The Best Mercury Retrograde News for Each Star Sign

Mercury retrograde usually gets a bad rap, with people blaming it for everything from missed texts to travel delays. Though it does cause a lot of strife, it’s not all doom and gloom. This astrological event can bring about many good changes depending on your star sign. So, instead of dreading Mercury retrograde, let’s flip…

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How Mercury Retrograde Will Affect Every Star Sign’s Career and Money

Mercury retrograde is the astrological event that has the power to turn your life upside down. We know that communication, technology, and even love can go awry, but what about your career and money? Let’s dive into how Mercury retrograde is going to shake things up professionally for each star sign. 1. Aries Aries, you’re…

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15 Ways This Month’s Mercury Retrograde Will Mess Things Up

Mercury is in the microwave again. This August, Mercury, the planet that rules communication, quick thinking, and technology will retrograde, appearing to move backward in its orbit. So expect drama, delays, miscommunication, and things moving at a snail’s pace. Mercury will be retrograding from 5-28 August so things could go awry in your life, relationships,…

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