How Your Star Sign Affects Your Attitude Towards Money

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1. Which Signs Love to Spend and Who Prefers to Save

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Astrology isn’t an evidence-backed science but astrologers believe you can gain insights into someone’s personality traits and tendencies based on their star sign. So maybe, the reason money slips through your fingers has something to do with your zodiac. Ahead the savers and the spenders ranked by their astrological sign.

2. Aries Spendthrift

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Aries are spontaneous and impulsive so “impulsive purchases” are the name of their game. They love to spend money on new experiences, adventures and the latest fashion looks and gadgets. They live totally in the moment with a childlike wonder so saving, especially for the future, isn’t their strong suit.

3. Taurus Diligent Saver

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Taurus thrives on stability and security, especially of the financial kind. They are diligent savers and also like to invest in safe, steady long-term investments. Their downfall is they also love luxury fashion, chic home furnishings, and gourmet food.

4. Gemini Social Spender

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Geminis consider variety the spice of life, which means they’ll invest in a whole bunch of new experiences and hobbies. They live for social activities, and traveling the globe, so they’ll save for flights and hotels when necessary, but most often they are burning through the cash enjoying the present.

5. Cancer Cautious Saver

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Cancers are naturally cautious and place a high value on financial security so you’ll find them diligently saving for the future. Home and family are everything to them so they will spend money on home improvements, family needs, and creating a cozy environment. They may also splurge on sentimental items and family trips as they are nostalgic like that.

6. Leo Generous Spender

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Leos love to indulge (especially on themselves) and will happily splurge on luxury fashion and a lavish lifestyle. They enjoy spending money and treating others to elevate their image. They are smart so they can save but their desire for excitement and the finer things usually takes over.

7. Virgo Practical Saver

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Virgos are practical, grounded, detail-oriented, and prefer to spend money on necessities rather than anything frivolous. This makes them diligent savers, but as they also care a lot about their health and well-being Virgos will happily put money toward that.

8. Libra Spender/Saver

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Libras are always striving for balance in life which includes their finances. The trouble is they also love beautiful things and enjoy spending money on clothes, skincare,  art, and social events. Given Libra’s recognize the importance of saving they’ll often budget carefully to ensure they can enjoy both the pleasure and the stability.

9. Scorpio Strategic Spender/Saver

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Scorpios take a strategic approach to their finances preferring to spend money on items that offer deep value and transformation. They save and invest wisely but will splash out on personal development courses, fitness programs, and meaningful experiences.

10. Sagittarius Adventure Spender

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Sagittarians are all about adventure, travel, rich experiences, and learning new things. Saving isn’t their top priority (unless they are saving for their latest trip) as they prefer to indulge in and enjoy all the opportunities life throws at them and can be generous to others while doing so.

11. Capricorn Disciplined Saver

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Capricorns are very disciplined and hyper-focused on long-term financial stability and security. This makes them diligent savers and they prefer to invest in their future rather than waste money on little luxuries. They will buy practical items, and invest in anything that will lead to career advancement or promise steady returns.

12. Aquarius Experiential Spender

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Aquarians are naturally innovative and unconventional and that spills over to their spending. They will happily invest in technology, unique experiences, and causes they care passionate about, like the environment. A little frugal by nature, their desire to support progressive ideas can see them spend freely.

13. Pisces Emotional Spender

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Pisceans are creative, dreamy souls so they don’t really have a relationship with money. That makes them naturally generous and they love to spend money on those they love and on creative and spiritual pursuits. The fish will splurge on art, music, and experiences that fuel their imagination. Saving is a challenge as they prioritize creative and emotional fulfillment.

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