Know This About Every Star Sign Before Taking a Vacation with Them

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If you’re planning on traveling with your partner, friend, or group it’s worth knowing everything you can about their vacation style. We all have different ideas of the perfect destination and the type of trip we want. To help you be more informed, we’ve consulted astrology to discover the travel habits of each star sign.  Read on as it could just save you from a travel nightmare.

1. Aries: The Thrill Chaser

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Traveling with an Aries will be a wild ride. You’ll need lots of energy as they will want to pack every day with thrilling adrenaline-pumping activities. It doesn’t matter what they are as long as they give them a rush. Just be prepared for their impatience as they won’t tolerate lounging around and as they are impulsive don’t expect them to stick to a plan or your itinerary. Speaking of planning, they are more spontaneous than structured so you might have to do the leg work there. They’ll pay you back with plenty of adventure, excitement, and fun which is their middle name. And be warned, they are feisty so if things go wrong they could lose their temper and will have no trouble putting you or anyone else in their place.

2. Taurus: The Lover of Luxury

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Taurus might be an earth sign but don’t expect them to do rustic vacations. They love the finer things in life so they’ll want to stay at a luxury hotel, dine at the best most expensive restaurants, and have plenty of relaxation and pampering time. Don’t rush them either; they move at their own pace so you’ll need to pack plenty of patience. They can also be very stubborn and inflexible so could melt down if you switch up the plans. Choose destinations with great culinary scenes, plenty of high-end shopping, all the comforts of home and prepared to splash plenty of cash.

3. Gemini: The Social Butterfly

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For curious Geminis variety is the spice of life and on vacation they will want to see and sample everything in sight. Prepare to have to explore as many places as possible and engage in lively conversations with locals. These social butterflies love to chat and get off on meeting new people and experiencing new perspectives. This won’t be a relaxing break, you’ll need to plan a diverse itinerary packed with activities and have to put up with them assembling a tribe of new people. Gemini’s temperament is also unpredictable, these twins have two faces so you never know which one you will get.

4. Cancer: The Homebody Traveler

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If you can actually get Cancer to leave home to go on vacation well done. You’ll have to play the destination pretty safe as these homebodies will only come if they can be guaranteed a home away from home environment. They prefer cozy, intimate settings where they will feel secure, and as they can be moody and low-key antisocial expect them to be a co-dependent clingy traveler.Choose a retreat style vibe where they don’t really have to leave the digs so they can spend their time cooking, reading, and indulging in self-care. Be prepared for them to pine for their own home and overpack as they will want all of their sentimental belongings on hand.

5. Leo: The Hip Traveller

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Leos always want to be the center of attention so if you don’t enjoy being overshadowed don’t book a holiday with a lion. If you can match their energy, it promises to be a fun trip that centers around luxurious, glamorous vacations. They’ll want to visit trendy hotspots and Instagram-worthy locations so they can snap and post selfies of themselves living their best life.  Destinations that have hip nightlife, awesome fashion stores and cool restaurants are their vibe. You may need to take a back seat however and bite your tongue as Leos are bossy, will dominate the conversation and make the trip all about them.

6. Virgo: The Overplanner

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Virgos are meticulous and detail-oriented so they’ll plan the itinerary with military precision and leave no room for chaos. Or spontaneity which can be a drag. While you might appreciate them taking the reigns on the logistics, if you are more of a go-with-the-flow type, they may get under your skin. As perfectionists, they will want to stay in a clean, organized environment and indulge in more meaningful experiences. While they won’t forget their passport they may be so focused on the details they forget to have fun. And god help them (and you) should anything go wrong as when they don’t feel in control they can be critical, judgy, and a little cold.

7. Libra: The Culture Buff

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Libras love beauty and luxury, and on vacation, they want plenty of intellectual stimulation and culturally rich experiences. Known for their diplomacy and charm they make for a handy travel companion but don’t expect them to handle the booking part as they are so indecisive you may not end up going anywhere. Choose aesthetically pleasing locations, beautiful scenery, and luxurious five-star hotels. As they crave peace, harmony, and balance they will make it their business to ensure you are having a good time. Just don’t give them too many choices on activities it will do their heads in.

8. Scorpio: The Intense Explorer

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Scorpios love mystery and depth and can bring their signature intensity to a vacation which can be a buzzkill. They may also become obsessed with doing certain things and completely ignore what you want to do. Expect to have to explore off-the-beaten-path locations, delve into history, discover hidden secret gems, and journey to anywhere with a spiritual or mystical undertone. They aren’t “relax around the pool” people. Cut them loose and encourage them to embark on solo explorations. And if you’re brave enough, ask them nicely to chill and go with the flow a bit. Hopefully, they won’t get offended because if they do they will never let it go.

9. Sagittarius: The Wanderer

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Sagittarians were born to travel. These global adventurers are in their happy place exploring the world and indulging their sharp minds in rich new experiences. Count of them wanting to explore far and wide but don’t count on them doing any of the planning. Flexibility and freedom are their M.O. You’ll need to give them a long leash as Sagittarians tend to wander off leaving you or the group behind. To avoid any misunderstandings or drama set clear meeting points and times. Oh and watch their sharp tongue, the archers are blunt AF.

10. Capricorn: The Practical Traveler

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Capricorns are organized, responsible, and disciplined so they will execute a well-planned trip like nobody’s business. If you’re happy for them to take the lead on the itinerary it will save you a lot of time and stress. Caps value efficiency over extravagance so may prefer more practical, earthy locations. That said any destination will need to have good wifi as these ambitious success-crazed goats have a hard time switching off from work, even on vacation. Politely encourage them to stop and enjoy the view, which, translated means stop checking emails, turn your phone off, and learn to relax already.

11. Aquarius: The Eccentric Wanderer

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Aquarians are unconventional unicorns so they get off on unique, out-of-the-ordinary travel experiences. They’ll want to explore undiscovered places, engage in intellectually stimulating activities, and love destinations and experiences with a humanitarian element. Never take them to the latest hotspot, overly packed tourist traps, or anything that seems basic and cliche. They also won’t do group activities as they are socially awkward and given there is always so much going on in their mind, they can appear indifferent and uninterested, when really they are just busy processing.

12. Pisces: The Dreamy Escapist

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Pisceans are dreamy and imaginative so their “dream” locations are anywhere they can escape from reality. They seek peaceful, scenic destinations and experiences that feed their creative soul.  Expect them to drag you to art exhibitions, underground music spots, and rare bookstores. The fish are also in their watery element by the sea. On the upside, Pisces can be people pleasers who never want to upset their friends or travel companions, on the downside, they may overpack as they are so sentimental. Speaking of, they are also prone to emotional breakdowns not because anything has happened, they are just super emotional like that.

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