Star Signs Who Think They’re the Smartest on the Planet, Ranked

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Have you ever met someone who seems convinced they have all the answers to life’s big questions? Maybe they’re always quick to share their latest theories or argue passionately about their ideas. How smart someone is, or rather how smart they think they are, can be gauged by someone’s star sign. We turned to astrology to rank the self-confessed geniuses in order.

1. Leo

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If there’s one sign that honestly thinks the world revolves around them, it’s Leo. With their flair for drama and natural charisma, Leos have convinced themselves they’re the brightest star in the room. Their confidence is not just in their presence but in their intellect; they thrive on attention and telling everyone about their genius ideas. They don’t just believe they’re smart—they think the whole world should acknowledge it.

2. Aries/h3>
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Aries are known for their boldness and unshakeable self-confidence, which extends to thinking they’re the smartest and know everything. This fiery sign is always ready to jump into the fray, confident that their ideas and opinions are top-notch. Aries have a way of making their intellectual arguments sound like undeniable truths, even when, half the time, they don’t know what they are talking about. They’re fiercely competitive and honestly believe their way is the only way.

3. Gemini

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Gemini’s quick wit and insatiable curiosity make them natural contenders for the title of intellectual know-it-all. With their dual nature, they can switch from being the life of the party to the academic guru in the blink of an eye. Geminis love to showcase their broad range of knowledge and can be pretty convincing in debates. They thrive on engaging with others and proving their mental agility, sometimes to the point of overconfidence.

4. Scorpio

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Scorpio’s intense and probing nature often leads them to believe they deeply understand things that others might miss. They are perceptive and have a knack for digging into the heart of matters, which can sometimes translate into believing their insights are unmatched. While their confidence in their intellectual capabilities is generally well-founded, it can sometimes come off as a bit smug or self-assured.

5. Aquarius

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Aquarius is the sign of innovation and unique perspectives, and they take great pride in their intellectual originality. They see themselves ahead of their time and are not shy about sharing unconventional ideas. Aquarius’s self-confidence in their intellectual prowess isn’t always evident but they tend to feel they’re on a higher plane of understanding than the rest of us.

6. Sagittarius


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Sagittarius is obsessed with knowledge and exploration. They constantly seek new experiences and learning opportunities, sometimes leading them to believe they have a superior grasp on things. Their enthusiasm for sharing their insights can come off as overbearing, as they’re always eager to prove their intellect and experiences are next level.

7. Capricorn

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Capricorn’s ambition and strategic mindset translate into an unwavering belief in their intellectual capabilities, which are destined for success. They are disciplined, confident, and ruthless in their pursuits and have quiet confidence. They prefer to let their results speak for themselves rather than shouting their genius from the rooftops.

8. Libra

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Libra have razor-sharp intellect, and their commitment to balance and fairness means they’re usually more interested in understanding all sides of an argument than claiming they have all the answers. They are not likely to proclaim themselves as the smartest, but they may think it and will go quietly about proving it.

9. Virgo

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Virgo’s analytical mind and attention to detail are their greatest assets, but they’re typically more focused on perfecting their standards rather than boasting about their intellect. They might think they’re right, but they’re usually too absorbed in their meticulous work to make a big deal of their intelligence. Their confidence is often more subdued and internal, though they can be judgy.

10. Taurus

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Taurus is known for its practical life approach and solid common sense. They’re dependable and grounded but don’t usually feel the need to assert their intellectual superiority. They focus more on enjoying life’s comforts and dealing with practical matters rather than showing off their smarts.

11. Pisces

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Pisces is seen as the most dreamy and intuitive of the zodiac signs, and this can make them appear wishy-washy. They tend to focus on emotional depth and creativity rather than intellectual prowess. While they have a unique way of understanding the world, they’re not typically concerned with proving their intelligence. Their strengths lie more in empathy and imagination than in declaring themselves the smartest. This is ironic as they are last in the zodiac, so they have lived many lifetimes and are wise old souls.

12. Cancer

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While Cancer is deeply intuitive and emotionally intelligent, they are generally not the type to assert their intellectual dominance. They focus more on nurturing emotional connections than engaging in intellectual debates. This sign is quietly smart, but they don’t need to prove it; they need you to love and accept them.

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