15 Ways This Month’s Mercury Retrograde Will Mess Things Up

Mercury is in the microwave again. This August, Mercury, the planet that rules communication, quick thinking, and technology will retrograde, appearing to move backward in its orbit. So expect drama, delays, miscommunication, and things moving at a snail’s pace. Mercury will be retrograding from 5-28 August so things could go awry in your life, relationships,…

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The Best Zodiac Love Matches For Stubborn Taureans

Taurus is logical, practical, grounded, and stubborn to a fault. They live for structure and stability and can be inflexible.  You don’t want to lock horns with this bull. Naturally, some zodiac signs are more compatible with Taurus than others—they won’t do well with wild cards or commitment phobes. Harnessing the power of astrology, we…

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