both your love life and career.

11. Aquarius: Clarity in Chaos

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Aquarius, you’re known for your unconventional approach to all life’s aspects, including love, but Mercury retrograde could bring some unexpected clarity. While the other signs suffer the wrath of miscommunications, you might actually find that this chaotic period helps you see your relationship from a new perspective. Whether it’s realizing what you truly want or deciding it’s time to move on, this retrograde will definitely be the eye-opener you didn’t know you needed.

12. Pisces: Daydreams vs. Reality

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Pisces, we know that of all the signs, you’re the biggest romantic, but Mercury retrograde might force you to choose between daydreams and reality. Don’t be surprised if you could find yourself feeling disillusioned. You might also find that your relationship isn’t living up to the fantasy you’ve built in your mind. While these are confronting realizations, they’ll force change in your life that is both necessary and good for you.

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