How Crazy Hard (or Not) Each Star Sign Shows Love

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Thanks to astrology, we can unlock a how-to guide to how much you or your S.O. lay on the love for each other. Some are crazy passionate, fall in love easily, and lay it on thick; others take their time and a more practical approach to finding and showing love. If you’re new to astrology, consider it: “Like a pizza with twelve slices, one for each zodiac sign,” says astrologer Jessica Lanyadoo. So, love comes in all different varieties.

1. Aries

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The first sign in the zodiac known for their fire, you’ll never have to question what Aries is thinking because they are bluntly honest. They’re cardinal signs, a fancy way of saying they love taking charge of things. They need someone just as motivated and ready to take a stand. Aries adore their independence, but many aren’t into a committed relationship. Still, you’ll know when they are in love when they want to include you in every aspect of their lives, including all the impulsive, risky activities they live for. Hope you like skydiving. The trouble with Aries is they fall hard fast and out of it just as quickly.

2. Taurus

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They may be stubborn, but this zodiac sign will never let you down. They are loyal and dependable people and lavish the ones they love with all of life’s luxuries. If they genuinely love you, they’ll break out the candlelit dinners and roses and sprinkle plenty of loving phrases. Taureans will expect you to appreciate their efforts, so remember to reward them for their behavior with some quality time in the bedroom.

3. Gemini

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Be ready to exchange fun facts and rapid-fire communication with your Gemini. This zodiac sign loves intellectual conversation with their partner. You’ll also notice when a Gemini is falling in love, they might come off as a bit clingy and possessive. Geminis will never be bored when you’re around if they love you. This is major since they don’t like stagnating for too long. So if it’s been a while and they’ve said those three little words, you won the prize. Just ensure the conversation never wanes and never try to limit their freedom.

4. Cancer

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These sensitive crabs are naturally loving people. They don’t fall in love quickly; they are super sensitive and emotional, so they need to have a deep connection. If they feel that, they will fully commit to you and your relationship and work hard to make you happy. To the point of smothering you at times. Cancers love spending quality time with their partner and will schedule dates and weekend getaways for the both of you. Assuming you can get them to leave the house, they are happiest at home curling up on the sofa or in bed with their beloved.

5. Leo

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Leos are bold and crazy confident and love to be in the spotlight. They fall in love quickly and loudly. Leos are big givers in bed, so expect to see stars and participate in roleplay. They live to make their loved ones happy, so there’s no doubt when they express their love for you. Grand gestures of love, plenty of warm affection, and lots of fun await if a Leo loves you. Just remember they need to be the center of attention at all times.

6. Virgo

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Virgos are perfectionists, so they are searching for the perfect person and the perfect kind of love. They are hellbent on improving themselves and the people they care about. So, if they love you, expect them to be on your case. If this zodiac sign constantly reminds you to eat your vegetables or gives you unsolicited advice, they care deeply about you. They are also very chatty and comfortable with those they love, which differs from their shy, reserved nature when first warming up to people. Just be mindful that their care can also come off as criticism if you fail to meet their super-high expectations.

7. Libra

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Libra are natural-born romantics who feel unbalanced when they don’t have love or a partner. A Libra in love will express their desires and love for you without question. They will also give you their undivided attention if they love you. Libras will want to do some serious PDAs, and because they love luxury and beautiful things, expect them to buy you designer fashion and statement jewelry. They’re usually pretty social and have F.O.MO. If they prioritize alone time with you, there’s a good chance they’ll be in it forever.

8. Scorpio

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When you first meet a Scorpio, this zodiac sign can seem intense, or like they’re silently judging you. But under the surface is a person waiting to find their soulmate. Once you’ve earned their trust and they feel they have a deep soul connection, they will love hard. Scorpios can be very passionate about their lover…and also very jealous. They are intensely loyal and expect the same from you. However, sometimes, their passion can manifest as being controlling. They’ll want to know what you’re doing, where you’re going, who you’re talking to, etc. Make sure to communicate boundaries with your Scorpio, but never leave them in the dark about what you’re doing in your life.

9. Sagittarius

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A free-spirited, adventurous Sagittarius fears a committed relationship will impede their freedom. So, if they fall in love and want to seal the deal, it’s a big deal. Loving you means loving to take you on adventures and plenty of global travel because you’ll be their ride-or-die. Expect to tag along on more adventurous dates like new restaurants, ax-throwing, and hiking vacations in remote destinations. A sense of adventure will keep the love alive for this zodiac sign.

10. Capricorn

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Capricorns often guard their emotions and can be hard to read. They are work and success-obsessed, so love and relationships play second fiddle. They are open to finding the right partner if they feel they have all their professional ducks in a row. And when they’re in love, you’ll know. They will surprise you with their ability to be deeply romantic with their words and may even prioritize you over their careers (at times). Capricorns are meticulous planners, so if they’ve been discussing their future with you, they see you as a long-term partner and have probably already secured the mortgage and opened a joint savings account.

11. Aquarius

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Aquarius spend more time in their heads than out on the dating scene. They also take an unconventional approach to life and love. If you stimulate them intellectually and get off on their big ideas for the future, they will likely fall in love. When that happens, they will fascinate and entertain you with their fun-loving nature and natural curiosity for knowing everything there is to know. You might also wake up with breakfast in bed or find they’ve booked tickets to a TED talk with some innovative genius so you can both expand your mind and consciousness. They can appear aloof sometimes, but they have one foot in the present and one in the future.

12. Pisces

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Have you ever heard of the love language? The way people express love through their actions and acts of service. This is how your romantic, compassionate, selfless Pisces roles. When a Pisces is in love, they will go to the ends of the earth to make your life easier for you emotionally and practically. Pisces loves giving advice and being a shoulder to cry on. Just ensure you’re giving them the same amount of care; Pisces are often guilty of pouring too much from their cup, so return the favor. And this is a sign that needs a lot of love and reassurance.